Another quilt in the to-be-quilted pile. This is from, hmmmm... I think a Possibilities book, "Super Simple Strips." Jane kitted the strips for The Fabric Patch and I grabbed a set of them because I loved the colors. It was real easy - another of my one-handed quilts. Now to get it quilted!
I ran by the furniture store tonight on the way home to find out why I haven't gotten the bookshelves I ordered. Mike told me he was holding the order until I measured. I didn't tell him I needed to measure anything ... grrrr. Anyway, he said he'll call the factory tomorrow and see if they have any already made up. I just get these varnished with a medium glaze instead of staining them. Gives them an oak look. I'm just going to put it in the foyer - it won't match anything else in the area, but I need something there and I'll be able to use it (when I get back into a house) in my sewing room as it will match the others. I've got boxes of books in the garage that I want to unpack.
That's it for me today. Leftovers again. I cooked way too much shredded beef this weekend! LOL!