I think I'm in love!! Yep, you heard it here first!! Don't start any rumors yet! I'm in love with an iron!
It's the Panasonic NI-W450TS. Quite an impressive name, and quite an impressive iron!

First, I really like the big sturdy dial for temperature settings. Not those slides and hope you've got it in the right place - a real dial.
I like the legs it sits on. No part of a hot iron touching the ironing board or touching the cord that I've been known to tangle (and burn) under the butt of the iron.
But the absolute best part .......

It has "a titanium-coated totally curved soleplate that allows for nonstick ironing in any direction for faster results." I copied that from the literature because I could never describe it that succinctly! It's pointed on both ends and the darn thing just glides over fabric. 360 degree ironing!
It has a nice "hand," not nearly as heavy as those big Rowentas, but heavy enough to do perfect pressing. It turns off when unattended but heats back up really fast when you pick it up. I used it all day Saturday and Sunday, and never once felt like I was waiting on the iron to heat up.
I'm not going to use the steam feature because I've been dry ironing for the past couple of years and like that much better. No distortion of my blocks. If I need to get some really stubborn wrinkles out, I use Mary Ellen Best Press, Downey Wrinkle Release, or just a spritz of water from a water bottle on my ironing board. The reason I don't use steam any more is because of a nasty leaking problem one day from my old iron and I had to remake a block because of it. No more for me!
Anyway, I hope everyone goes out and gets one of these. I give it my highest recommendation. I know Amazon has them, and I'm sure other places as well. Jane's DH actually found an article on this iron in one of his engineering magazines.
Thank you, Jane and your sweet DH, for a wonderful Christmas present! The best present a quilter could ever get!!!!! ILY!
Note: To answer the question, the soleplate is curved, but it's so slight that you can't see it or feel it. But it sure makes a difference when moving the iron from side to side.