I spent the day with Jane, her sweet DH, and her daughter and friend. It was a fabulous day! Christmas morning is always a tad bit lonely here by myself. I guess it's the kid in me, but I miss the activity of opening presents and being around people that you love on Christmas morning. I was thinking about Christmases past, and then I realized that I'd rather be alone on this one morning than put up with what's-his-name for the other 364 days! It's the price I paid for happiness!!! LOL.
Anyway, I called my two nieces. It was good to chat with them for a bit. Then I called Don and Gail. They are at my nephew's house, and with the little kids there I'm sure they had a ball! Don and I chatted for a rather long time, even for us! We got to talking about some of Mom recipes - jambalaya, oyster dressing, eggplant casserole, homemade macaroni & cheese.... We decided that when I visit in the fall of 2009, we're going to get in the kitchen and try to replicate all of the fabulous dishes from growing up. Don says he has the jambalaya down almost perfect, and I can ace her cornbread dressing. The whole conversation came up when I said I was taking Mom's smothered baby yellow squash over to Jane's. It doesn't take much to get the two of us strolling down memory lane! I love him so much and we have the best time together. Don, if you're reading this, I miss you!!
Jane's DH cooks the BEST turkey! I've tried to cook turkeys all my life, but hardly ate any because they always tasted dry to me. Well, his is so moist and tender. I had to admit it, but I started out with a helping for three! LOL. Green beans and gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy, cornbread dressing and gravy ... oh, wait, that's too much gravy! Boy, was it good! Jane also made a recipe of
Judy's, and I can't find it on her site. It was a gelled salad with cranberries, cherries, pineapple, nuts. I thought it was awesome! Maybe Judy will point it out to us or post it again. It's definitely one I'd like to have again.
Santa left my presents over at their house! Silly boy! :) Lots of goodies, DVDs ... they were way too generous. I've always said Jane can find the best notions, and she proved me right this year. Here are a couple.
This is the new Gingher designer rotary cutter. This thing is awesome! I know we all have a lot of cutters, but this one is a must-have! The handle is weighted, and I love the ergonomic design of it. It feels like it's part of my hand. I'm going to give it a work-out tomorrow! I love that it has its own tin. This one won't get buried in my sewing room! Oh, and the best part - a leftie can use it, too, without changing the blade around. I learned to cut with either hand as I started quilting right after I shattered my shoulder. So this is perfect for me!

Another thing that I'm just gah-gah over is the thread caddy! It holds 126 spools of my Guterrman applique thread! It's on a lazy susan base. I can't remember the name of the company that sells them as I left the box at Jane's house, but it was advertised in that Mark Lupinski magazine and maybe others. Jane knew I was never happy with my thread storage system, always searching for colors I needed. Wow, this thing is awesome! I came right home and had the most fun playing with it and getting it loaded. There is "some assembly required" - her sweet DH sat there for the longest time getting all the pegs in it. I think it made his Christmas day because he's the "some assembly required" guy! He was missing that now that his daughter is all grown up! LOL. Thank you both so much! As they day down South, I'm happy as a pig in mud now!!!!! I'll post the name of the company when I find it. They also sell another model that holds bigger spools and cones.

Oh, I did it again. This post is so long! When I got home last night from Jane's my internet was out due to all the rain. So I had a long night to think about the wonderful day!
If any Simply Sophisticate BOM makers are still reading way down here at the bottom of this post, I'll make a new post in three hours or so to announce the December drawing winner of a $25 gift certificate from
The Fat Quarter Shop. There's still a little time if you're still sewing and trying to get your blocks finished up!! Post your finishes
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and I hope a lot of you are off today like I am!