Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Thank God this Month's Over
My brother has come back from the brink of death and will recover. He's got a long road ahead of him, but we're just going to take it one day at a time. The phone rang this morning shortly after my alarm clock went off at 5:00. I totally panicked. When I answered, it was Don saying he loved me. Oh, wow, I can't tell you how good that made me feel, and how good it was to hear his voice. A week ago I didn't think I'd ever get to talk to him again. He was put into a private room late last night, and had his first cup of coffee in over a week today. The mere fact that he was making jokes just made my heart sing. What I wasn't told on Friday night when he was taken into surgery was that he was within hours of death, and the surgeon told Gail that he didn't think he'd survive the surgery. That he did survive and will get well, I believe, is a testament to his faith and the prayers of hundreds of people. I will fly to Louisiana for a few days in March. I need to see him.
I can't even remember what, if anything, I accomplished in February. I am appliqueing the fourth Bundling Board block, and I made some string blocks for Nancy. Oh, and I procrastinated a lot on that cutting chore. Hopefully March will see lots of fabric leave my stash! That's the plan anyway.
The next month will be also spent pondering some life decisions. I knew I'd have to do this sooner or later, but was procrastinating on that, too. (sigh)
Heartfelt thanks to each of you who commented or emailed me your support this past week. That meant more to me than you will ever know.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Scary Times and Snow

Thursday, February 22, 2007
Another Block

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Middle of the Night Call
Trying to plow through tons of work here in case I have to fly home.
I did finish the third Bundling Board block last night.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Happy Mardi Gras 2007

I had the best of intentions this year. I was going to make a Mardi Gras wallhanging. Well, here's the fabric still in its original form! Since this won't get made by tomorrow, at least this will serve as a reminder this year to just GITERDUN!
My neck was really stiff today, but I felt a lot better than yesterday. Wasted my Sunday sleeping off and on all day. So much so that I was worried about sleeping last night. Not a problem! I had trouble getting up this morning.
Wow, what an amazing 21 minute drive in to work today, and 19 minutes to get home. That must be an all-time record. I don't think I've ever seen the freeways this open even on the weekends! But tomorrow is going to be a bear, probably a full hour each way.
I received an exciting crate today delivered to work. I'm going to wait until it's hung to blog about it, but it made me smile BIG time!
One of my boss' black labs, Magic, won his second Open Field Trial in three weeks. I'm not sure how many points he needs to make it to the National Field Trial in November, but he's well on his way. Go Magic!
And speaking of GITERDUN, namely the blasted GITERDUN, tonight I iron. :)
Happy Mardi Gras to everyone out in Bloggerland! Laissez les bontemps rouler!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
New Project - Maybe

This quilt is too cute. I don't remember if I picked up the pattern at Ginger's or at Road to CA, but I had it sitting out on the coffee table yesterday and it grew on me. I've enjoyed working on the Bundling Board blocks, and thought maybe this one would be next one up. I know I said I wasn't going to make any more small quilts, but I might make an exception for the cute folk art/primitive inspirations out there. I'm finally thinking about using all the folk art fabrics I've been collecting for years. This won't stashbust much, but at least we're heading in the right direction on that score.
Speaking of scores, two more friends want fabric for our wheelchair RiM retreat project, so 10 more yards will be mailed out tomorrow. Plus seven FQs out of a little game I organized with my online group this weekend. So total stashbusted year to date: 47.50 yards!
I'm getting ready to start ironing blasted fabrics. I really can't put it off any more. When I get tired of standing, I can sit for a while and applique.
Had a rough night last night. My neck is so stiff this morning that I can barely move my head. A hot shower kind of helped, but I just need to take it easy today. I just cooked breakfast using the last two eggs I have, and some instant grits. I took two little filet mignons out of the freezer for grilling tonight. I need to go to the market again. The cupboards are bare. Not a thing in the house to eat, but a freezer full of steaks. LOL. I found a few red potatoes in the fridge, and the only can of veggies in the pantry is baked beans. So I'm going to bake those up with some brown sugar and molasses (thinking of Finn here). Just wish I had salad fixings. But I'm not getting out today. Shopping will have to wait until tomorrow.
Boy, did I switch topics big time in the paragraph above .... roflol.
~ Inspiration from the most unlikely sources
~ Beautiful cool weather today. I've opened the house up.
~ Daisy's begging for my breakfast, and her obvious disappointment when I gave her grits! :)
~ Going back to bed for a couple of hours this morning with no guilt!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Patchwork Party 2007
Is anybody doing this quilt? I debated it a long long time, but think I have decided against it. I was thinking it would be a nice quilt for "my" bedroom at my brother's house, but none of the finishing kits really sang to me. I think the red in them is what's bothering me. I saw the line in person tonight at Ginger's, and I still felt the same way about the red. Although it's a beautiful fabric, it doesn't seem to go with the rest of the line. However, I'm going to pick up a little piece of it for my applique stash. Of course, would anyone in this stashbusting ring admit it if they were doing it? ROFLOL. We're trying. We really are!
Daisy is really miffed at me. I came home a second night in a row smelling like that lab puppy. She checks out my shoes and pants legs, and then walks away from me, looking back over her shoulder to gauge my reaction to being ignored. Such a silly dog!
I had an exciting fax today - to give permission on a quilt. That just thrills me to no end - but no more hints about that. It's not my story to tell! (wink)
Reading through posts from my online friends, they're blowing snow back east, feeling the ground move in Oklahoma, chilling out in Texas .... out here, we're experiencing our usual same old weather. Just our "winter" version of it - high 70s and clear. The rain earlier this week, along with thunder and lightning, was a welcomed sight for sure!
I read through all the blogs in the ring today while eating lunch, but didn't have enough time to comment on all of them. You are doing some beautiful work. One or two inspirations boinked me on the head. But, alas, the blasted quilt comes first. Oh, I got the sweetest and funniest email from Jackie tonight .... with lots of tips on how to get through the blasted quilt. Jackie, it's now the "blasted GITERDUN" quilt! LOL
Bundling Board - Again

It was so beautiful outside yesterday, and I'm hoping for more of the same today. The rains two days ago cleared out the usual smog and we had a clear view of our ash-covered mountains. I was hoping some snow would be up there, but nada! We had hardly any snow on the mountaintops last year either. In prior years they were just gorgeous - a nice contrast to our warm temps below.
My boss brought his new black lab puppy to the office yesterday. Scooter is 8.5 weeks old, and is already showing promising field trial potential. Such a cutie. He wasn't so much a biter as a lot of puppies are, and he was real content to snuggle in my arms and give me puppy kisses!
I've been listening to the tales of the snow shoveling and seeing pictures of really deep snowfalls from my online quilting group. I'm not so sure I'd want to shovel snow, but for one winter I'd like to live in a place that has snow. Someday.
~ Beautiful poppies blooming everywhere
~ Breakfast food last night. Yummy!
~ Committed to cutting the blasted quilt this week. No excuses!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Watching the National Kennel Club show
Maybe it has something to do with finally getting my meds from the pharmacy today......... I'm going to be a real relaxed and happy camper in a day or two.
I was so excited this weekend to mail out five yards of a background I had to a friend who needed it. It was an older line, so I was delighted to be able to do this.
Total stash busted in 2007 to date .... 35.75 yards!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Another Bundling Board Block
This is MY blog. If you don't like what you're reading, change the channel.
My Dream Last Night
I dreamed I took a couple of weeks off from work (it had to be a dream!) I loaded up Daisy in the QuiltMobile, and took off for Missouri.
When I pulled up in front of a house, Judy and Sally and Jane were outside waving. How did Jane get there? I don't know. I just remember being so happy and so excited that finally I could get together with three special people who mean the most to me in the whole world!
I don't remember much else except lots of sewing and laughing and cooking and more laughing. Finished flimsies were everywhere! An explosion of color all over Judy's studio!
Okay, it was just a dream - but it was my dream, and it was a happy one! And since the pharmacy closed before I could pick up my prescriptions last night, I can't blame it on the meds! LOL
Someday .............
Today is my one-year blogging anniversary. It sure doesn't seem that long. Seems like just yesterday Judy was getting me all fixed up here. I had hoped to have a quilt finished (totally out of stash) to post today, but life got in the way. It's always something! :)
Thank you to each of you for making this year such an enjoyable one. It's been fabulous getting to know you, and you have truly inspired me beyond words!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I Need My Head Examined

Friday, February 09, 2007
Paltry Weekly Progress

Doctor Update
My heartfelt thanks to all my blogger friends who emailed me with their thoughts and prayers. You are very special to me.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Not much to blog about
I did start block two of the Bundling Board while watching the Super Bowl. I know, I know (Nancy, hear this?) that I should have been cutting on the blasted Irish chain, but I didn't want to. I won't be able to get in my sewing room until after this week is over. If I don't sleep away the weekend.
~ TV dinners
~ wine
That's it, folks!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Shop Sample for Ginger's

Saturday, February 03, 2007
My Belated Christmas Present

Friday, February 02, 2007
My January Progress
~ Finished shop sample for Ginger's Quilt Shoppe and pieced backing
~ Finished Alex's retreat sampler and pieced backing
~ Total yardage busted (including donations) - 30.75 yards
~ Made a block for a new applique project.
January is always too busy at work for me to get much stitching done. February, however, is a new beginning! I picked up a Sandy Gervais panel and some coordinating fabric yesterday at the quilt shop to make up a shop sample for them. Judy gave me an idea last night, but I need to go by tonight to see if they have this background. If not, I'll go to Plan B. But it should sew up real quickly - I like those kind of projects, a quick one!
I have an MRI scheduled for 2:00 today to rule out a bunch of stuff on headaches. I'm sure everything is okay, but it's just something we need to stay on top of with my history. Then a dip & clip in the morning, and home for the entire weekend. I'd love to have a flimsey to show by Sunday!
* Phone calls with special friends
* Excellent health insurance
* A feeling of accomplishment at work