This week a mysterious package arrived, and in it were two quilts from my very dear friends, Sally and Nicky. One is for Penny and one for me! They are so so so beautiful! They also tucked inside the package a purse for Penny. It's her new favorite toy. So cute running around with the purse in her mouth. In this picture she's trying to figure out the squeaker in it. (I had to lighten the picture. It's hard to photo a black dog!)
Sally and Nicky, thank you SO much for your friendship and love. These quilts will always be cherished by me! I love you both very much!
On the sewing front, not much going on! I tried to sneak down this morning without waking up Penny. I almost had the coffee pot together when I accidentally hit the talking ball with my foot. She heard it and was awake! For the next two hours it'll be play time until she wears out and I can put her in her kennel for a nap. I love this little puppy and she's so much fun, but she's also a lot of work! Oh, we had her second vet appointment yesterday. She gained exactly two pounds from her appointment three weeks ago. She's all of 5.1 pounds now!!
I want to work on an old quilt top that my sister-in-law, Gail, wants to have finished. It was put together by her grandmother I'm guessing as a utility quilt. The fabric strips are from clothing and are hand sewn. Gail said she recognized some of the fabric. Several of the long seams are really crooked and the quilt top doesn't lay flat. I'm going to give it a good steam pressing this afternoon and assess what I'll have to take apart and resew to get it flat and square. I'm going to get my local longarmer to just do an overall on it. I really want to finish this for Gail, but the quilter in me needs to fix it. It'll be fun to work on, and will be an easy project. Maybe I can get that accomplished today.
I'm really bored with getting UFOs done. Time to start a new project, I guess. But which one? Ginger asked me to look at an applique project that they might want to offer as a BOM at the shop. I'll do that today, too. I need to figure out how I can work that into my life right now. Hey, maybe sitting on the sofa stitching will give me play time with Penny and also something accomplished on the quilty front.
I've delayed the stash report long enough. It's not pretty - but what else is new. The box I hadn't opened last week contained mostly Roses de Noel as I thought. 16 yards of it. :) There was also 5 yards of a dotted cream background from the Pumpkin Patch line. I had used the Halloween background from my stash in Judy's Bears in the Barnyard project. That definitely needed to be replaced as I have a Halloween project that I'm wanting to do. So 21 yards purchased to report this week. Well, actually last week ..... oh, heck, what does it matter when!
I'm so motivated right now, but there are too many quilt projects sitting around. I just need to focus on one until it's finished.
Year-to-Date Totals:
Busted: 119.50 yards
Purchased: 369.125 yards
Net YTD: <249.625> yards
Oh, I love your new quilts! What great friends you have to think of you + Penny!
What great friends you have!
I have a black dog too! Impossible to get a good picture.
When my Mindy (black dog) was a puppy, she had sooooo much energy. I couldn't get anything done! This was before I starting sewing too. LOL! Anyway, this is where Daisy comes in. I got another puppy to keep Mindy out of trouble. It worked!
What pretty quilts you got there! That Penny is a lucky little puppy to have her own quilt, and a new squeaky toy to boot!
You have some beautifull quilts received. And well I am sure you will be busting some stash stash. Just get some backings done.
The quilts are beautiful and how nice for Penny to get a quilt and surprises too! :) She's such a doll and so tiny! I'm so happy you have her (and she has you!). Your stash report continues to crack me up!
i know the feeling of not wanting to work on UFOs... i've been working on one for over 2 years that is actually the pattern of the quilt you were given as a gift... my plan was to get it done for the student show but the student show is this Saturday and it won't be done... oh well... work on new things!
Sally & Nicky did a wonderful job on your quilts. Love the fabrics they used.
You're talking about doing an applique project, how are your baskets coming along?
Goodness girl, you're going to need one semi trailer just to haul all of your fabric back to Oklahoma! When are you retiring?!?! LOL
How sweet --a quilt for Penny, too. Very pretty quilts.
Your quilt restoration project sounds challenging. I like to fix things, too. What a nice surprise it will be for your friend. One suggestion: be careful about using the steam until you are finished with it. The steam could set in some problems you don't want set in. Just a thought. Will we get to see a picture when it is all done?
what great friends!
Those quilts are beautiful, and Penny looks very pretty on both of them! That new toy is bigger than her head! Quite a challenge for a little girl. I'm glad you have such wonderful friends.
I hope we get to see the quilt you're working on for your sis-in-law.
I'm lovin' your stash report!
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