Yes, I bought a couple of kits. One is from Primitive Gatherings, and is The Triangle Quilt. I must be nuts - but that thing was so beautiful. They are 1" HSTs.
The other kits are still in the car. They were from Stars & Scraps, and are small quilts. Shouldn't ding my stash report too badly! :)
Thank you all for your input on decision-making. This involved a move, and as of one hour ago, the decision was made not to do that. So all that worrying was for naught, but at least I worked through things in my own feeble mind. I did decide, though, that this year I'm getting control of my life. I seem to have been reacting the last couple of years instead of being proactive. Some of this was out of my control. I'm going to be 60 years old this year, so I must start doing what's in my best interest, especially with my time.
I'm going to take a nap just as soon as I finish off this bowl of ice cream. Didn't sleep a wink last night, and now I'm going to play catch-up. Oh, and the ice cream is just because!
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Jane and I just talked, and something occurred to both of us. We didn't see any jelly rolls, charm packs or layer cakes in the booths. Granted, we might have missed them, but usually the booths are full of those kind of things. Hmmmm........
Good for you. Being proactive is such a better way of living.
We're the very same age...I'll be 60 in November...I think it's going to be a very good age. I also think that's part of the reason I looked at all my projects and stuff and deciding that I'm not going to hung up on old stuff anymore...If I don't like it anymore it's out of here...I'm not spending anymore time on stuff I just don't want to do anymore and no guilt...I love your kit from Primitive Gatherings...what an awesome quilt! ENJOY!
The main thing is to have peace about the decision you made, and it sounds like you do.
WOW... I also will be turning 60 this year in December!
I, like Carol, made the decision to forgot the old stuff and only do what I am interested in NOW.
I LOVE civil war fabric and traditional design so that is where I am in quilting. Always have loved this era so I have given away most of the "other" fabric (I knew that I wouldn't use it) to others who will make quilts that they enjoy. Very good fabric but just not what I am interested in now.
I opted not to come down for "Road to California" this year as I am making plans to attend several retreats and needed to save my money for those. Hearing your report, I glad I decided not to! However it would have been nice to visit "in person" with "Primitive Gatherings"! Oh well, there's always on-line shopping! Your kit looks wonderful!
Thanks for sharing your journey to "Road"
Elaine in SLO, Ca
that Triangles quilt sounds like it would be a great "leader-ender" project, or something to work on when you don't have a lot of time to spend, but want to keep on quilting. maybe you could divide up the HST's so you could make one square a month?
I skipped Road to CA for the second time in a row. Someday I'd like to go and take a class. The kits look fun!
Congrats for making your decision. I with you on the reacting instead of taking charge, it seems that has happened a lot to me the last couple of years too. Best wishes for success in redirecting your life!
a nap sounds like an excellent use of time! i just might take one myself ... i will be 60 next january and my motto is gonna be like the old bra commercial - if it (whatever IT is) doesn't fit, i'm not gonna wear it anymore!
Good for you to reach a decision and have a life plan... or maybe that should be goal. Plans change and change can be good too. ;-) Looks like a fun quilt!~ 1 in HST's?? I hope you have the Triangulations CD! LOL Have a happy weekend!
Wow, we ought to start a Turning 60 Club this year!! I'm older than you two, though, because my birthday is in August!
Yes, Sandie, I have Triangulations! I love that program!
Late start with quilting here but, since I'll be turning 60 this year too, I have started simplifying my life and doing what makes me happy...
Three hours??? I am shocked! Here I am anticipating spending most of 3 days at the quilt show that will be in Cincy in April. lol I hope they have good stuff! :)
And way to go on making your decision!! :)
glad you had a fun day and made a decision!
good for you, you MUST always do whats best for you!
have a great week.
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