Geez, you can't take me anywhere! Several of you have emailed me to say that you're not able to post a comment on my last blog. You're right. It won't let me in either. Sorry about that. I really do appreciate the emails from you encouraging me on my Ponderings!
Vicky: I think Blogger is just being disagreeable.
Judy L.
Thanks for checking on it for me, Judy. I just wish I hadn't lost my Ponderings blog -- sheesh.....
good to see I can comment again. :-) I tried commenting on your Ponderings post and then on this one when it was first posted and got an error each time. At least we can talk to you again even if you did lose that lovely post. I was going to answer it here but my answer was getting really long and will become it's own blog entry. So you'll just have to pop over to my place to see what I have to say. :-) That is if you want to.kq
Oh, no you lost your Ponderings posting - dang it. I almost printed it so I could read it over and over. Well, poop!
I think we have all taken turns breaking Blogger, or maybe Blogger is taking turns breaking us!!
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