I'm going backwards. I'm unhappy with that fact, but there were a couple of the Moda lines that I knew I would get when the yardage came out. I had a list by my computer. At least I'm sticking to a plan and not purchasing just any old "stuff."
The order I was anticipating came in this week - 19 yards from The Fat Quarter Shop! I purchased backings for two Prairie Paisley quilts and borders for one. Those were all part of the plan. I have a tower of At Water's Edge that I picked up a while back, and the yardage for backing and borders came in. This was part of the plan, too. So far so good.
One setback I know will happen is the 2008 Patchwork Party that's just getting started. It's made from Prairie Paisley. I will end up with three Prairie Paisley quilts when all is said and done, but these are my colors and this is my favorite fabric! I've been waiting forever for the perfect fabric and this is it!
I have another order coming in next week for Hemming House yardage for borders/backing for a tower I already have. I'll count that next week.
Do you see the plan here? Really, look hard and you'll see it! At this point the only yardage I'm waiting to hit The Fat Quarter Shop is Dandelion Girl. My plan will then be complete. Of course, Spring Market is coming up, so I'm sure new inspiration will wallop me!
Jane and I went to the Glendale Quilt Show yesterday. There are always 40-50 vendors there, and I was looking forward to Quilts in a Bag and a couple of others. Yikes, they weren't there this year! There were maybe 20 vendors there. We had a nice time walking around, though. I bought an embroidery pattern and book, and one other book titled "More Timeless Inspirations" by Pam Puyleart and Terry Albers. There are a couple of quilts in there that will be easy to make and will bust some of that stash on my "color wall." Oh, I also picked up a wooden holder for the small iron. Now I can't find where I put the iron. It's here. I saw it last weekend. Sheesh!
I've been appliqueing up a storm, but that doesn't bust much stash until you get to borders and backings. I'll just save up those tops and bust them in one fell swoop when they reach flimsy stage. It's too hard to count the little pieces at this point.
This report, calculating the totals, has renewed my resolve to bust stash -- and make room for new stuff! I figure if I finish the year at least where I started, then I'm way ahead of my usual game! LOL But mostly, I'm inspired beyond all reason to sew and applique and finish things up. I was stuck working on a couple of large obligation quilts for a very long time, and it feels wonderful to be free now!
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 134.0 yards
Purchased: 116.50 yards
Net YTD: 17.5 yards busted!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Bias Makers
Some of you asked about the Clover bias maker. Here are a couple of pictures on how it works. It's SO easy. But please excuse the little ironing mat. I spilled coffee on it one morning! LOL. But I had to use this so I could put it up on my cutting table under the light to photo.
This is the 3/8" bias maker. They come in several sizes. There are instructions on the package as to how wide to cut your bias strips to fit the size you're working with. This one required 3/4" strips.
You just feed one end into the bias maker. It helps if the leading edge is cut at an angle. (I figured out this one the hard way!)

Then you press with an iron as you pull the fabric through the bias maker. I put the iron right up against the bias maker and move them as one unit, although I have them separated a bit for purposes of this picture.

Then when you've pulled the entire length of your strip through the bias maker, just flip it over and give it a good press.

This is my applique piece in process. I've already appliqued the vines down. It's so easy because there's no needle turning involved!

So pull your bias makers out and start using them! I can't believe I've been appliqueing for almost seven years and was too chicken to try them!! LOL
Every time I put something on the floor to take a picture, Daisy has to run over and drop a toy right near what I'm photographing. Today she chose the water bottle that she stole from me earlier! She loves playing with those! LOL
This is the 3/8" bias maker. They come in several sizes. There are instructions on the package as to how wide to cut your bias strips to fit the size you're working with. This one required 3/4" strips.
You just feed one end into the bias maker. It helps if the leading edge is cut at an angle. (I figured out this one the hard way!)
Then you press with an iron as you pull the fabric through the bias maker. I put the iron right up against the bias maker and move them as one unit, although I have them separated a bit for purposes of this picture.
Then when you've pulled the entire length of your strip through the bias maker, just flip it over and give it a good press.
This is my applique piece in process. I've already appliqued the vines down. It's so easy because there's no needle turning involved!
So pull your bias makers out and start using them! I can't believe I've been appliqueing for almost seven years and was too chicken to try them!! LOL
Every time I put something on the floor to take a picture, Daisy has to run over and drop a toy right near what I'm photographing. Today she chose the water bottle that she stole from me earlier! She loves playing with those! LOL
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Making Progress
I could have pressed the darn thing before I took a picture, huh? LOL.
I started trying to figure out how to lay out the appliqued scallop border tonight, and I'm just too tired. I'll play with it on Sunday. Real ready to get this one to the quilter - so I can get the embellishments on it! :)
Tonight I figured out something else on applique. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've never used the Clover bias tape maker before. I bought every size that existed when I first started quilting, and I'm sure they're all packed up in one of those boxes in the garage. At the big quilt show in January I bought a couple of more. Then the pink/brown quilt needed a size I didn't have, so I picked up another one. Tonight was the time to figure out how to use them!
Boy, is that ever a snap! Much easier than using the bias bars! I made miles of vines tonight in like 55 seconds! Just a vine-making machine over here! I can't believe I've been doing it the hard way all these years! The story of my life!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I had some embroidery to do on All Things Christmas before I can assemble the quilt. I learned to embroidery when I was under ten years old, and did needle work for years, but it's been 20 years since I've thought much about it.
I found a little stitch reference book I picked up back in 2001, and it has been most helpful. This was the last bit I did, and while there was some improvement from the first block, I've still got a long ways to go to be proficient. I so admire all of the bloggers out there who show their gorgeous embroidery. I've been collecting patterns, so it's time to just jump in and start one. I think I need to get a little hoop, too, because it was hard to handle the block while stitching.
Jeanne mentioned her embroidery floss last week. I would love to know how everyone stores their floss. I pulled out a big glob of floss that was all tangled up, and spent a couple of hours last night winding it on the little cardboard holders. Now at least I can find the end of it! LOL.
I'm making the two pieced star blocks that go in this block and then I can piece the top together. The next obstacle will be to figure out the borders!
Oh, and speaking of Christmas ....... well, I was talking about embroidery on a Christmas quilt ....... I LOVE the Moda fabric, Peace on Earth. Check out this quilt! :) :) :) :)
Back to the the stars. I want to assemble that top tomorrow night!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Stash Report Week 12
I'm in a holding pattern. Buying and busting at about the same speed.
I had some flannel purchased last year to make a little boy's quilt. His mother (who doesn't understand quilting dynamics at all) said that the baby boy would be in the same room as his older brother in a bit, so perhaps matching quilts. I honestly don't know if I can make the exact quilt twice. Anyway ... so this flannel was just sitting there. I really don't like working with flannel. It's kinda like nails on a chalkboard to me. I made a freebie offer to my quilting group, and there was a taker. I feel sort of cheating by listing it as a bust, but it's out of my stash room. 11.5 yards busted.
No purchases this week, but I do have yardage of Prairie Paisley heading my way from The Fat Quarter Shop. This is my favorite line in the whole world. Really. No, no, REALLY! The purchase will be reported next week when it lands on my doorstep.
I'm almost finished with the embroidery on All Things Christmas and should be able to assemble the body next week. The borders and backing will be counted as a bust once I get those done.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 134.0 yards
Purchased: 97.5 yards
Net YTD: 36.5 yards busted!
I had some flannel purchased last year to make a little boy's quilt. His mother (who doesn't understand quilting dynamics at all) said that the baby boy would be in the same room as his older brother in a bit, so perhaps matching quilts. I honestly don't know if I can make the exact quilt twice. Anyway ... so this flannel was just sitting there. I really don't like working with flannel. It's kinda like nails on a chalkboard to me. I made a freebie offer to my quilting group, and there was a taker. I feel sort of cheating by listing it as a bust, but it's out of my stash room. 11.5 yards busted.
No purchases this week, but I do have yardage of Prairie Paisley heading my way from The Fat Quarter Shop. This is my favorite line in the whole world. Really. No, no, REALLY! The purchase will be reported next week when it lands on my doorstep.
I'm almost finished with the embroidery on All Things Christmas and should be able to assemble the body next week. The borders and backing will be counted as a bust once I get those done.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 134.0 yards
Purchased: 97.5 yards
Net YTD: 36.5 yards busted!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Four Months Done
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Started Another BOM
This one is Raspberry Truffle. I have already received five months of the seven months in this BOM, so it was time to start it! It's an adorable Bloom Creek pattern, and SO easy! I made the first and second month of pieced blocks on Sunday afternoon, and pieced and prepped the third month of applique on Monday. Finished up the applique tonight. I stand a good chance of getting caught on on this BOM by next week!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Stash Report Week 11
I'm going backwards! I started the year like Seabiscuit out of the starting gate, but lately have been more like the old gray mare who ain't what she used to be!
I knew I wouldn't be busting much in the past couple of weeks, and probably won't for another couple of weeks. I am working on UFOs, though, and if any of those are finished, then I can piece the backing. On UFOs I'm only counting backings as stash busted, or perhaps borders and bindings if those are pulled out of the stash.
Where I got into trouble this week was buying 19 yards of fabric! Patriotics and Simplicity. Yikes!
One project for which I was going to cut fabric this week was put on hold for a bit. The other project planning is perplexing me. I need to get over it and start cutting. Way overthinking it.
My mind has been on work almost exclusively this year. The tax stuff just about does me in; it's massive. I'm real close to having all of that finished, and once the first quarter financials are done, I can relax a bit and get more creative.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 122.50 yards
Purchased: 97.5 yards
Net YTD: 25.00 yards busted!
I knew I wouldn't be busting much in the past couple of weeks, and probably won't for another couple of weeks. I am working on UFOs, though, and if any of those are finished, then I can piece the backing. On UFOs I'm only counting backings as stash busted, or perhaps borders and bindings if those are pulled out of the stash.
Where I got into trouble this week was buying 19 yards of fabric! Patriotics and Simplicity. Yikes!
One project for which I was going to cut fabric this week was put on hold for a bit. The other project planning is perplexing me. I need to get over it and start cutting. Way overthinking it.
My mind has been on work almost exclusively this year. The tax stuff just about does me in; it's massive. I'm real close to having all of that finished, and once the first quarter financials are done, I can relax a bit and get more creative.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 122.50 yards
Purchased: 97.5 yards
Net YTD: 25.00 yards busted!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Forget Vacuuming!
Hometown Christmas
I made the second booklet/section of Hometown Christmas today. The first two sections are shown. I wish I had gone ahead and cut the third one while I was cutting last month. The cutting is the boring part. They're sewing together real quickly.
I think Kim is way ahead on this project, AND she's redesigning it! I'm going to be lucky to get it done the original way! LOL
What next? I'm really wishing I had some project planned for today, but I didn't know the day trip was going to cancel until late yesterday. Since I don't feel like cutting more Thimbleberries right now, I guess I need to dig around and find something else to work on. Or I could vacuum. :)
Friday, March 14, 2008
Oh, my!
I get this short/sweet email from Kimberly this afternoon, and I quote, "New BOM will be up in 5 minutes!" ROFLOL. I think my very good friend knows me very well, doesn't she? Oh, my, it's a beauty! Merry Christmas to All
Jane and I were supposed to go watch my boss run two dogs in a field trial tomorrow down near the Salton Sea. A 2.5 hour drive for us, but we were actually looking forward to it. Well, he left today at 2:00 to drive down there with the two labs, and his Yukon broke down three-quarters of the way there. Had to wait for hours for a tow truck that could load the vehicle up on top instead of towing it because the dogs were in the back in kennels. He had to ride back in the tow truck and just got home. I was on standby because I was going to have to go rescue him if they couldn't get to him. So he scratched the entries, and our plans cancelled for tomorrow. I'm sure I'll find some housework and vacuuming to do, and there's always *something* to keep me busy in the quilting room. :) :)
I was thinking about something this afternoon. I need to plan a block-of-the-month MONTH to get caught up on all of these projects! LOL
But I definitely need to bust some stash this weekend before Sunday's stash report ... I was very, very, very bad this week!
Jane and I were supposed to go watch my boss run two dogs in a field trial tomorrow down near the Salton Sea. A 2.5 hour drive for us, but we were actually looking forward to it. Well, he left today at 2:00 to drive down there with the two labs, and his Yukon broke down three-quarters of the way there. Had to wait for hours for a tow truck that could load the vehicle up on top instead of towing it because the dogs were in the back in kennels. He had to ride back in the tow truck and just got home. I was on standby because I was going to have to go rescue him if they couldn't get to him. So he scratched the entries, and our plans cancelled for tomorrow. I'm sure I'll find some housework and vacuuming to do, and there's always *something* to keep me busy in the quilting room. :) :)
I was thinking about something this afternoon. I need to plan a block-of-the-month MONTH to get caught up on all of these projects! LOL
But I definitely need to bust some stash this weekend before Sunday's stash report ... I was very, very, very bad this week!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Why is it ....
Why is it that the easiest quilts in the world give me so many problems?
This quilt for instance.

The blocks were made in like two hours and then I put it aside for months, mainly because I hate sewing rows on the diagonal. I get myself all discombobulated doing that no matter how many notes, arrows and other reminders I stick to the rows. Anyway, I drug it out again last weekend and got it all done to this point -- and thought I was done. What's that other fabric in the project tub? Wait, there is another border? Sheesh ...
Anyway, I was chatting with my online quilty group about being done with it, and then admitting that, no, I wasn't. Speculation about what the final border would look like. The striped fabric came in this Quilts in a Bag kit. But someone mentioned that they hoped the outer border was the large floral fabric.
Well, that got me to thinking that maybe I had some of that up in the stash. Yep, I found four yards of it up there. It's amazing what's hiding up there in Neverneverland (not to be confused with Neverland). So I piled it all on the dining room table. There were various opinions about which one I should use.

What do you all think? Whichever one isn't used is, unfortunately, going back in the stash because I've already pieced the backing for this quilt. I'm leaning towards the stripes sewn on lengthwise just like they are shown in the picture. I'm sick of this quilt and just need it done! Opinions, please!
~ Three nights of after-work errands done tonight!
~ Bonus week! :)
~ A domestic decision -- I think. LOL
This quilt for instance.
The blocks were made in like two hours and then I put it aside for months, mainly because I hate sewing rows on the diagonal. I get myself all discombobulated doing that no matter how many notes, arrows and other reminders I stick to the rows. Anyway, I drug it out again last weekend and got it all done to this point -- and thought I was done. What's that other fabric in the project tub? Wait, there is another border? Sheesh ...
Anyway, I was chatting with my online quilty group about being done with it, and then admitting that, no, I wasn't. Speculation about what the final border would look like. The striped fabric came in this Quilts in a Bag kit. But someone mentioned that they hoped the outer border was the large floral fabric.
Well, that got me to thinking that maybe I had some of that up in the stash. Yep, I found four yards of it up there. It's amazing what's hiding up there in Neverneverland (not to be confused with Neverland). So I piled it all on the dining room table. There were various opinions about which one I should use.
What do you all think? Whichever one isn't used is, unfortunately, going back in the stash because I've already pieced the backing for this quilt. I'm leaning towards the stripes sewn on lengthwise just like they are shown in the picture. I'm sick of this quilt and just need it done! Opinions, please!
~ Three nights of after-work errands done tonight!
~ Bonus week! :)
~ A domestic decision -- I think. LOL
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Stash Report Week 10
I was doing SO good this week .... and then yesterday Jane hog-tied me, threw me in the QuiltMobile, forced me into Stars & Scraps, and threatened me until I bought something! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :) :)
At 1:22 a.m. this morning the house started shaking, and it suddenly felt like I was sleeping on a waterbed mattress. Uh oh, earthquake! It was only a 3.9 but it got my attention. I lay there for a minute or two - two minutes, to be exact - and here comes another one. Okay, I'm awake. I'd rather be downstairs with Daisy if the big 'un is coming. So I loaded up a DVD and at 4:30 this morning I finished the binding on a quilt for a friend.
Because I didn't have a thing to report on the stashbusting front, I pulled fabric and pieced the backing for the Quilts in a Bag top that I will get the rows assembled on today. I'll post a picture when that's done. Whew, just in the nick of time for this report! 9 yards busted.
Now, about that purchase. Stars & Scraps had the cutest Easter quilt all kitted up just waiting for me. I don't have an Easter quilt, so that's my justification in this whole thing! 9.250 yards purchased, and this includes the backing.

I mean, this was way too cute to pass up. Did I already say I don't have an Easter quilt? LOL
My busts and purchases are almost equal, so my YTD totals haven't changed much. Another admission, I ordered some Simplicity from The Fat Quarter Shop but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm going to TRY to make something for the Simplicity contest. I say "try" because at this point the idea is just floating around in my pea-sized brain. Anyway, that will be reported next week when I receive it.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 122.50 yards
Purchased: 78.50 yards
Net YTD: 44.00 yards busted!
At 1:22 a.m. this morning the house started shaking, and it suddenly felt like I was sleeping on a waterbed mattress. Uh oh, earthquake! It was only a 3.9 but it got my attention. I lay there for a minute or two - two minutes, to be exact - and here comes another one. Okay, I'm awake. I'd rather be downstairs with Daisy if the big 'un is coming. So I loaded up a DVD and at 4:30 this morning I finished the binding on a quilt for a friend.
Because I didn't have a thing to report on the stashbusting front, I pulled fabric and pieced the backing for the Quilts in a Bag top that I will get the rows assembled on today. I'll post a picture when that's done. Whew, just in the nick of time for this report! 9 yards busted.
Now, about that purchase. Stars & Scraps had the cutest Easter quilt all kitted up just waiting for me. I don't have an Easter quilt, so that's my justification in this whole thing! 9.250 yards purchased, and this includes the backing.
I mean, this was way too cute to pass up. Did I already say I don't have an Easter quilt? LOL
My busts and purchases are almost equal, so my YTD totals haven't changed much. Another admission, I ordered some Simplicity from The Fat Quarter Shop but it hasn't arrived yet. I'm going to TRY to make something for the Simplicity contest. I say "try" because at this point the idea is just floating around in my pea-sized brain. Anyway, that will be reported next week when I receive it.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 122.50 yards
Purchased: 78.50 yards
Net YTD: 44.00 yards busted!
Friday, March 07, 2008
A Fun Package Today!
Are these not the cutest things you've ever seen? My dear friend, Jace, over at Sawdust and Cowpies is the most amazing artist! He's a furniture restorer - or rather, a savior of furniture! And he makes the most fun things for his wife and daughter and their quilty buddies! Well, he showed off some buttons he made a while back, and I immediately wanted some!

These are just so adorable! The largest is about 11" and the smallest is about 7". I'm looking for the perfect spot to display them. He had pictures of some painted, and Sally put thread through some that looked like button stitches.
A shot of the back shows they're all ready to hang!

I've shown off Jace's talents before with the really neat Nelly table he made a couple of years ago. I love this thing! It's probably my favorite quilt gadget!
If any of you are interested in the buttons or the Nelly table, you can contact Jace through the links provided. Oh, and be sure to visit his blog. He cracks me up!
Thank you Cowguy and Cowgal! I love you massively!
These are just so adorable! The largest is about 11" and the smallest is about 7". I'm looking for the perfect spot to display them. He had pictures of some painted, and Sally put thread through some that looked like button stitches.
A shot of the back shows they're all ready to hang!
I've shown off Jace's talents before with the really neat Nelly table he made a couple of years ago. I love this thing! It's probably my favorite quilt gadget!
If any of you are interested in the buttons or the Nelly table, you can contact Jace through the links provided. Oh, and be sure to visit his blog. He cracks me up!
Thank you Cowguy and Cowgal! I love you massively!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
All Things Christmas
I finished the last bit of applique on All Things Christmas this week. I have to make a couple of pieced blocks to assemble the last big block. Then I have to go over each big block and do some embroidery here and there before I can assemble them. The border is an appliqued scalloped border. I need to figure it all out, but the applique on that will be real easy and fast once it's prepped. Almost done! This one might actually get finished before Christmas!
Stopped by the local quilter and picked up a quilt from her, and then went to Target and bought enough frozen food for a few nights. Also picked up nine -- yes, nine! -- DVDs. Daisy and I will be sitting on the sofa binding and appliqueing if anyone needs us!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Stash Busting Week 9
Nothing, nada, zilch!
No purchases.
No busting.
I've been sewing, but nothing yet to report. Next week's report will be better.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 113.50 yards
Purchased: 69.25 yards
Net YTD: 44.25 yards busted!
No purchases.
No busting.
I've been sewing, but nothing yet to report. Next week's report will be better.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 113.50 yards
Purchased: 69.25 yards
Net YTD: 44.25 yards busted!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Drizzly Saturday
Today was the most glorious sewing weather kind of day! Overcast, drizzly. I lit the fireplace for lazy Daisy, and she's been curled up in front of it all day. Except for getting the oil changed early this morning, I've been home.
I've been finishing up a project today, and will be pulling out my Quiltathon project tomorrow. I think I'm going to start cutting Judy's Button & Bows pattern using this fabric.

I actually felt guilty pulling this from the stash because they are coordinated fabrics. But, hey, stash is stash! This is the Buttercream & Fig line from Fig Tree. Wasn't this their first line? Yep, it has seasoned long enough!
While I was sewing today, I was thinking about the Jolly Jabber Idol contest that Kimberly is doing at The Fat Quarter Shop. I came up with a great idea for an entry, but then realized that I can't enter. :( But I sure hope lots of you all are planning on creating something really special with that gorgeous Simplicity line. Wouldn't it be wonderful to win one of those prizes!! I would be falling off of the stashbusting wagon in a heartbeat!! LOL
I have lots of fabric to bust before June when the Designer Mystery BOM starts. I can't stand the excitement. Well, actually what I can't stand is the suspense! I wonder if I begged for a peek ..... naw, she wouldn't spill the beans. It's a mystery! ROFLOL. That fabric is gorgeous! And it's going to be a block that I'll actually get done every month!!! How long until June? :) :)
So far today I've eaten a breakfast bar and popcorn. I think I need to rustle up some real food here before it gets too late.
I've been finishing up a project today, and will be pulling out my Quiltathon project tomorrow. I think I'm going to start cutting Judy's Button & Bows pattern using this fabric.
I actually felt guilty pulling this from the stash because they are coordinated fabrics. But, hey, stash is stash! This is the Buttercream & Fig line from Fig Tree. Wasn't this their first line? Yep, it has seasoned long enough!
While I was sewing today, I was thinking about the Jolly Jabber Idol contest that Kimberly is doing at The Fat Quarter Shop. I came up with a great idea for an entry, but then realized that I can't enter. :( But I sure hope lots of you all are planning on creating something really special with that gorgeous Simplicity line. Wouldn't it be wonderful to win one of those prizes!! I would be falling off of the stashbusting wagon in a heartbeat!! LOL
I have lots of fabric to bust before June when the Designer Mystery BOM starts. I can't stand the excitement. Well, actually what I can't stand is the suspense! I wonder if I begged for a peek ..... naw, she wouldn't spill the beans. It's a mystery! ROFLOL. That fabric is gorgeous! And it's going to be a block that I'll actually get done every month!!! How long until June? :) :)
So far today I've eaten a breakfast bar and popcorn. I think I need to rustle up some real food here before it gets too late.
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