Friday, June 29, 2007
Grinning here!
It's about time!!
Just wanted to share that!! LOL
This weekend I visit with Jane and clean house - because I want five days in a row next week to do nothing but get the giterdun done!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Grab Box

Monday, June 25, 2007
Blocks Done!
Wouldn't you know it!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Jelly Rolls are so neat. I'm kind of late getting on the bandwagon, but I'm trying to make up for lost time. These are Celebrate Spring by Sandy Gervais, Roman Holiday by 3 Sisters, and my favorite, Madeira by Blackbird Designs.
The patterns are Candy Cane Lane by Bunny Hill Designs, It's a Wrap by Pieces from My Heart, Jelly Braids by Calico Printworks, Wild Goose Chase by Whistlepig Creek Productions, and Roman Holiday by Swatches Pattern Co.
The books are Happy Hour by Atkinson Designs and Comfort & Joy by Acorn Quilts. Also a couple of yards of fish for the border of a string quilt I've got in the planning stages.
That's it for me. I was going to say 'for this month' -- lol. I decided one thing a couple of weeks ago. I work all the time, come home to my empty house and the Daisy dog, and have only one friend nearby to visit with on a regular basis. Quilty stuff is what makes me happy. If I never make a single thing out of any of this, just the pure joy of having it is enough. There, I've said it!
~ Hearing from a dear friend today via email! ILY!
~ Trying a new bar of hand made goat's milk soap! Heavenly! Thank you, B!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
I'm such an idiot!

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Camera is still dead
No quilting this week. None at all. I've been too wiped out when I get home from work. It's finally gotten hot here -- 100 yesterday; 98 today. I think I heard (or maybe it was wishful thinking) that it was going to cool off a tad this weekend. I shouldn't complain because our "spring" has lasted longer than any of the 13 years I've been in SoCal. But I hate the heat!
Kimberly at has a new BOM - it's the Bunny Hill Designs "All Things Christmas." Yes, I ordered it. Yes, I did. LOL. I'm real excited Kimberly will start doing these. The first block arrived today, and the fabric is wonderful. Good job, Kimberly!
I picked up a bunch of movies this week. The first one I watched was "Bobby." It wasn't much about him at all, but about some of his campaign workers and was set in the days leading up to his assassination. It was so-so. The next one I watched was "Babel." I was uncertain how to rate it, but the more I thought about it the next day, the more I liked it. There's one segment of it that I thought was really strange, and they could have left that whole section out. If you've seen it, you probably know the part I'm talking about. But all in all, I think it was a good movie. Last night I tried to watch "The Departed." I'll admit I fell asleep. I've heard really good things about it, so I'll try it again this weekend. A stellar cast. Oh, and I loved "Music and Lyrics." Who a-thunk Hugh Grant could sing? LOL. Very predictable, but just a happy movie.
I'm sitting here pondering that stack of quilty "stuff" on my cutting table. I wonder if it's possible for my stash room to come crashing down to the first floor? I'm not sewing fast enough, and that's a fact!
~ A good week, and it's almost over!
~ My mind is exploding with inspiration!
~ Smiling at the antics of friends!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Happy Shopping

Saturday, June 09, 2007
Calico Spools

~ Two good nights of sleep this week. It's getting better.
~ Grits last night. LOL. Sometimes it's the little down-home stuff that makes a gal happy!
~ Emails that make me laugh!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Happy Birthday, Judy!
Wishing you all the love, joy, happiness, and quilty things in the world!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Silk Thread and Blocks
My preferences are Gutermann silk (which is heavier and feels more like a cotton to me, but it slides beautifully) and Mettler 60 wt. cotton. I have probably every other brand of silk thread, and use them when it's a color I need. But I've pretty much been sticking to these two for my purchases the last couple of years. I can't find Gutermann silk locally, so I order it online. The Mettler 60 wt. is available locally, and I have a ton of it. I like YLI but it's really really fine. When I'm using it, I find out just how rough my fingers are! LOL. I remember needling one time on an airplane with YLI, and the static electricity had the end of my thread standing straight up. The stewardess thought it was a hoot -- she had to bat at it every time she passed.
About the blocks I posted - several of you have asked me which blocks on There's a lotto drawing for blocks at the annual retreat held by my online group. For the past three years, I have chosen the blocks. Since I've been thinking scrappy, I threw in a couple for just that purpose:
So here they are:
1. Sunny Lane Block - 12"
2. Crossroads 2 Block - 12"
3. Corner Star Block - 16"
4. Calico Spools Block - 6"
I tried to link them for you, but the links wouldn't work.
I really like the spools block. Super easy, and works out nicely from the 2.5" strip tub. I plan on making those in my spare time (ha-ha). I'd love to have a quilt of those.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Many Attempts

I don't have much to blog about - work and home. I'm going to work on the giterdun again today. Yesterday I made lotto blocks and it felt good to sew on something else. There's a fourth block that I forgot to put in the shot. A bowtie block. All of these blocks are from Marcia was kind enough to give us permission to use the four blocks for our Retreat in the Middle lotto. I won't be able to attend the retreat in Missouri in a couple of weeks. Shucks!
There are very few comments on my blog for the past couple of months. Although it's nice to hear from folks, that's not the reason I blog. I do go around the ring every week and try to comment on everyone's blog. Oftentimes I check in for a minute or two from work while eating my lunch, and while I'm reading them sometimes I don't have time to leave comments. I need to do better on that score. I'm sorry that I have to block anonymous comments. I really hate doing that as there are close friends who read but can't comment. Please email me if something interests you. It's just that my world is so very tiny and it needs to stay a happy place. Nasty comments serve no purpose.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Hand applique thread question
Any help or comments will be appreciated!