Will start sewing these together today, but first some things need to be done about the house.
My mouse rolled over and died yesterday, so I headed over to Office Depot. Geez, I didn't realize that mice were so different. Every color in the world, every design in the world, itty bitty ones, weird shapes! I finally had to get a sales rep to find me a plain Jane gray or black mouse. I asked him if they just had mice for old ladies. Without missing a beat, he reached down to the bottom shelf and got what I needed. I'll have to remember to pull out the "old lady" card the next time I can't find something! It's amazing how much better everything is now. I guess I had been fighting that one for so long that I had gotten used to it.
This week fabric finally landed. Hey, I made it three weeks! I received a package from the Fat Quarter Shop. It's the Night Before Christmas BOM by Anne Sutton of Bunnyhill Designs. I am going to get started prepping that block when I clear off my sewing table, probably two weeks. The backing I ordered for the quilt arrived in the box, four yards. Also included were all the embellishments for the whole quilt, each month carefully labeled. I love those neatly organized packages from Kimberly!
I'm in love with Anne's designs. They're whimsical and fun. Her instructions are perfect, and the pattern contains full size drawings and colored pictures of each block printed on card stock. I particularly like that because I have the picture out when working on a block and they prop up nicely on the table next to my applique chair. It's that old lady thing again!
I also want to get things caught up in my sewing room so I can participate in Anne's Henrietta Whiskers Club. Just need to make sure I'm signed up for her newsletter to get notification when each block is available on Bunny Tales blog. I think I am, but I'm so forgetful these days ...
And speaking of old ladies, this is what Penny looks like first thing in the morning! She didn't like it one bit that I moved her quilt and woke her up. Those ears! Kinda looks like my hair in the morning! Okay, so she's not old, but she acts like it sometimes. "Arf," I want it now! "Arf, arf," outside, please, now! "Grrarf," bacon!! Now!! LOL, she cracks me up! She's such a sweet, docile little thing, but she inherited my impatience. Hey, gotta love a woman who knows what she wants!
2011 Totals:
Busted: 22.65 yards
Purchased: 4 yards
Net YTD: 18.65 yards busted
Visit Judy's Patchwork Times to check out reports from other quilters! I see lots of good things happening there!!
ADDITIONAL NOTE: Yes, I will be heading over to Road to California quilt show next weekend!!! I forgot that part. Thanks for the reminder, Darlene! I can't wait!!!
My dog made it into my Stash Report too....:)
That's pretty funny about the Office Depot worker. I like that Night Begore Christmas quilt too. I bought the pattern when FQS had it for half price, didn't get the kit, I figured I have so much Park Avenue fabric that I would use it for this pattern. Penny looks like she loves her bed and quilt.
Too funny about the old lady stuff! And Maxie got up this morning to go out and then came back inside and crashed without eating a bite. Talk about old! lol
I made it three weeks, too. But my downfall was a quilt show, so I think it's justifiable. :)
The "old lady" stuff is just too funny. Your numbers are really great.
isn't it great to know that after you no longer qualify for the PGD (pretty girl discount), you can play it SLOW (sweet little old woman)?!? AND it comes with its own discount, too!
Old lady stuff, that's too funny - I will have to try it soon myself... And you stash report looks great.
yep, i know all about old mice dying. my hubby gabve me his logitech gaming mouse late last year, and it's so much more comfortable than my old one.
Score one for good mice!
Hey I object to the old lady comment about applique! That sounds like heaven and I'm no where near old lady!
I hear ya on the old lady stuff, I have to make lists or I'll forget stuff. It's so annoying. I hate when my bobbin runs out, it's usually when I'm sewing a very long border on something and I have to start all over again. I hate winding them though, I'm so lazy I have a half jar full of the prewound ones, my sewing machine is ok with them. Penny is so cute!
I got the same package from Kimberly this week too! But with 3 babies arriving in my sphere in the next 6 months that need bibs and burps cloths and quilts and tag along blankies I am thinking it will probably get put in a lovely box from Tuesday moring to await my attention. Also in 3 yds of flannel to get started on the bibs et al. 4 yds (2 jelly rolls I just had to have) but OUT...wait for it, 12 yds, I finally pieced the backings for 3 toddler quilts and off they go to be quilted this week>
Penny looks so sweet all cuddled up!
What a lovely BOM. It is going to be fun to see it get made.
Oh, I play the old lady card all the time - works for me. LOL
Me thinks you're having some fun over there.
I'm going to assume that you're going to the Road to CA quilt show - am I right? I want to go so badly but it's not to be again - sigh!
What a great way to start my day! Your old lady comments crack me up but I'm gonna have to try that! Penny is just so darn cute, also!Thank you, Vicky ~ you've inspired me to actually use my sewing machine today!!
I LOVE your story about the mouse. Isn't it so funny how you learn to "live" with the peculiarities of something for SO long, then you get a new one and you think, "Why didn't I replace this a LONG time ago?!?!?!"
The Night Before Christmas BOM looks SO fun! Can't wait to see it finished.
LOVE the pic of Penny. Looks like she keeps you busy, lol.
Your blocks are coming along very nice and I like that cute BOM! Another fun ahead of you besides the show!! Hi Penny, are you in grumpy mood? Limo will do anything for her treats!!
A beautifull Bom
Have yet to meet a patient doxie:) My Rusty is down right bossy. Love your new BOM. Your log cabin blocks are stunning. Glad you are finding some sewing time. Going to a quilt show sounds heavenly! Wish we had one here in January. Enjoy!!!!!
OOOOH, I wish I could go down to Road to California!!! I've been there once and had a fabulous time. Hugs said I should go but I think it's a little late to get a motel near the convention center. Can't wait for your reports!
yes, its hard to find a "basic mouse". Penny--not quite awake yet?
The ABC fabric is cute.
The Night Before Christmas BOM is really cute.
You actually busted some yardage and are in the minus? California must be going to fall into the Pacific Ocean from the shock of it all! :)
I love the old lady story...I'm with you, let's just keep it simple...why does a mouse have to get so complicated? LOL! I sound more like my mom every day! One of these January's I'm going to get back out there for Road...It was so much fun! Penny is too cute all snuggled in her bed...
Your penny looks and sounds like she acts just like my Molly. I love that little girl as much as I love my children and she could never be replaced, because there's not another one out there as good as she is! Love the Night Before Christmas kit, I'm doing that one too!
Well that's what I call a good description of your technical capabilities since the employee was able to find you the correct mouse so quickly! LOL!!!
You're sewing and (for right now) you are ahead on the stash report! Wahoo!!!
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