Thank goodness it's Saturday! I truly had a boring week this week. Oh, don't get me wrong. Lots and lots of important tasks were accomplished, but they were all "yawners."
I'm trying to decide whether to run errands today, or just stay indoors and play. That sounds funny. Remember how moms used to say, "Go outside and play"? It's just the opposite for me now. Inside is where all this luscious fabric resides. Inside is where my sewing room is. Inside is where I sit and applique. Yep, I stay inside and play!
Of course, Penny wants to go outside. She loves to roll in the grass and stroll me
really close to all the blooming flower beds. Achoo!!! So we compromise. We walk longer but stick to the walking path. If I let her lollygag about, then we end up exploring all the blooming things and she doesn't concentrate on the task at hand, if you know what I mean. She's so stinking cute. Really has developed a cute personality. I must figure out the video thing because she's got twirling down pat! "Twirl, Penny!" That's all it takes to get her going. :)
I'm on the home stretch to completing 100 basket blocks. Maybe I can get that done today. I had a few things land on my doorstep this week, and I'm anxious to get those cut and ready for the baskets, nine patches, and the drunkard's paths. These fat quarters are from the
Carolina line by Jo Morton. I know. I should have taken them out of the plastic to photograph! I will SO not be a photographer in my next life.
Oh, yeah, today is May 21st! Yikes! Maybe I should have held off poking these buttons on the off chance that it's all going to end today AND I would be one of those to go in the first group. Okay, I seriously doubt that would happen - going in the first group, I mean - but then again, no use leaving all that fabric at the Fat Quarter Shop when I could be enjoying it for few hours!
(Hmmm, I wonder if there's a quilting studio in the hereafter! There must be! I can't imagine the perfect world without one!)

Back to the mindless blabbering here ....
Most of the blues I'm going to pull put for the James River Blues project that I put aside last year. That was last year, wasn't it? Maybe the year before? Wow, I don't even remember with all the sickness and heartache in 2010. Doesn't matter because things are happier and brighter nowadays, and I'm wanting to do nothing but cut and sew and applique.

The pattern calls for 12 blues and 12 shirtings, but I wanted to use as many as I could. I started off with my scraps and managed to get about half of the blocks made just from those. I have a few more scraps and will combine those with a few more FQs that I found laying about and then these new blues. The blocks are easy to make and I would have been done with it long ago, but with scavenging the scraps and adding 1000 different fabrics instead of just 12, it's taken a bit longer. That's okay. I'm going to totally love the finished quilt! That's what important, isn't it? Well, that and having a ton of fun through the process!
So back to how this post all started -- I decided I'm going to stay in and play today! Errands can wait until tomorrow. I lost an earring last night and need to pick up a replacement pair, and I also absolutely positively MUST buy a new purse. I broke the handle on a nice one several weeks ago when I got to work, and dashed over to the (don't laugh) discount store near the office and picked up another one to use for just the day. Well, that's been weeks. It's time to go purse shopping. I tend to use the same one until it's worn out. Maybe I should buy two of them this time. Since I'm going to be here after today, you know.