Sunday, May 02, 2010

Stash Report 2010 - Week 18

I thought I was being so good this week, but I guess not ...

While I was being all smug about not poking any buttons, the Circle Around quilt kit arrived that I had forgotten about, with backing, and that was 11.625 yards. Then another box arrived with the backing for the Vintage Memories BOM, another 7.25 yards. Heck, I can't even be good while I'm trying.

Nothing busted, so what's new about that. I realized this week, though, that I'm tired of working on UFOs and need to move on to something new to keep my motivation up. The Rabbits Prefer Embroidery has been fun, and I'm ready to keep going on new things. So far this year I have gotten a bunch of quilts finished and have a stack more to go to the quilter, so massive progress was made on UFOs. It's just time to move on. They aren't going anywhere. I can do another tackle on them later in the year.

Also I'm trying to figure out the best way to sell a lot of yardage that I have tubbed up, kits, and other quilty things. I wish I lived in an area where yard sales were allowed. That would be fun. I'll figure something out. I just know I need to reduce the amount of bulk in the quilting condo.

Which reminds me -- the Fat Quarter Shop is having their 7th Anniversary Sale. I'm just saying.

Oh, oh, I keep forgetting things. Jere'e at Quilted Quickies is having a kit giveaway! She designs the most adorable quilts! Be sure to head over there and enter to win!

Head over to Judy's blog to see how "real quilters" are doing on this stash busting thing. :)

Year-to-Date Totals:

Busted: 104.125 yards
Purchased: 168.25 yards
Net YTD: (64.625) yards busted :(


Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

oh you are a real quilter!! have no fear! and i wont take the "forgotten about" personally ;-)

i'm working on my report now... i did get somethings done... but still more in than out!

Donna said...

Last year another blogger (can't remember who)listed fabric and kits on her blog and added a paypal link and sold right off her blog. She listed 10 to 12 things every Monday for several weeks. You might try that.

In a pinch, there's always Ebay.

Anonymous said...

selling is not a problem, believe me! you've got such great taste in fabrics that what you put up will be gone in nothing flat.

Judy D in WA said...

I understand being tired of working on UFOs! So I sneak in a new project once in a while. ;-) The quilt alongs and BOMs help me too. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Good idea from Donna...a blog sale! And there is etsy too. List them for sale there and advertise it on your blog. Good luck.

Barb in Mi said...

I am always for a new projects to mix things up... And I agree with Judy: it helps to join quilt alongs to get things moving. So I better get back to the hexagon quilt along forom Julie...

Laura said...

I always like to mix in working on new projects with UFOs to keep myself motivated.

Re: selling, I concur that you should have great luck selling directly from your blog, or maybe even by setting up a separate blog for selling. I've seen others do that and it works quite well. I am considering it to sell my excess stitching stash and small quilts which is easier and cheaper than either ebay or etsy.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

I'm sure you'd have NO problem selling fabric and kits online. Hate to say it, but I'd probably be one of the one always get such lovely stuff.

I hear ya on needing a break from UFOs. In my case, I'm putting off quilting flimsies until fall. Until then I'll work on finishing some tops and starting new projects.

Have fun!!

Caroline in NH said...

I was going to suggest something right along the line of Donna's comment - take pictures, put a link to a sale page on the blog, and set up a Paypal account. With the new one-price Priority boxes, calculating shipping would be a little easier, too. I know *I'll* be watching!

Suzanne said...

Every quilter has a week like yours...jump back on the wagon when you're ready.Can we see photos of the new kits?

Bev said...

Guess you aren't interested in entering our giveaway for free fabric might win! Cheery wave from Bev

Thelma said...

I hope you decide to sell your fabric and kits online. I'm new to quilting and I imagine you have some great stuff that I would love to buy.

Lori said...

Ah Vicky--quilting is supposed to be fun! Enjoy it--all parts of it. The UFO's aren't going anywhere!

Cyn said...

Hi Vicky,

Yes, you are a "real" quilter. LOL!

Yes, take a break from UFO's as you will be more motivated if you are having fun. Why don't you try having one UFO out at a time? Then you can work on it for 15 to 30 minutes before you start your new projects. You'll be surprised how quickly, you'll finish up that UFO. Then slide the next one in and work on it for 15 to 30 minutes each time you sit down to quilt. Before you know it, you'll have a bunch of new and UFO's finished!

One of the ways that I've seen to sell needlework books, kits, etc. is to set up a second blog which is just used to list items for sale. You can then post on this blog when you add entries of items that you want to sell. The main issue you will have is to figure out how you want to accept payment since you aren't set up for credit cards. Would you accept personal checks, or use Paypal, etc. since it's a little hard for us to send cash through the mail. :-)

I'm sure that you will be able to sell anything that you list as you have gorgeous fabrics! By the way, why get rid of it? You might eventually use all that you have and there is no fabric limit. LOL!

Of course, there is always the option to donate fabric as there are many wonderful groups out there who would love to receive fabric, notions, quilt kits etc.

Or how about having another giveaway?

Lot's of options if you really, really want to downsize a bit. :-)

Windy Meadow

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Oh man!! More things coming in??? What are you doing??? lol

I am resisting the sale at The Fat Quarter Shop! I've done OK so far!!

Sharon said...

I am working on WIP this year too, and yes it gets a bit daunting. I allowed myself to start one new project that was hand applique. But I squeezed in a stitchery, signed up for a second block see where I'm going. But, like you, I've also managed to get a few things finished, or closer to finish and that's a good thing. Keep one UFO out and poke away while starting a new project. It's your sewing room, work on what makes you feel good!

Penny said...

We all need to start a new project now and then. I usually have to finish two and then I can start one.

It also looks like I won't be the only one working with circles. You always find the neatest kits. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to work on.

Tracie said...

Here's an idea from our LQS... they are sponsering a one day sale where quilters can set up tables in their parking lot and sell their 'more stash than you can use in a lifetime'.

Maybe your QS can do something similar!