Just kidding, Judy! You know I love you more than my luggage! (Name that movie!)
Anyway, there's the new UFO Challenge 2011 that I am determined I'm going to do. I'm not linking very well tonight, but I snagged the click-on button that's over in my sidebar, towards the bottom. Just go over there and click on it and you'll get all the info you need. Please, do it! As Mom used to say ... let's hold hands and do it together. It won't hurt so badly that way!
I'm going to list a few UFOs here that I want to get finished up next year. I'll be changing around the order of them over the next week or so to accommodate my busy life at work the first few months of the year. But after a year of practically no sewing, I'm going to just do it!
1. Bears in the Barnyard -- figure out those pesky mitered borders.
2. Judy's star BOM - blocks are made. Assemble and finish.
3. Designer Mystery BOM from the Fat Quarter Shop. Was that 2008? 2009? That gorgeous Moda Peace on Earth fabric. Blocks are made. Assemble and finish.
4. Rabbits Love Embroidery by Bunnyhill Designs. Figure out appliqued scallops on borders.
5. All Things Christmas by Bunnyhill Designs. Figure out appliqued scallops on borders.
6. A New Day by Brenda Riddle at Acorn Quilts. Assemble and finish.
7. Borders and backing for Diagonal Four-Patch Medley.
8. Borders and backing for Heritage quilt. For my bed!!
9. Holly Jolly quilt -- take apart and fix the border I messed up.
10. Pennsylvania Dutch BOM - finish last two blocks. Assemble and finish.
11. Sweet Treasures BOM - Assemble and finish.
12. Whatever.
Well, that list obviously needs tweaking. It's amazing the amount of unfinished projects sitting around here, most of them just needing a final border. Like Jane says, when we get to that point, we know what the quilt looks like!
I'll come back later and add pictures - so I can remember what they are! :)
Okay, I'm committed! I hope you are, too!
Great plans Vicky! You'll get lots done! I just know you will...Penny says she'll help!
Hmmmm, my plan is to do an old one for every new one. I found this year I got more done that way and stayed inspired. I have 2 quilts too sitting here where I need to figure out the scallop thing.... Wonder if Penny will be more help than Spike?
I'm sitting here with Judy's BOM unfinished too. guess we all stopped at the same point, LOL.
Great idea! After Christmas I'm going to organize my mind (big job!) and do the same thing.
Sounds like a good list. This is my year to make my list again, every few years this happens. It's so gratifying to cross something off a list and not be moving it to "needs borders" or "needs quilting". If fact, I'm binding a UFO that I started in 2003 - 2004. Whoohoo to me on that one!
I should be committed - is that the same thing? ;-)
You can do it!!!
Sounds like a good plan! You can watch Steel Magnolias while you work on UFOs. I like the idea of finishing one and starting something new. Most of mine are because I was bored with them.
I am hoping to commit to Judy's determination to organize us, but not organized enough to get there yet. Haven't been near my sewing machine for a week due to "life", but maybe by the weekend. I will cheer you on though, lol.
Great plan, Vicky - look forward to holding your hand as we do this. And see the photos, too.
That movie was Steel Magnolias and it is one of my favorite lines. I have just decided to do the UFO challenge also.
Judy does keep us going doesn't she? :)
I would never have guessed the name of that movie (Except for a very clever commenter!) I am quite impressed with all your UFOs. I just joined the challenge and am looking forward to watching your progress over the year!
Hehe--I see borders get you too! Drill sergeant Judy? Are there pictures of her in uniform??
Penny pictures---never too many Penny pictures! Happy New Year!
Those are great quilts - they will be fun to finish!!
Number 12. sounds interesting! LOL
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