I wasn't going to blog about this, or even admit this out loud to anyone, but when I pondered it some more, I figured it might be an inspiration to others like me.
I applique a lot. I buy a lot of thread. I'm *always* looking for perfect colors to have handy for those nights when I get home late and sit down to applique and unwind for a few minutes before bedtime. A couple of weeks ago, I spent an hour searching through tons of thread here looking for a particular color. I ended up using a spool I had on hand, but it wasn't perfect. I had to be really careful to hide those stitches, and the block took longer to needle turn than it would have with the perfect color thread.
Perfect. I used that word several times in the paragraph above. No, I'm not perfect. But when I get a color stuck in my head, then I'm on a quest to find it. I've even put aside an applique project until I could accomplish said goal. I've changed fabrics because I couldn't find the perfect thread. I'm stubborn about certain things. If you don't know me, you're laughing. If you do know me, you've just said, "Yep, she is." It's okay. You can say it. You won't hurt my feelings. I admit it!
My first go-to place for anything quilt related is the
Fat Quarter Shop. Everyone who knows me knows that. Kimberly and her staff are most accommodating in my quests. If it's out there, they'll find it for me. That's only
one of the reasons why I love them so much. Their whole business is based on customer service and satisfaction. Being as busy as I am with little time to actually get out to 3D stores, I truly appreciate having the FQS only a button poke away!
But I digress....
I was getting very sleepy but still was scrolling through pages and pages of thread on the FQS site when (gasp)
THIS popped up! I literally almost fell out of my chair. An extremely dear friend had just discussed this a week or so before, and I sort of decided then that I would think about getting myself one for my 60th birthday later this summer.
O.M.G. - do you realize how hard it was to type "
60th birthday"? Surely, that must be incorrect! Let's see. 2011 minus 1951 equals - sheesh, my calculator must be wrong. That can't possibly be right!
But I digress again....
Wait, let me stop for a moment to quit hyperventilating.
Okay, better now.
Anyway, I thought about it for several days. And then I thought about it some more. Then I put it in my cart. Then I took it out.
Then I finally poked the button.
Then I had a panic attack for about a nanosecond, and then started smiling. I went to bed smiling. I woke up smiling. And when I checked my emails the next day, there was a notification that it had shipped.
I never track shipping. Never. But on this order, I watched that puppy slowly move halfway across the country. A couple of days later when I saw it had been dropped on my doorstep, I got hung up at work and had to make a few stops on the way home, all the while just biting at the bit to get my hands on that package!
It was worth the wait. When I opened that box, I gasped out loud again!

I sat there for a few minutes just taking it all in.
Then I opened the case. And my mouth fell open.

And I just sat there for the longest time just looking. Then I took that picture to capture it all in pristine condition.
Honestly, I sat there for a good hour just looking and smiling and smiling.
And you know what? That perfect thread I was looking for? It was right there!
An awfully long post, but I'll sum it up this way.
1. If you're an appliquer, try this Aurifil Mako 50 wt. cotton. Trust me. You won't know it's not silk when you're stitching.
2. If you buy a lot of thread like I do, this is perfect. There I've used that word again.
3. If you're constantly looking for thread at quilt shows, stop. You now have nearly every color you'll ever need again in your whole life.
4. If Kimberly runs out of these cases, she'll get one for you. She's perfect like that!
Good thing thread doesn't have to go on
Judy's stash reports!!