Monday, August 29, 2011

Computer Woes

Last week was supposed to be a good one for me. I mean, it's not every week a gal turns 6-0. But very quickly the week went "south" in the proverbial hand basket.

And to top it all off, my internet connection is broken. Badly broken. So they're coming out this Saturday to see if they can't work through what the problem is that keeps happening.

So I'll be back this weekend with updates on the saga of life in my little world!

I tell you, there's never a dull moment!


Kathryn said...

Ah, I turned 60 last month, so I know how you feel. I'm good as long as I don't have to say my age!! Kathie L in Allentown

Cathy said...

Happy birthday! I hope the week gets better for you. We are so dependent on our internet connections now and it so frustrating when it doesn't work right.

Carol said...

Happy Birthday! So tell me, does 60 feel any different from 59? I turn 60 in November...that used to sound so old...not so bad now...LOL!

Stitched With Prayer said...

Well, I think we should all become members of the Red Hat know, from "When I grow old I shall wear purple". I'm 61 and very excited because next April, I start drawing a monthly retirement check. It won't be much, but hey...every little bit helps! There are 'perks' to growing older. One of them, is being able to where purple...or red, or what ever we want, it doesn't even have to match, just read the poem. LOL. So let's all wear red hats to celebrate that we have earned the right to wear them and to celebrate the wisdom that comes with the age...sometimes, when I can remember how old I am and where I parked the @#&% car. *wink* AND, a belated Happy Birthday! Hugs...

Dianah said...

Happy Birthday! Mine was last week too. I have issues turning 37. LOL!

I am just catching up on your blog since I haven't had my computer for awhile. I am sorry to read you had some nasty comments. I think they are just jealous of all you have acheived. I have enjoyed your shopping, stash reports and general sharring. I know I can read your blog and always smile.

Good luck with whatever you have coming up in the next few months!

Yvette said...

Happy Birthday!!

I wish you many, many more.

scottylover said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope you did something fun, even with the internet issues!

Sandy A

merrily row said...

Well, as one who turned the big six OH, the week before you, Happy Birthday and it is not so bad.

I spent mine in Bodega Bay for a week escaping the heat with my family. Hope yours was fabulous and good luck with computer.

Cathy said...

Happy birthday!!!

D said...

Happy Birthday, lady. I hope life gives you what you want and pray life gives you want you need. Best wishes!

mascanlon said...

Happy Birthday! I am 62 next week! we really should do lunch and shop hop a bit. Sorry you're having computer woes, even 10 years ago who would have thunk how much we'd rely on them for our dose of friends and fabric.

Vivian said...

A very happy Birthday to you on this milestone age! The great thing is you know the best way to handle all this is just to take it in stride. That's the glory of the wisdom of age, there's nothing you haven't dealt with before.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Jennifer Thomas said...

Capital! Keep looking up and Happy Birthday, anyway. Computers are so frustrating, but you did manage to put up a post somehow, somewhere, someway, anyway! Sounds like you may have some extra time to quilt and bust that stash!

Have a super day!

Jennifer Schifano Eutsler

Sherry said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Hope your computer issues are quickly resolved.

I only have access at work since Hurricane Irene has been blamed for our loss of electricity for the past 3 days.

Looking forward to hearing what you have been up to.

Betsy Mortinsen said...

Bummer, Vicky. Sending you some chocolate and coffee for a belated Happy Birthday.

Laura said...

Best of luck with the Internet connection, and happy (belated) birthday!

Ann-Mari said...

Oh, sweet girl. Happy birthday to you. Could you please send me your adress on e-mail. ( you have mine from the gift-sertificate to FQS) and I`ll send you a surprice:-)

quiltzyx said...

Happy Birthday!

I hate it when the Interwebs get messed up. Grrrrr... last time the guy on the phone said it MUST be a problem with my inside wiring. After waiting over a week, when the (very NICE) repair guy came, he discovered it was THEIR problem & fixed in a jiffy! When I called to get my account credited for the time it was down, I let them know about the hassle & was given a discounted rate for the next year.
Be sure to at least call & ask for a credit! Good luck!

Shelina said...

Happy birthday! Hope your computer woes are fixed quickly.

Katie Z. said...

Well, phooey on the internet. Happy birthday belatedly. Make it up to yourself, if you have a chance (maybe you should buy some fabric!).

dortha said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you get your computer fixed. Remember when we couldn't wait to age to get drivers license etc. Now we would just like to slow it down. Hope you have many more.

Perry said...

Belated Happy Birthday to you! I wondered if you were ok since you hadn't posted. Glad it was just the computer. Looking forward to hearing what you have been up to.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Happy Birthday! So sorry you are having computer woes. We were having cable woes, and with the lack of good TV I'm so glad it wasn't computer related! ;-) Have a good week!

Mimi said...

Well, what would life be without a few dull moments. Happy birthday. You and me are in the same boat this year.

Gwen said...

I hope they send the same guy that worked miracles last time. Even though it didn't last he seemed to do better than anyone else. This haa to be one of the most annoying things in life, cable/internet providers and their schedules! Hugs!

Cyn said...

Hi Vicky,

Happy Birthday!!!

To make you feel better, two weeks ago when we were on vacation we had a swamp fire about 30 miles away and one day the wind decided to shift. Yep, smoke through most of the day.

Then last week we had the east coast earthquake and Hurricane Irene this weekend.

We are all fine, but we are all ready for less excitement around here.

Yes, we are watching Hurricane Katia. Hopefully she will decide to stay out to sea!

Take care and I'm sure by now things are a lot better. It's not every week you turn 60!


Deb said...

Happy Late Birthday! I felt that way when I turned 50, didn't celebrate it, didn't want to talk about it...hope I don't feel that way when I get to 60 but I'm afraid that I might. Hope the week gets better for you!

Becky said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope your internet is "zinging" real soon!

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

That sucks, but it can only get better, right?!?! Happy belated Birthday! Hope you're up and running soon.