All those fabrics that I fell in love with after Fall Market, and had on my short list to buy, have hit the stores. Busted virtually nothing - 1 yard - and purchased a lot.
I was going to blame this whole week on Patchwork Party, LOL, but that won't fly. I'm not going to even try to calculate the yardage in those 12 block packages; too many small pieces. I'm working on those blocks now, so only the backing and finishing kit will be counted and busted.
Oh, well, confession is good for the soul.
Patchwork Party backing - 8.5 yards
Patchwork Party finishing kit - 9.75 yards
Hemming House - 8 yards
Judie Rothermel patriotics - 11 yards
Garden Inspirations - 12.75 yards
Grand total purchased this week - 51.00 yards.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 135.0 yards
Purchased: 167.50 yards
Net YTD: <32.5> yards busted!
And I was doing so good! I'm pretty much done buying until I make my list after Spring Market. Wait, I've got one more small order (14 yards) coming from Kimberly at
The Fat Quarter Shop. I ordered some more Prairie Paisley, Dandelion Girl, and the checks from the
Flowers for Emma line. But I've got a few good months of sewing AND BUSTING before the fall lines are available for purchase. At least there are 135 yards gone from the stash room this year. It's the old "is the glass half full or half empty" question. :)
Two more hard weeks at work, and then things should be easier. I won't be so tired and stressed when I get home, and will be much more productive in the sewing room. I've got LOTS of ground to make up here! LOL