I can't believe this year is almost over. It took me aback a bit to type in Week 48! I mean, it's not like I didn't know it was coming! LOL. (I just corrected this. It's week 48, not 47!)
I purchased a couple of things for gifts, so I'm not going to count those. Other than that, I purchased nothing! Zero!!
I did bust a good bit though! Hang onto your hats! I put 2 yards into a Christmas gift, and packaged up 86 yards for charity quilts. That's a total of 88 yards! I can actually see an empty space or two in my stash!
Next year I'm going to be a busting fiend! All incoming fabric must have an equal amount outgoing - plus one yard! I can hear all of you laughing ... I can ... but just watch! I'm going to dazzle and amaze you with my busting! :)
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 498.00 yards
Purchased: 709.00 yards
Net YTD: <211.00> yards busted
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving Day 2008
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving 2008. I have much to be thankful for this year.
But next year I'm skipping November. This is two years in a row I've been sick at Thanksgiving. Oh, wait, if I skip November, that means that Christmas is even closer! Yikes! Never mind!
I've been catching up on BOMs this week. There are four on which I'm determined not to get behind. Two were posted previously. Here are the other two.

Sweet Treasures BOM. This Portobello Market fabric is so wonderful, and the blocks are easy and fun to make. It will be a dynamite quilt!

Designer Mystery BOM. I think everyone knows how much I love this Peace on Earth fabric! I think I'll have three or four quilts made from it before I deplete it from my stash! Or five or six. But who's counting?
I'm in a piecing mood lately. I go in spurts. Does anyone else do that? Sometimes I only want to needleturn applique. Other times I want to hear the Bernina humming. I'm behind on some applique stuff, but that's okay. It's not going anywhere!
Happy Thanksgiving from Daisy and me!
But next year I'm skipping November. This is two years in a row I've been sick at Thanksgiving. Oh, wait, if I skip November, that means that Christmas is even closer! Yikes! Never mind!
I've been catching up on BOMs this week. There are four on which I'm determined not to get behind. Two were posted previously. Here are the other two.
Sweet Treasures BOM. This Portobello Market fabric is so wonderful, and the blocks are easy and fun to make. It will be a dynamite quilt!
Designer Mystery BOM. I think everyone knows how much I love this Peace on Earth fabric! I think I'll have three or four quilts made from it before I deplete it from my stash! Or five or six. But who's counting?
I'm in a piecing mood lately. I go in spurts. Does anyone else do that? Sometimes I only want to needleturn applique. Other times I want to hear the Bernina humming. I'm behind on some applique stuff, but that's okay. It's not going anywhere!
Happy Thanksgiving from Daisy and me!
Simply Sophisticated Month 2 Winner
Doing our Simply Sophisticate BOM together has been a lot of fun. I almost got behind this month, but finished up in the nick of time! There were a lot of folks who emailed me pictures of their finished blocks. Everyone's name was in the hat for the drawing!
Thank to Kimberly at The Fat Quarter Shop for the gift certificate give-away each month for this BOM.
With the holidays I hope everyone doesn't get behind. If you do, don't fret. Just skip to the month's blocks we are working on, and do those to get in the drawing! And remember to post a link to your blog or email me a picture of your finished blocks!
So without further rambling, the winner of this month's $25 gift certificate to The Fat Quarter Shop is: Julia of Scrap Happy Quilter!!! And she has clean windows, too!! LOL
Congratulations, Julia! I will email you the gift certificate code. You MUST post what you bought with your gift certificate! I know what I would buy. I mean, I'm just saying...
The drawing for the December block will be on New Year's Eve. I'll make a blog post about that closer to the time.
Thank to Kimberly at The Fat Quarter Shop for the gift certificate give-away each month for this BOM.
With the holidays I hope everyone doesn't get behind. If you do, don't fret. Just skip to the month's blocks we are working on, and do those to get in the drawing! And remember to post a link to your blog or email me a picture of your finished blocks!
So without further rambling, the winner of this month's $25 gift certificate to The Fat Quarter Shop is: Julia of Scrap Happy Quilter!!! And she has clean windows, too!! LOL
Congratulations, Julia! I will email you the gift certificate code. You MUST post what you bought with your gift certificate! I know what I would buy. I mean, I'm just saying...
The drawing for the December block will be on New Year's Eve. I'll make a blog post about that closer to the time.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Stash Report Week 47
I'm working on my Simple Sophisticated blocks today. I'm so late getting these done this month. Those of you who will complete your blocks in time for the drawing on Thanksgiving morning, please post your finish HERE.
Not much of anything happened in my sewing room this week. The long Thanksgiving weekend will find me in there for three whole days! I plan on finishing up something ... anything ... to get another bust before year's end! Why does everyone laugh when I say that? Stop it! I can bust! I can!
I had a teeny bust this week. I mailed out four yards for the backing on a group quilt. And it was out of my RP stash!!!
Purchases, none. Well, I had a couple of boxes come in, but they were for gifts for others so I'm not counting those.
Over the Christmas holidays I need to get into my stash room and move the shelves around and reorganize. I have a feeling I'll be so disgusted with myself over the amount of fabric in there that I will enter the new year with firm resolve to bust.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 410.00 yards
Purchased: 709.00 yards
Net YTD: <299.00> yards busted
Not much of anything happened in my sewing room this week. The long Thanksgiving weekend will find me in there for three whole days! I plan on finishing up something ... anything ... to get another bust before year's end! Why does everyone laugh when I say that? Stop it! I can bust! I can!
I had a teeny bust this week. I mailed out four yards for the backing on a group quilt. And it was out of my RP stash!!!
Purchases, none. Well, I had a couple of boxes come in, but they were for gifts for others so I'm not counting those.
Over the Christmas holidays I need to get into my stash room and move the shelves around and reorganize. I have a feeling I'll be so disgusted with myself over the amount of fabric in there that I will enter the new year with firm resolve to bust.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 410.00 yards
Purchased: 709.00 yards
Net YTD: <299.00> yards busted
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Simply Sophisticated Block 2
Everyone is getting their Simply Sophisticated blocks done - well, everyone except me! I'll get a picture of my blocks up later today. In the meantime, just leave a comment on this post with link to your blog and picture that you've completed your blocks. If you don't have a blog, email me a picture, and I'll put your name in the hat for the prize drawing.
Remember, it's not too late to join. There's a link on my sidebar for you if you're interested in getting started on the BOM from The Fat Quarter Shop. That link will take you right to the BOM on Kimberly's site. Or you can go do it HERE!
Kimberly has genereously donated a $25 gift certificate for a drawing every month for those of you who ordered the BOM from The Fat Quarter Shop, and who show us that you've completed the blocks.
Thank you all for pestering me to get this up. I've been overwhelmed with work stuff for the past two weeks.
Thank you again to The Fat Quarter Shop for the monthly prize drawing. Kimberly, you're totally awesome!! Miss Emma is, too!
Star BOM #8
I thought was going to fall behind this month, but finally it's done. I like this block. It was a little challenging for me. I paper pieced the center part, and I have trouble thinking backwards. Heck, I have trouble thinking forward! But I prevailed and it's done!!
Thanks again, Judy, for this dynamite BOM! I love it!
Stash Report Week 46
I guess the good thing about working so much is it doesn't leave me much time to poke buttons! Good thing, because I still managed to poke a few! LOL
Before the stash report starts, I want to mention the Boy Scouts day I had yesterday. My CEO is a patron of the Boy Scouts, and this year agreed to let them drop ship all of their pallets of popcorn at our plant. Well, yesterday was the day they came to pick up the popcorn for their holiday sales. We arranged to have one of our forklift drivers meet me at the plant at 6:30 a.m. He pulled all of the pallets out into the parking lot, and the Boy Scouts administrators set up a staging area. Starting at 7:00 there were 40-50 troops lined up to pick up their popcorn. Lordy, our facility has never seen so many cars and trucks at one time ever! They lined up at the administrators' table to get their picking order, and then backed their vehicles up to get loaded up. It was quite a sight! Naturally I didn't think to bring my camera with me! Anyway, they were all done by noon, the area was cleaned up, and it was over. Those folked worked so hard, and the dedication of all of those parents is commmendable!
Now, on to the stash report ...
I busted nothing again this week, but the project I'm working on is moving forward. It'll be finished up today. The next one up to finish will be a bust!
A couple of purchases this week. The tower arrived of Nature's Chorus that was ordered last week. This one is for me! I also purchsed an FQ pack of reds from the Judie Rothermel Quaker Quilt line. Reds are sorely lacking in my Civil War stash. Shortly after the first of the year I'll be stash diving for a CW project, and these were needed.
I'm not very observant, but a couple of months ago noticed that sometimes certain colors from a line are grouped together at The Fat Quarter Shop. When I first saw that, I ordered one of those packs of neutrals for a line that I was diddling with at the time. It worked out great for me. I'll have to keep an eye out for more of those in the future. Sometimes I just need an eensy bit more and those color groupings are perfect.
And speaking of not being very observant, I spent a whole week at my brother's house and have no clue what colors to choose for a quilt for their bedroom. Gail, if you're reading this, I need help!! Man, you can't take me anywhere!
One more thing ... I'm fervently pondering my 2009 quilting year. I think I have a plan. More on that later.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 406.00 yards
Purchased: 709.00 yards
Net YTD: <303.00> yards busted
Before the stash report starts, I want to mention the Boy Scouts day I had yesterday. My CEO is a patron of the Boy Scouts, and this year agreed to let them drop ship all of their pallets of popcorn at our plant. Well, yesterday was the day they came to pick up the popcorn for their holiday sales. We arranged to have one of our forklift drivers meet me at the plant at 6:30 a.m. He pulled all of the pallets out into the parking lot, and the Boy Scouts administrators set up a staging area. Starting at 7:00 there were 40-50 troops lined up to pick up their popcorn. Lordy, our facility has never seen so many cars and trucks at one time ever! They lined up at the administrators' table to get their picking order, and then backed their vehicles up to get loaded up. It was quite a sight! Naturally I didn't think to bring my camera with me! Anyway, they were all done by noon, the area was cleaned up, and it was over. Those folked worked so hard, and the dedication of all of those parents is commmendable!
Now, on to the stash report ...
I busted nothing again this week, but the project I'm working on is moving forward. It'll be finished up today. The next one up to finish will be a bust!
A couple of purchases this week. The tower arrived of Nature's Chorus that was ordered last week. This one is for me! I also purchsed an FQ pack of reds from the Judie Rothermel Quaker Quilt line. Reds are sorely lacking in my Civil War stash. Shortly after the first of the year I'll be stash diving for a CW project, and these were needed.
I'm not very observant, but a couple of months ago noticed that sometimes certain colors from a line are grouped together at The Fat Quarter Shop. When I first saw that, I ordered one of those packs of neutrals for a line that I was diddling with at the time. It worked out great for me. I'll have to keep an eye out for more of those in the future. Sometimes I just need an eensy bit more and those color groupings are perfect.
And speaking of not being very observant, I spent a whole week at my brother's house and have no clue what colors to choose for a quilt for their bedroom. Gail, if you're reading this, I need help!! Man, you can't take me anywhere!
One more thing ... I'm fervently pondering my 2009 quilting year. I think I have a plan. More on that later.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 406.00 yards
Purchased: 709.00 yards
Net YTD: <303.00> yards busted
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hazardous Blog Award

ROFLOL. Kim at A Peach in Stitches was kind enough to bestow this award on a few bloggers today. I was one of the lucky ones! And here I thought I was only hazardous to myself!
Kim listed a whole bunch of hazardous (in a good way) blogs, and many of those would be the same ones I would list. So give me a couple of days to come up with some others. Be warned ... I'm out surfing for hazards!
Thanks, Kim. I feel SO special!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
2009 Stashbusting Goals
Yes, "goals" plural.
I need to reduce the amount of fabric I have. I can do that by making more quilts, which is what I really want to do, or get rid of some of it. Of course, after doing one or both of these things, I need to buy less fabric.
Now, I know myself well enough to know that I won't stop buying fabric. I love fabric. It's the highlight of my week to click on my favorite site, The Fat Quarter Shop, and browse and poke buttons. I just need to be more deliberate in my selections. I started doing that this year. Don't laugh! My purchases were still very large, but a lot of that was purchased with a plan in mind. There weren't many speculative purchases.
The future is never certain, and I feel this is the year that I must make plans and goals and stick to them. I have to and I will.
In the next few weeks I have to redo my stash room. The large shelves holding fabric are sitting on a non-weight-bearing wall, and those must be moved to the other side of the room. The thought of doing that is daunting, but it will afford me the opportunity to go through that stuff and make decisions.
So I'm onboard for with Judy for 2009. After eight years of buying (and making appx. 120 quilts) I'm overwhelmed and must gain control of the stash. May the best man win!
I need to reduce the amount of fabric I have. I can do that by making more quilts, which is what I really want to do, or get rid of some of it. Of course, after doing one or both of these things, I need to buy less fabric.
Now, I know myself well enough to know that I won't stop buying fabric. I love fabric. It's the highlight of my week to click on my favorite site, The Fat Quarter Shop, and browse and poke buttons. I just need to be more deliberate in my selections. I started doing that this year. Don't laugh! My purchases were still very large, but a lot of that was purchased with a plan in mind. There weren't many speculative purchases.
The future is never certain, and I feel this is the year that I must make plans and goals and stick to them. I have to and I will.
In the next few weeks I have to redo my stash room. The large shelves holding fabric are sitting on a non-weight-bearing wall, and those must be moved to the other side of the room. The thought of doing that is daunting, but it will afford me the opportunity to go through that stuff and make decisions.
So I'm onboard for with Judy for 2009. After eight years of buying (and making appx. 120 quilts) I'm overwhelmed and must gain control of the stash. May the best man win!
Stash Report Week 45
I'm stuck right now. I'm still working on things I can't talk about, although one of them will be counted as a bust if I ever get it finished.
The finishing kit for Merry Christmas to All arrived this week. I haven't even started this one, but it's all here for when I'm ready. I think this will be my 2009 Christmas quilt. I try to make at least one Christmas quilt a year. This year's quilt is what I talked about busting in the first paragraph. It won't be quilted by Christmas, but at least the top will be finished.
I ordered a tower of Nature's Chorus by April Cornell. That will be added on next week when it arrives. This is for a quilt for my bed. I'll have to get additional yardage when it comes out. I couldn't resist this line. I love those clear colors. I only have one quilt that fits my bed. It's my turn!! LOL
There's a box of stuff ready to mail out that will count as a bust next week, but I haven't added up the amount in that box yet. Maybe it'll be enough to even out the tower purchase! LOL
I've been pondering 2009 stash busting and will make a separate post about that.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 406.00 yards
Purchased: 696.375 yards
Net YTD: <290.375> yards busted
The finishing kit for Merry Christmas to All arrived this week. I haven't even started this one, but it's all here for when I'm ready. I think this will be my 2009 Christmas quilt. I try to make at least one Christmas quilt a year. This year's quilt is what I talked about busting in the first paragraph. It won't be quilted by Christmas, but at least the top will be finished.
I ordered a tower of Nature's Chorus by April Cornell. That will be added on next week when it arrives. This is for a quilt for my bed. I'll have to get additional yardage when it comes out. I couldn't resist this line. I love those clear colors. I only have one quilt that fits my bed. It's my turn!! LOL
There's a box of stuff ready to mail out that will count as a bust next week, but I haven't added up the amount in that box yet. Maybe it'll be enough to even out the tower purchase! LOL
I've been pondering 2009 stash busting and will make a separate post about that.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 406.00 yards
Purchased: 696.375 yards
Net YTD: <290.375> yards busted
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Growing Up in a Small Town
I've been thinking a lot about the way things were growing up. Life in a small town. I couldn't wait to get away from there, and now after visiting Don in his small town, I'd give anything to be back in one.
The town I grew up in was so small that you knew everyone. Of course, this wasn't always an advantage for a kid.
The discipline. If you got into trouble chances are that you'd get a spanking before you ever got home by one of the neighborhood mothers. Then your mother would be waiting at the door for you because she'd been given advanced warning of your misdeed. Two spankings for whatever it was you did. When I was 15, I got a speeding ticket about two blocks from the house (by one of the two cops in Sulphur) and Mom was waiting at the door for me. Heck, I didn't even have time to develop a good excuse!
Curfews. I never had a curfew, or I can never remember Mom and Dad saying to be home at a certain time. That's because every other kid in town had one. Or maybe it was because there was absolutely nothing to do after about 8:30 at night so you just went home. We had a movie theater in town for a few years, but the latest show ended about 6:00 at night. The Dairy Queen closed down about 30 minutes later. It think Kentucky Fried Chicken and a couple of gas stations were open a little later but there's only so much chicken you can eat while spending less than five bucks filling up your car.
Friday night. That was football night. We were the Golden Tornadoes. We had awesome football teams, nearly always getting in the state finals. I was in the band and was a majorette during football season. Yep, that's right, I was a band geek. Of course, back then most of the kids in our town were in the band, or the marching-dancing group, or on the football team. There probably weren't too many kids sitting in the student section because we were all participants in one way or another. Go, Tors!

Saturday night. Date night. If there wasn't a party at one kid's house or another, we went to a movie in Lake Charles. Those movies ran a little later. The problem with that was there was hardly any time to get home before the curfew. But there was usually food waiting when we got home. A quick phone call to parents to let them know at whose house we were eating, and then home 30 minutes later.
Sunday. Church. Of course, we attended for the right reasons, but it was also a time to see everyone in town. Most of the churches were within a few blocks of each other, so you'd practically see everyone in town on Sunday. This is why you hoped you were real good during the week because moms would stand around on the church steps talking after the service. Home to dinner. I grew up calling lunch "dinner" and dinner "supper." Being with Don and Gail a few weeks back reminded me of that. The largest meal of the day on the weekends was eaten at noontime or shortly after.
Visiting. Another thing I was reminded of at Don and Gail's. People just dropped by to chat for a few minutes. The coffee pot was always on; something sweet to eat was always around. I wonder if that went on everywhere or if it was just a Southern thing. You know, "calling" on folks. When Mom-the-nurse was working on the weekend, Dad and I went calling. When she was home, folks called on us. Kids sat around politely in the living room taking part in the visit. We didn't vanish to our rooms to play video games or watch TV or talk on the phone because those things either didn't exist then or weren't in our rooms. These visits were another reason all the kids hoped they were good that week.
Shopping. There were a couple of dress stores in my town and a couple of shoe stores. One dress store in particular was my favorite because I'd go in and try on things and she'd hold them for me. She'd call my mother, and Mom would swing by and get whatever she thought I needed. If Dad went, I'd get everything!! :) :) :) Shoes were a bit more of a problem. I had this real skinny foot and most stores didn't carry quad-A widths. Mom hated shoe shopping with me. She hated it so much that she'd even bribe friends and family to take me shoe shopping. Don remembered that!
Graduation. That was a fun night. First, I think the whole class went out to eat in Lake Charles. We were good because there were about a gazillion parents there. Then the city pool in Sulphur opened up for us and we swam until the wee hours, with a LOT of parents sitting around watching the shenanigans. Then back to Lake Charles to the beach to watch the sunrise. Were parents there? You betcha. I think I got home around 7:00 a.m. and slept for a couple of hours before folks started showing up to call. Exciting, huh? Senior picture. ROFLOL. Remember sleeping in curlers and Dippity-Do and teasing that hair?

College. LSU. Go Tigers. I was totally flabbergasted being in a huge town at a huge school. And there were hippies - genuine hippies. They wore bell bottoms and their hair was parted down the middle. At Christmas break I found a pair of bell-bottomed slacks, a shirt that tied up and exposed belly, and parted my hair down the middle. I really really wanted to be a hippie ... but Mom wouldn't let me! So my hippie stage lasted for two weeks.in Sulphur.on Christmas break. Oh, well, I tried! But the really neat thing was having that LSU ID card. That was heady stuff. The first time I went home for the holidays, I got together with a bunch of high school friends and we went to a college bar in Lake Charles by the McNeese campus. They were checking IDs at the door. When they saw my LSU student card, they let me right in! Didn't even check my birth date. I was still underage but I went to LSU so I got in! Of course, I didn't drink - couldn't stand the stuff; still can't - but it was exciting all the same!
I was just thinking about these things last night and wanted to get them down. Don graduated 10 years before me, the late '50s - so I'm sure his stories of high school are much more exciting. Man, he's old!!!!!!!!!
The town I grew up in was so small that you knew everyone. Of course, this wasn't always an advantage for a kid.
The discipline. If you got into trouble chances are that you'd get a spanking before you ever got home by one of the neighborhood mothers. Then your mother would be waiting at the door for you because she'd been given advanced warning of your misdeed. Two spankings for whatever it was you did. When I was 15, I got a speeding ticket about two blocks from the house (by one of the two cops in Sulphur) and Mom was waiting at the door for me. Heck, I didn't even have time to develop a good excuse!
Curfews. I never had a curfew, or I can never remember Mom and Dad saying to be home at a certain time. That's because every other kid in town had one. Or maybe it was because there was absolutely nothing to do after about 8:30 at night so you just went home. We had a movie theater in town for a few years, but the latest show ended about 6:00 at night. The Dairy Queen closed down about 30 minutes later. It think Kentucky Fried Chicken and a couple of gas stations were open a little later but there's only so much chicken you can eat while spending less than five bucks filling up your car.
Friday night. That was football night. We were the Golden Tornadoes. We had awesome football teams, nearly always getting in the state finals. I was in the band and was a majorette during football season. Yep, that's right, I was a band geek. Of course, back then most of the kids in our town were in the band, or the marching-dancing group, or on the football team. There probably weren't too many kids sitting in the student section because we were all participants in one way or another. Go, Tors!
Saturday night. Date night. If there wasn't a party at one kid's house or another, we went to a movie in Lake Charles. Those movies ran a little later. The problem with that was there was hardly any time to get home before the curfew. But there was usually food waiting when we got home. A quick phone call to parents to let them know at whose house we were eating, and then home 30 minutes later.
Sunday. Church. Of course, we attended for the right reasons, but it was also a time to see everyone in town. Most of the churches were within a few blocks of each other, so you'd practically see everyone in town on Sunday. This is why you hoped you were real good during the week because moms would stand around on the church steps talking after the service. Home to dinner. I grew up calling lunch "dinner" and dinner "supper." Being with Don and Gail a few weeks back reminded me of that. The largest meal of the day on the weekends was eaten at noontime or shortly after.
Visiting. Another thing I was reminded of at Don and Gail's. People just dropped by to chat for a few minutes. The coffee pot was always on; something sweet to eat was always around. I wonder if that went on everywhere or if it was just a Southern thing. You know, "calling" on folks. When Mom-the-nurse was working on the weekend, Dad and I went calling. When she was home, folks called on us. Kids sat around politely in the living room taking part in the visit. We didn't vanish to our rooms to play video games or watch TV or talk on the phone because those things either didn't exist then or weren't in our rooms. These visits were another reason all the kids hoped they were good that week.
Shopping. There were a couple of dress stores in my town and a couple of shoe stores. One dress store in particular was my favorite because I'd go in and try on things and she'd hold them for me. She'd call my mother, and Mom would swing by and get whatever she thought I needed. If Dad went, I'd get everything!! :) :) :) Shoes were a bit more of a problem. I had this real skinny foot and most stores didn't carry quad-A widths. Mom hated shoe shopping with me. She hated it so much that she'd even bribe friends and family to take me shoe shopping. Don remembered that!
Graduation. That was a fun night. First, I think the whole class went out to eat in Lake Charles. We were good because there were about a gazillion parents there. Then the city pool in Sulphur opened up for us and we swam until the wee hours, with a LOT of parents sitting around watching the shenanigans. Then back to Lake Charles to the beach to watch the sunrise. Were parents there? You betcha. I think I got home around 7:00 a.m. and slept for a couple of hours before folks started showing up to call. Exciting, huh? Senior picture. ROFLOL. Remember sleeping in curlers and Dippity-Do and teasing that hair?
College. LSU. Go Tigers. I was totally flabbergasted being in a huge town at a huge school. And there were hippies - genuine hippies. They wore bell bottoms and their hair was parted down the middle. At Christmas break I found a pair of bell-bottomed slacks, a shirt that tied up and exposed belly, and parted my hair down the middle. I really really wanted to be a hippie ... but Mom wouldn't let me! So my hippie stage lasted for two weeks.in Sulphur.on Christmas break. Oh, well, I tried! But the really neat thing was having that LSU ID card. That was heady stuff. The first time I went home for the holidays, I got together with a bunch of high school friends and we went to a college bar in Lake Charles by the McNeese campus. They were checking IDs at the door. When they saw my LSU student card, they let me right in! Didn't even check my birth date. I was still underage but I went to LSU so I got in! Of course, I didn't drink - couldn't stand the stuff; still can't - but it was exciting all the same!
I was just thinking about these things last night and wanted to get them down. Don graduated 10 years before me, the late '50s - so I'm sure his stories of high school are much more exciting. Man, he's old!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
About time!
The election is over. Now hopefully we will hear and read about all the other news going on in our country. I'm about politicked out!
One interesting observation. I just read that there were 3,548,683 Republicans who cast votes in California. I could have sworn there were only about three of us who lived here! I don't feel quite so lonely now! LOL. Okay, enough of that!
I'm on a big push to finish up a project by the weekend. I need to remake two blocks to change colors in them, but that's no biggy. Then I want to finish up the other project that's covering my dining room table. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it! Then ... I don't know. I think I'm on cruise for the rest of the year! But who knows what project will come along and entice me!
It's been drizzly here since the weekend. I actually heard good old thunder on Saturday. That's only about three times in 14.5 years. It made me homesick! Seriously! And my hair is real curly from the humidity. I forgot I had curls!
Well, off to work. Another day, another dollar!
One interesting observation. I just read that there were 3,548,683 Republicans who cast votes in California. I could have sworn there were only about three of us who lived here! I don't feel quite so lonely now! LOL. Okay, enough of that!
I'm on a big push to finish up a project by the weekend. I need to remake two blocks to change colors in them, but that's no biggy. Then I want to finish up the other project that's covering my dining room table. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it! Then ... I don't know. I think I'm on cruise for the rest of the year! But who knows what project will come along and entice me!
It's been drizzly here since the weekend. I actually heard good old thunder on Saturday. That's only about three times in 14.5 years. It made me homesick! Seriously! And my hair is real curly from the humidity. I forgot I had curls!
Well, off to work. Another day, another dollar!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Sweet Treasures Blocks 1 and 2
I hadn't started Sweet Treaures BOM yet and decided it was time before the third block arrived! It's Portobello Market fabric from 3 Sisters. Gorgeous fabric!
Next year I'm going to have a LOT of BOMs to go to the quilter!! LOL
Designer Mystery BOM, Block 5
I love this Designer Mystery. I love this Peace on Earth fabric. It was one of my favorites this year. Do I say that about all fabric? I don't think so, but maybe I do. LOL.
Block #5 is done. I'm caught up. Just in time.
Star BOM #7
I'm loving Judy's Star BOM. Here's Block #7. I especially love it because it's all from my stash, all from the Robyn Pandolph closet! The fabrics were pulled from the Cottage Rose, Bed of Roses and Morning Glory lines. Morning Glory was THE first fabric I bought as a quilter in 2001. And, yes, I purchased a lot of it! LOL. Love my RP!
Stash Report Week 44
I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much time to either purchase or bust. I did pick up five yards for a backing while the fabric was still available. C'est tout!
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 406.00 yards
Purchased: 694.00 yards
Net YTD: <288.00> yards busted
I'm really looking forward to starting over in 2009. I can't guarantee that I'll be purchasing less, but I will absolutely be sewing more!!!
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 406.00 yards
Purchased: 694.00 yards
Net YTD: <288.00> yards busted
I'm really looking forward to starting over in 2009. I can't guarantee that I'll be purchasing less, but I will absolutely be sewing more!!!
Star BOM #6
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