Yesterday I ordered the Horn cutting table. The movers took apart the wire rack cabinets/shelves which I used to cut on. They are in a million pieces. I don't know what possessed them to do that. I bought them in one piece, and they could have easily loaded them without disassembling. So I have been struggling on the cutting. It will take a few weeks to arrive, so I'm motivated to get the Cottage cleared out of boxes, at least the downstairs for now.
I actually added four or five more empty boxes to this pile after I took the picture. My goal was five. I think I surpassed that nicely. There are boxes in boxes here, so while I didn't count the empties, there were a lot!
Everything in this picture is emptied save for one box of Pandolph fabric that must be tubbed and put upstairs.
I even found the box that had Penny's toys in it. She was one happy camper when I tossed the little green weenie dog on the floor!
It's shaping up downstairs. I said I wasn't going to do this, but to keep it real, this is the upstairs. A lot of work needs to happen here, but my goal is to get the downstairs unpacked and organized so I can sew. And cut on my new cutting table. And enjoy my retirement. I'll work on the upstairs between other projects going on around here.
The great news is that I found the totes that had the projects I had put aside to work on here. They are: Moda Building Blocks, the It's Sew Wonderful curved blocks, James River Blues blocks, and a kit that Mary Ann and I talked about just last night. I also found a Bunny Hill embroidery project that I searched for a month or so ago. It just needs the scalloped border that I've been procrastinating on for over three years. How they packed things make absolutely no sense to me. There were boxes of totes, family picture albums, dog toys, magazines, etc., all mixed together. That's why it's been so hard to find things.
Slow healing -- I had an MRI a week or so ago, and found out this week that I have two fractured bones in my knee and a complete tear of the ACL ligament . That explains the swelling and instability of my knee. It really doesn't hurt very much except when I step wrong and twist it. I'm negotiating stairs just fine albeit a bit slowly. So I start rigorous PT next week and will be fitted for a special brace that I'll be wearing for quite a while. I wondered aloud to the doctor why the fractures had been missed on two sets of x-rays. It's because they are non-displaced. Whatever. I just want to get well now. Patience is not a virtue I possess.
Three hours out in the Cottage and I'm so tired. Need to get ice on my knee and take it easy for the rest of the day. Yeah, I can do that!!