La Petite Ecole picture was already posted earlier this week but I'll post it again because I l.o.v.e. looking at that gorgeous stuff. 26 yards.
The automatic shipments got me this week. I'm not reporting a couple of things because they're gifts. However, two of them are in their forever home and I'm selfishly keeping them!
Scrap Basket Surprises Club - this quilt is from the Maison de Garance line by French General. I l.o.v.e. French General. Penny does, too. Of course, I had to again lighten the picture so she doesn't blend into the shadows. 7.45 yards for the kit and 4.33 yards for the backing.
The other one I'm keeping is this month's shipment of Prairie Women's Sewing Circle. Sadly, I haven't done any of these quilts this year, but I want to do all of them next year. (You know, next year when I'm only going to sew on the things I'm excited about.) 7.5 yards for the Prairie Women's kit.
Seriously, though, if Kimberly at the Fat Quarter Shop ever again offers clubs like Scrap Basket Surprises and Prairie Women's Sewing Club again, you all MUST join in. Those were both awesome clubs.
Busted: 428.27 yards
Purchased: 644.565 yards
Net YTD: (216.295) yards busted :(
Oh, yeah, Judy's UFO Challenge 2010 - don't forget to sign up for that. No pressure. If you do them, fine. If you don't, fine. I'm going to try my best to get them done, though, at least to the flimsy stage. There's a button in my sidebar if you want to check out how we're faring through the year. Will be pulling out the rest of the UFO projects to photo and get posted. You know, saying it out loud and in public might make me just get 'em done!
AND my internet is finally fixed, I think, and Direct TV is back on line after being down for two weeks, and I bought my Christmas present to myself, a new TV for the bedroom. Yep, all is well at the LA Quilter household!
Oh oh -- sorry, I keep thinking of things -- I busted another quilt from my stash yesterday. It was a bright quilt on black background, which really isn't my cup of tea, but the recipient was delighted! Just goes back to what I've always said - every quilt deserves to be loved. Just make them and it will happen!
More beautiful fabrics, Vicky. How is Penny doing in this rain? Joey loves it, Murphy avoids it until the last minute. The cats, unbelievably, are trying to get out in it. They keep the screendoor clean of drops as far up as they can reach. They're so funny.
Love these fabrics! I managed not to have anything in this week...on wait, a bunch f precuts of Sunkissed and the BOM from FQS of course. Out was about a yard of wool, a pillow and pin cushion, last minute projects. Spike hates the rain, you have to boot him out the door twice a day or wakes you up when he finally decides in the middle of the night he can't wait any longer.
Penny doesn't mind the rain at all. She's not scared to get wet like Daisy was. Of course, Penny's mommy doesn't like going out when it's raining cold. The things we do for our pets!!
I keep telling you...just enjoy and don't worry about the stash totals!! Oh...I guess I am supposed to be keeping track of that too, LOL!!
YUMMMMM, Vicky---those fabrics are LUSCIOUS---and SO is Penny....she is just the most adorable little girl. :D
Niceee new fabrics!
Merry Christmas to you and Penny! enjoy your day.
I wish I could have joined in on the Prairie Womans Sewing Club, I love making little quilts.
I'm going to just read your blog and be jealous of all the fabric you get... Will that work? lol
I keep looking at that Le Petite Ecole. In fact, I think I might have loaded a shopping cart at one point but I didn't push that last button. I keep TRYING to be good, but it's SOOOOOO hard!
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