Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sooner or Later...

Sooner or later I'll quit trying to snap pictures of that puppy that doesn't quit moving. Sooner or later ...

She chose this toy out of the toy basket all by herself. Then proceeded to chew on it for 55 minutes.

She makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

She is the most beautiful little puppy. I love see photo's and hearing about her. Thanks for sharing.


lesthook said...

She makes me smile too! I have a puppy too. Aren't they great?

Anonymous said...

SOoooo cute!!!

Anne said...

I'm so glad you're smiling. Your post last Saturday brought tears to my eyes so I knew how you were feeling! She's adorable!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Adorable!!! Keep the pictures coming!

Miss Jean said...

Oh, my goodness. Those eyes could melt your heart!

tami said...

Look at that little puppy face.

Marcia said...

I am so sorry about your loss and so pleased Daisy had a wonderful home with you. I know it must be just heart wrenching for you and there are no words to suspend the pain. Hugs to you. I'm happy to see there is now another sweet angel that will have a good home and know kindness. I wish all puppies could have such a kind and loving home.

Judith said...

She looks like a happy little puppy.

Anonymous said...

Penny is adoreable and very smart to entertain herself like that for so long! Looks like you've made a very good choice by picking her as your new companion.

Becky said...

Yea!!!!! Pictures of Penny. Love her coloring! Pink collar, how cute. Rusty (the older, masculine man) has a thick LSU collar. I actually paid full price for it :) Keep the pictures coming!

kittyscarlett said...

she's so cute, don't stop to send pictures of her!

Yvonne said...

Oh my....she is just too cute! I'm so glad she makes you smile....she does me too. :)

Carol said...

She couldn't be cuter...I'm so glad you're smiling again.

Karen said...

I'm glad that you have a new puppy. You can't just replace a very much loved pet but this one is going to steal your heart, too!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Penny is bringing you some smiles. She's making me smile too! She's adorable!

Anonymous said...

You did the right thing...Daisy wouldn't want you to be so heart broken. Its so painful to lose a loved pet....but so heart warming to have a new puppy to love. Penny is gorgeous! Congratulations!!

Lori in South Dakota said...

Are you wearing out the camera batteries? I would be! When you walk her to people "flock" to you? If you were a GUY she could be a "babe magnet"!

Gretchen said...

What a sweetie and so good playing for so long. Penny and you are very lucky to have found each other.

Anonymous said...

I'm so very happy for you and Penny!! Way to go. Hugs, Bobbie

MH said...

" see a penny pick it up and all day you'll have good luck " :)

I'm so happy you decided to get a new friend in your life , Daisy would want that for you !
Sorry to hear of Daisy's passing ,you know she will always have a place in my heart too .

Lindah said...

She is such a pretty little puppy! Her name suits her well.

Bon said...

I just read about Daisy and saw the pictures of Penny. I'm so sorry about Daisy and so happy you've found Penny. She's a really cutie.
Big Hugs

Laura said...

What a cutie pie!

Nicole said...

At least she is a good girl and chews on her toys! Better that than your shoes. She is so sweet.

Nan said...

Please don't quit taking pictures of Penny! She looks like my doxie girl I had when I was a kid.
It's good to read your happy post, Vicky. She makes me smile, too!

julieQ said...

What a cute baby! She would make anyone smile. :)

vickibellino said...

How darn cute she is!!! Where is her quilted puppy bed??? lol!

Vicki W said...

She's a total cutie!