Saturday, September 12, 2009

One Week in September

There once was a girl who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good, she was very, very good .....

Well, you know the rest.

Just for you Judy! Just so you'll feel better about your purchases this week! That's what friends are for, after all!


Four O'Clock Quilt Company said...

OMG, so so jealous! Unbelievable! Love it love it. I'm going shopping today!

Cathy said...

As my daughter would say, OMG! You are going to have to get to work.

Miss Jean said...

I have curls all over my head!!!! LOL!!!

Vicki W said...

My Dad used to recite that poem a lot. I don't know why.

You are a true, true friend to Judy!

Anonymous said...

yes, i know what you mean. i kind of splurged this week too, but not nearly as bad as i could have done.
fortunately i can use everything i got. But don't worry, my downfall will come next February.

Minick and Simpson said...

And I thought I gave the UPS guy a workout this week. Thanks for keeping the economy going.


QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Oh, so many pretty fabrics...don't you just want to drop everything and CREATE?? I haven't bought any fabric for quite a while and this picture sure puts me in the mood. Shame on you!! LOL LOL

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

YUMMY!!! You have some serious sewing ahead of you!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

oh dear lord! is that 3 FQ bundles of french general i see? you better start sewing.. or i'm coming over and taking all your goodies!!

Gretchen said...

All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

What a good friend you are! LOL

Are you just hugging that fabric?

animal lover, quilt lover said...

hi Vick,
You have a lot of new fabric!!!!!
Thank-you for keeping the economy healthy!!! Doing your part, good girl!
Come over some time, Fern

Brenda said...

Love it!

Carol said...

Oh boy, you had sooooo much fun!

Judy Laquidara said...

What are friends for? Thanks! You've definitely made me less apprehensive about my stash report tomorrow. You must've had too much fun this week opening all those boxes.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow that's a nice pile of goodies!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

We bow before you and say We Are Not Worthy Oh Great Shopping One!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

OMG!!! That is a lot of fabric!! What all did you get? Will you share? ;)

Lori in South Dakota said...

I am rubbing the screen on my computer--that's as close as I can get to fondling it all!! They're beautiful!

Judith said...

Wow you went really overboard LOL. Fabric will also be landing here tomorrow, but not that much comparted to you.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

You have great taste! Can't wait to see what you make with these beautiful fabrics. Or are you like me and just like to look at them for a Really Long time LOL


Sherry said...

I have that curl!! Yup, I'm a curly hair girl. LOL

I love your stash enhancement picture. . . .it's fun to play with new fabric.


julieQ said...

Wow, what fun is that!! Yum, yum!