Friday, September 04, 2009

Whatta Week!

I am SO glad it's over!

This weekend is going to be spent playing with Penny, sewing, dusting, laundry - and a visit with Jane tomorrow. Mostly, I want to sleep as late as I can each day, which probably means 6:00 a.m. That's okay. At least I won't hear the alarm clock until Tuesday morning.

Vacation is in two more weeks. I'm so excited that I can hardly stand it. Just need a good fix of family. That'll probably cure all of my ails.

This week I poked buttons. I was hoping to have received a couple of things, but I guess it'll be next week now. But I have ordered Aster Manor, Wiscasset, Rouenneries, and something else but I can't remember what right now. I knew September and October would be brutal.

I tried to grab a picture of Penny tonight, but she's busy running her 100 yard dashes through the condo. Round and around and around she goes .....


Vicki W said...

But will you make it through the weekend without poking more buttons??????

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

stay busy sewing all weekend!! that is my plan... and i heart astor manor & rouenneries too ;-)

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

If ya HAD to poke buttons, you made some great choices. I can't wait to for Aster Manor to come out. I joined the Cobblestone Lane BOM. Wiscasset is tempting me too. I agree Sept will be brutal....I am going to a big quilt show and a shop hop this month. Yikes!

Have a great weekend! HUGS!

Di said...

OK.. where did you order from? I want some of those, too, and would love to buy from the same place, if the price is right.

You want company, don't you? LOL

Vicky said...

I order just about exclusively from They're the absolute best on packaging, shipping, and they're just plain good folks!

Judy Laquidara said...

Two weeks. You can make it! You so deserve a fantastic vacation and I know that's what you're going to have. I'd worry about you if you went a week without poking buttons! :)