I came downstairs about 11:30 last night because Penny was agitated and wouldn't settle down for the night. When I walked through the foyer, I heard a kitten crying outside on the front porch. I opened the door and there was the cutest little black and white kitty just crying his heart out. I reached down for it, and he jumped/fell off the porch on the side under some big azalea bushes. I tried to coax him out. He was under the bushes crying so loudly. He just wouldn't come to me but kept peeking his head out and looking at me. So I sat on the front porch until after midnight and finally he got close enough that I could grab him. I just couldn't go back to bed with him out there, especially under those bushes. I was so scared that a snake or something would get him.
He was so very tiny. His little ribs were poking out under the fluffy fur. He wouldn't drink anything and I didn't have anything to feed him. Nourishment would have to wait until the morning, but at least he was safe. At this point Penny had not seen the kitten. He spent the night on top of the kitchen counter in the little kennel. I scrubbed down and took antihistamines because I'm so allergic to cats., and went to bed.
This morning I called the local vet who advised me to call the pound. I hated to do that but between my allergies and the surgery in a week, he couldn't stay here. I did introduce Penny to the little fluff ball, and there were no issues with them. (sigh) No, Penny, we can't keep the kitten.
The St. Mary Parish truck came right away to get him. Apparently they are just three minutes away. The lady on the phone was so nice, and the young man who came to the house was just delightful. He assured me that this kitten would be adopted in very short order. I sent the little kitty away in a heavy duty cardboard moving box with an oversized bath towel for his comfort.
He asked me whether it was a girl or a boy. I gave the stupidest answer which evoked the silliest grin on this young man's face. I said, "I don't know. How would we find that out?"
I can hear you!
That kitten is adorable, I doubt it will have any trouble getting adopted! Last year just as we were in the process of moving from town to an acreage a starving little cat showed up on our doorstep, in spite of my husbands allergies and our three dogs we brought her with us. We fixed up a home complete with kitty door and window shelf in our shed and figured she could help keep the mice away, turns out she isn't outdoorsy - now resides in our attached garage and the two 14yr old dachshundx dogs just want to grab her and shake. It's amazing how energetic two old dogs can be lol, I have a constant battle to keep everyone apart and alive! Good luck with your surgery, hope your recovery is smooth and easy and you're back in the quilting cottage in no time.
"It" is adorable. It looks just like Susan Branch's cat.
You did good by the little kitty! I am sure it will get adopted quickly, it's a really cute one. The heavens are smiling on you for your compassion!
Aww, poor baby kitty!! He woulda been a really lucky kitty if you weren't allergic. Your fur babies are spoiled! But he knew the right house to meow at! Hopefully they'll fatten him up and he'll go to a wonderful home.
I would have taken this cutie in a heartbeat!!!!! No worries on having this one adopted out. Good for you on the rescue part of this kitty's journey
He looks so sweet, so sorry you don;t live a bit east as I would have taken him off your hands. Hopefully he will find a good furever home.
Good luck with your surgery.
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