Whew, it's a good thing no one guessed what's in the box because I didn't think it through very thoroughly! I would have had to hand out a LOT of $100 gift certificates if it had been a bolt of aged muslin or Rouenneries!
What was in the box ....... a bolt of Moda Solids Cheddar! This is the
perfect cheddar, and I've been looking around for it for a very long time! Last week I emailed Kimberly at The Fat Quarter Shop because it wasn't on her site any more. Kimberly said that everyone loved it so much that Moda plumb ran out, but Moda said more has been ordered and should be in in January. So if you're in the market for the perfect cheddar, please check back with The Fat Quarter Shop in January or email them that you're interested.

All the names were written on pieces of paper and put in a bag and shaken-not-stirred. The winner of the bundle of P&B Morning Garden fabrics is
BEVERLY! Beverly doesn't have a blog, but she promised that she would check back in to see if she won!
Two people mentioned cheddar, and lots of you said bolts. But there were no exact guesses! Penny and I had a little chat about this - since, after all, it's her allowance on the line here!
Anyway, here's what Penny and I came up with. In the spirit of Christmas, we're going to split up that $100 that nobody won, and we're going to have four more drawings for
FOUR $25 GIFT CERTIFICATES from us for the winners to spend at
The Fat Quarter Shop!
The winners of the four $25 gift certificates are:
Carol at
Brown QuiltsMiss Jean at
In the Garden with Miss JeanJulia at
Scrap Happy Quilterand
Quilterbee - who doesn't have a blog but I know how to get in touch with her.
To the gift certificate winners, you'll be getting your gift certificate by email in a day or two. Beverly, please email me your snail mail address!
Congratulations, and thanks to everyone for taking a guess!