Jane and I took off yesterday to see if we could get into any trouble ... an adventure! We had a lot of fun despite the fact that we didn't get lost even once! (Boy, have we got stories about getting lost!)
Three quilt shops in six hours. I think we both touched everything in those stores at least once. Some things we touched twice. But applying the three-touch rule, we ended up with a few things and walked away from others. I could have gone absolutely nuts, though, because one store had Prairie Paisley by Minick & Simpson in the 40% off area. Wanted it all, but then cooler heads prevailed. I have oodles of it already. And there was the most gorgeous broken dishes quilt kit, but passed on that, too. It was so hard not to pick it up the third time! Sigh.
So this is what followed me home:

Whimsey by Fig Tree, 12 yards. I'm all inspired by the
Schnibbles Times Two book, and I have enough, with the charm packs and layer cakes I already have, to make a couple of those quilts. Check! Okay, no more Fig Tree. I have enough to cover the world in quilts, but it's irresistible when I touch it. I didn't put my hands in my pocket after the second touch!! I never learn!
I've been looking at toweling online, but I wanted to see it in person before committing. Well, one store had some and some cute towels on display with needleturn applique. I was a goner. I picked up three yards, enough to make four towels. Have I ever mentioned I love kitchen towels? I do. I inherited that gene from my mom. I can't wait to do something with these. Now I know what to get while browsing online. There was also this neat flag fabric, 20" wide and hemmed on both sides. I just picked up a tiny piece of that which I'm not even going to count. Just wanted to see if I could figure out something to do with it.

It's a good thing we're not stash-counting books and patterns, though. I picked up two books,
"Layer Cake, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts" by Pam and Nicky Lintott, and
"A Bird in Hand" by Renee Plains. An absolutely wonderful pattern called "Gathering Baskets," Primitive Pieces by Linda; two patterns by Clothesline Quilts called "Gettysburg" and "Fredericksburg"; and two small quilt patterns, "Tumbleweed" by Renee Plains and "Grandma's Attic" by Heartspun Charms. My camera batteries just died, so I'll have to post a picture later of those.
The day was wonderful, and we capped it off by snagging Jane's sweet DH to take us to dinner. I don't think I've been anywhere since the quilt show in January. It felt good to get out and enjoy myself without worrying about financial statements and taxes!
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 104.125 yards
Purchased: 150.625 yards
Net YTD: (46.50) yards busted :(