I didn't know what to work on today, so I pulled out the strip bins and decided to make some red-centered string blocks for Nancy. Well, the first one I made with a center strip that was too wide. Oops, should have gone back to her directions. Of course, I had already marked all the foundation pieces, so the next eight blocks were made with the red strip off center by 1/4". Second oops. Then I made a block with the center block upside down; didn't notice it until I was done. Third oops. Finally I got 12 blocks made with reasonably centered red strips. Oh, and one blue one I had already made. So those will be off to Nancy tomorrow. The eight off-centered blocks will go in the Oops Box. Maybe they'll get used someday; maybe not. Right now I just want to get them out of sight!
Daisy slept all day. She's just now rousing. This is the time when I would normally pull in from work. Now I know what she does while I'm gone! LOL
Great blocks Vicky. Isn't it amazing how dogs can sleep all day and then sleep all night also...What a life!
Love those string blocks! My favorite part about making them is not having to worry much about matching!!! And, wow, that applique quilt in your last post is FABULOUS!!! So sweet.
Do you happen to know a paul upland? when i was 18 yrs. i received a beautiful card from a Paul And Vicky Upland which I have never forgotten and have been wondering if Paul would have been my biological parent. I was given up for adoption in iowa in 1969. And i want to add your ouilting is so pretty i love to sew also. This is just a 1/1000000000. chance that you would be that Vicky but i had to try. e-mail is luvlilys@aol.com
OK, those blocks can go in a quilt for me! I don't see anything wrong with those blocks, Missy!
Nothing at all wrong with the Oops! blocks - they just don't fit that particular recipe. Make a bunch more and put them together into a top - they'll look great!
They might be oops now, but I bet they will make a great quilt anyway and no one will be the wiser - that is the beauty behind string quilts!
Good for you for finishing your Bundling top too - it looks good!
Hi Vicky, love the string blocks...they all look like winners to me..*VBS* Especially when you get them into a quilt top.
You gotta think about more regular eating girl, before you collaspe some day.Ebby pulls the sleeping in the day time thing also, especially in cold weather. Take care of you, hugs, Finn
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