1. Stash Report Week 43 boxes have landed, all 140 something yards of it. OMG, this stuff is gorgeous! The Rouenneries bag in the top left of the picture is this quilt kit. I love the bag it's packaged in! Love it!
2. Penny scared me at the vet on Saturday. After she had her well puppy check-up, I was standing at the counter to pay and noticed that she felt really really hot. The vet took her back into the examining room, and she had 104.2 fever. She was fine when I got there. So we waited 10 minutes and took her temp again; 104. Ten minutes to wait again, and it's down to 103.2. The diagnosis: stress fever! She got herself all worked up just being there. Sheesh .... scared the peewally out of me!
3. I spent all day yesterday up in the stash room and made the biggest mess. But I have a plan and it's coming together.
4. My stomach hurts. Might have to go pet some fabric.
5. Do you ever go back and read your old blog posts? I was looking for something that I posted earlier in the year. Okay, I'll tell you what I was looking for. I wanted to know when my stash report showed my totals in the black. Week 10! Yikes! It's been all negative since then. Anyway, I don't know what made me poke on one of the posts to read comments. There was this horrible pornographic thing there which I deleted. Guess I'll have to periodically check for those. I'd hate for someone in my family to run across an old blog post that I haven't looked at in 10 months and see that trash!
6. Penny weighed 10.2 lbs. She's 8.5 months old.
7. My brother is feeling a lot better, although still a ways to go. It did my heart good to talk to him yesterday.
8. The person at work finds out tomorrow the results of some testing last week. I'm going to pray hard tonight.
9. I think we should all go harass Kimberly to get some pictures posted of the little twins and Miss Emma. I keep checking Jolly Jabber for pictures.
10. I'm done.
So much info in this post! :) Do you think Penny is going to get any bigger? Praying right along with you for the person at work and hoping for good results. Glad your brother is better. Hope your tummy feels better!
LOL! When I first read your post I thought you had purchased 43 boxes of fabric! Holy Freeholy, I thought! Then I realized that it's your Stash Report Week 43. Hahahaha! Although you still bought a lot of fabric! Am I jealous? You betcha I am! LOL! It all looks so gorgeous! :o)
Did you pet enough fabric for your stomach to feel better? I can't wait to see the Rouenneries quilt.
What a glorious picture.......nothing better than boxes of fabric...YIPPEE! Glad to hear your brother is getting better. Good thoughts for your person at work. And that little Penny...OMG, I'd have been scared to death too...I've never heard of stress fever. Glad she did it when you were still at the vets.
What a fantastic group of fabrics. I've resisted clicking the buttons on fabric sites.....tempting.....
I'm expecting one box about that size this week. I used my gift certificate. Praying that your co-worker gets good news. Glad Ms. Penny is better. What did the vet do to her that made her so upset?!?!
Just wanted to say how I enjoy reading your blog. I love seeing & hearing about Penny, what a little cutie she is. Also, since your love of fabric is so evident, don't worry about how much you have, just enjoy it!
I just found your blog! Your Penny is very cute. I have 2 miniature dachshunds, both male. Inky looks like Penny and Beau is a dapple coloring. Both were litter mates and are 3 years old. Each weigh 12 lbs., but Beau is longer than Inky.
Hope to visit you more often. Don't have a blog yet, but I'm so wanting to start one. Love the fabric purchase! Joyce Barham
#4. . . . lol!!! Now my stomach hurts!. . . LOL!. . . (guess I know what I should do then, huh?!) :o)
xo, Bren
Hope everyone, including Penny, is feeling better. Fabric looks great - looking forward to seeing your stash room - what's the plan? It helps to find out new ideas about stash organization.
Re the porn comment - I am on wordpress and they do have the ability to moderate the first comment by a person as well as seeing every comment. You can also close comments after so many days as well as other things - you may want to check what's available in blogger.
Glad your brother is better, Vicki. I haven't come to see you in a while, and have caught up again I think. Hope your friend will be ok, and even Pennies can have stress, huh. :>)
So far, so good, on my old posts. But my original ones did not include TAGS, which were totally beyond me at that time. I should go back and add them, as I waste so much time looking for specific posts.
i want that french general kit.. watch out i may come take it!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, French General's Fabrics! I also got them from FQS, and finally got used my gift certificate from FQS and you :)) Thank you so much!! I am in dream with that line... What a beautiful colors! Penny weights just about the same weight as Limo does now. Limo has such strange things when she gets stressed out. When she was at boarding service last month, they found some blood in her urine and we rushed into the vet after I pick her up. The result from the urine check turned out just normal... They said it may be because of her stress stayed at stranger's place. lol They keep us worried, don't they?
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