No, I'm happy. Really! I'm just thinking blue! Whew, didn't want to worry anyone! :)
Back a couple of months ago when I did the Around the Block quilt, I pulled out hundreds of FQs to make the buildings. Well, most of those remained on the staircase, hopeful that they'd be reunited with their friends in the stash room. Sorry, Charlie! There was a method to my madness! I've been going through those stacks and separating them into color groups. This picture represents about 50 of the blue FQs. It's time to do something with them!
I found a pattern in my stash, and I'm sure you'd recognize it - but now I can't find it! Santa, please can you leave me some organizational skills, or at least a little memory this year? That pattern has been sitting on my sewing table for two months and now it has vanished. I promise I do have a plan! Just gonna have to trust me on that one!
These are going to be cut up this weekend (assuming I find that pattern) and I'm going to start piecing them with tans for a blue/tan quilt. The beauty of these FQs - they are already washed. I had to wash all my fabric after the fires near our house a couple of years ago. I just had a thought -- uh oh, not again! I bought a lot of yardage as background for a someday blue quilt. Hmmm... okay, plans may have changed a bit, but I'm still thinking blue here!
I had so much fun making the red and white blocks, that now I'm wanting to use these up. Then I'll do the yellow/gold stack, and then the green stack. Whatever is left over after I finish this quilt will be cut into strips and blocks and go into the tubs for future stash quilts.
I don't buy FQs any more. I bought a lot of them when I first started quilting, but except for those eye-candy FQ towers, I've only bought maybe a dozen FQs in the last two years. I don't know why these FQs are bugging me so badly, but they are. And right now I'm rambling.
Why I'm fiddling with these now is that the TV is on and I really don't want to watch the Katrina stories today, the one-year anniversary of that horrible storm making landfall. I can't turn it off, and I'm hearing bits and pieces of it. My heart still hurts so badly over the devastation and loss of life last August that I can't make myself sit there and watch it. Then Rita was a few weeks later and struck the heart of the area where I grew up. As you could see from Judy's posted pictures when she went home on vacation, it's still not back to normal and may never be. My friend, Jolene, just told me that blue tarp is still the prevailing roof color in Sulphur. Such sadness.
Back to the blues -- I'm going to have fun with these. Blue is hands-down my favorite color, and I've got stacks of all shades of it. Probably enough for several quilts. One at a time, Vicky. That's how you got into this mess of untold numbers of UFOs!
I'm so looking forward to this weekend. I had a blast with Jane last Saturday at our cutting party. Sunday morning I got up all revved and motivated to do some things I've been putting off doing around the house. First order of business, hang the sheers in the bedroom. I got my rods up and started unpackaging the sheers, only to find that two of them were not a match with the others, even though the SIC code and picture on the package said they were. So the ladder is still in my bedroom until I can get back to Linen & Things to pick up more sheers. But it was so cool and inviting in my bedroom that I decided to take a short nap. I woke up 30 minutes later to the sound of water running. Yep, the master bathroom toilet was overflowing. I threw every towel I had down on the floor, and finally thought to turn the water off at the wall. What a mess! So much for my day of doing fun things around the house. But I'm going to get back to that project and a couple of others over the long weekend. That is, after Jane and I do a little shop hop to a couple of quilt shops neither of us have been to. I don't need any fabric for sure!! but I could use a good dose of inspiration! I can't wait! :)
P.S. Found the pattern! It's "Country Girl" by Miss Rosie's Quilt Co.