Daisy's 10th birthday was last week. Not that she cared one iota, but, hey, any excuse for gooey icing and a few bites of sugar-packed bliss! Oh, wait, it's the dog's birthday, not mine!
She's usually scared of the candle, but not this year. She's learned a few things from the previous nine birthdays. First, Mommy is going to take tons of stupid pictures while that candle wax is dripping all over the cake. And then there's the fact that when you don't have hands to help hold the cupcake, it gets messy.
So Jane held her while I got a couple of pictures. The cupcake kept falling over while I was trying to get a shot. Jane was grabbing it and setting it upright, all the while holding Daisy back. We were laughing so hard - and Daisy was focused on the cupcake the whole time. Then we turned her loose. Jane was laying on her back on the floor with green icing smeared on her hands, her chin and her nose. I was laughing so hard I missed that shot! Darn! It was priceless! Could have gotten a lot of (s)miles out of that bit of bribbery! What fun!
We didn't sew much. Ended up yakking the day away. I did, however, start something easy. I decided the gitterdun could wait one more day. It's a Quilts in a Bag kit, gigantic four-patches alternated with gigantic squares. It should go together in a jiff. But it's going to be put aside so I can get back to the pink/green thing next week.
My niece called me last night to say one of my older cousins passed away. She died peacefully in her sleep from a heart attack. Dixie was my hero when I was young. She's my brother's age, and not having a sister, I'm sure I followed her around and pestered the bejeebers out of her. She and John have been married for probably 47 or 48 years. Such a loving couple, and always so much fun to be around. I remember like it was yesterday their wedding. I won't be able to fly home for the funeral. I know Don will go, and I hope he handles it okay. He and Dixie were so close growing up.
~ The wonderful memories of my childhood, and those in my family who made it so special.
~ A lazy day spent with a friend.
~ Cooler than usual weather for this time of the year.
~ A long weekend coming up! :)
~ My fat little icing-covered Daisy
Such cute pictures of Daisy. Sorry to hear about your cousin. I also hope Don handles it well.
Congrats on the review at work. I think your CEO might be a very smart man! :)
Happy birthday Miss Daisy!
Happy Birthday Daisy!!! Glad she got more than just a nail trim! :)
As long as you have the memories, your cousin will be with you.
Daisy's adorable, she doesn't look a day over 7!
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