Without further delaying this, all the names were shaken up, and the name drawn out to win the Once Upon a Prairie tower is ....
Sue H of Featherstone Quiltworks who said, "Memorial Day is a time of reflection to me of all the men and women who have served our country in the military, but most specifically members of my own family, including my cousin Ernie who died in Viet Nam, and my brother Bill who accompanied his body home; such a difficult time, and such an ultimate sacrifice."
Sue, I'm going to leave a comment on your blog, but please email me at krz4kwlts@yahoo.com so I can get your mailing address!
Thank you all again for helping me stash bust! God Bless America!
Memorial Day ... let's have a give-away! This is a tower of "Once Upon a Prairie" by Moda. It may be the first tower I ever purchased, or one of the first. This was probably late 2001 or early 2002. I remember doing this road trip and picking it up. I was brand spanking new to quilting, and the tower concept blew me away. Still does, for that matter! Just take a stroll around my stash room if you don't believe me! :)
I'd like to make this a fairly short give-away. So leave a comment here stating what Memorial Day means to you. The drawing will be random, but you must have a Memorial Day thought in your post to be entered. The drawing will be held on Thursday 6/3/10 when I get home from work, which may be later than usual. I'd say around 9:00 pm. Remember that I must have a way to reach you if you're the winner, so please leave a workable link to your blog or your email address.
My heartfelt thanks to all who have served our country, whether they be in uniform, or just one of the many everyday people who spent a tender moment with me when I was growing up, showed an act of kindness to a complete stranger, or volunteered their time and talent to help others in the community. Sometimes it's the small things that a young person will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
My Memorial Day thoughts are always of my Father who was a pilot in WWII. He has been gone almost 40 years but is frequently on my mind and especially on Memorial Day. I also remember the wonderful backyard BBQ's we used to have with my parent high school friends - we always had hot dogs on hamburger buns. Lots of good food and good friends.
Hi, we don´t celebrate Memorial Day here in my country, but I wish a happy Memorial Day to you :-) Greetings from Slovakia :-)
My Memorial Day thoughts are with my nephew who is stationed on a ship on his way "somewhere"... Also with my two uncles and my husband who have also served their country...
When I was a little girl we used to take road trips every Sunday to Camp Pendleton to visit my brother during bootcamp. He served a tour in Viet Nam after that. I don't remember too much of that only of the visits and celebration when he came home.
God Bless all the men and women who serve and protect our country.
Memorial Day reminds me of my uncle that I didn't know very well...he was in WW2. When I was younger I always wondered why he seemed to be such a loner and as I get older, I think war was much harder on him and others than we realized...how fortunate we are to have our freedoms and those willing to fight for them.
Memorial Day means so much to me. A visit to the veterans in my family, my dad and my uncle, to talk about there experiences and listen to them share their stories with my daughter so she can know the true meaning of the holiday.
Memorial Day always makes me think of our family members who have served our country and a visit to our local cemetery. I remember the early morning Mass at the cemetery and then marching in band at three local cemeteries when I was in high school. I am forever grateful to the men and women who have served.
Memorial Day is a good time to take some time to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. It is also a good time to remember those that are still serving our country to protect our freedoms.
While I'm Canadian and we celebrate Remembrance Day in November I'd like to say about all service men and women, no matter their country, have through out history given far more then should ever be asked, and are the only way we can live as we do today. Thank you seems trite but it is all we can say.
Memorial Day has me reflecting back on a friend of mine. A big burly bear of a man whose body had been damaged and his mind scarred by his experiences.
I can't help but think about how grateful I am today for the freedoms that I have thanks to all of the men and women who have served.
Memorial day is to honor those whom have served our country like my husband in Iraq. As a child, memorial day was when I would go with my father to the cemetary to lay flowers on family graves. Today, my husband and I go to the cemetary with his vfw to put flags on on the servicemen and womens graves. I see this as remembering all those spirits so they will never be forgotten.
Memorial Day is a day to celebrate our freedom and the brave men and women that went to war for us to stay free. It's also a chance to celebrate the lives of those men and women for the ultimate sacrifice they gave to our country.
Memorial Day is visiting cemetaries, remembering who was here before us, wondering about the ones before them I never knew. And spending time with the family, we're at graduations, visiting with the family that comes to town for special events. Have a great day!
Memorial Day brings to mind all those who have served and died for our country. My father in law served in WWII. He survived the war, but he never talks about it. I am thankful to him and all those who have served through the years to keep our country free. And to those who shed their blood and gave the ultimate sacrifice, I salute them and the families they left behind. God bless them, and God Bless America.
This year my Memorial Day thoughts are about my friend Michelle, who's husband Travis is stationed in Afghanistan. This is his second tour over there and I'm praying for a safe tour and hoping he comes home soon.
I come from a long line of Air Force folks so I'm always thinking about our men overseas and at home who make our USA safe.
Peggy in NJ
Memorial Day means giving thanks to the many men and women for protecting our country.
Memorial Day is a time of reflection to me of all the men and women who have served our country in the military, but most specifically members of my own family, including my cousin Ernie who died in Viet Nam, and my brother Bill who accompanied his body home; such a difficult time, and such an ultimate sacrifice.
MY memorial day thoughts are for all moms who have lost their children for this country.
It always goes thru my mind that freedom isn't free. I remember the many times we would visit Arlington National Cemetery, and each stone represented to me the tears of a wife, a mother, a child, or anyone who has lost someone that they loved deeply. How deep the sacrifice.....how much I appreciate those who work to provide our freedom.
We don't have a memorial day here in the UK but we do have Remembrance Sunday on November 11th to commemorate the end of WW2 and all those who gave their lives for their country
My two nephews are both getting ready to join the army, and a childhood friend of mine has a son already serving. I am in awe of their bravery and in their choice to serve their country.
Memorial Day is a day to be grateful for our freedom that we take for granted every day. I still get choked up when the Star Spangled Banner or God Bless America are played.
I wish more people would take the time to reflect on how lucky we all are to live in this country.
Thanks for the give away and for the chance to read how others feel about this day.
My Memorial Day thoughts always go first to my Uncle T. He wrote wonderful letters to me during the first year of my life as he served in the Army Air Corp. He was injured on my first birthday and died four days later. My first memory of Taps being played was several years later when his body was brought home. Gave me chills them and still does. Thank you also to my son and cousin who later served.
I have memorial day memories of my mother and i clipping roses and other flowers to decorate her parent's graves. we had 3 graves, so we took several buckets. i remember that it used to be called Decoration Day. i remember the parades of my childhood, and i honor my hubby who is a disabled vet every day, and the thoughtfulness of the VA who provide continuing health care for him. i am a vet as well.
On this Memorial Day I am so appreciative of family members and the many other men and women whose names I do not know that are willing to serve and protect our freedoms and attempt to improve the lives of others around the world. Also special blessings to the families they leave at home while serving.
I remember my uncles talking about fighting in WWII. My father couldn't enlist because he had partial blindness in one eye. So he stayed home on the farm to work while his brothers went off to war. Happily for our family, they all returned safely. I am so thankful for all the men and women who have given of their time and for some, their lives, so that we can be free to do and say what we want in the US.
What Memorial Day means to me...remembering all of those who have served, are serving and will serve to keep our country free and safe out of harms way.
Memorial Day is the day that I honor my father, who fought in the Korean War. He died 5 1/2 years ago of lung cancer, and until then, I never knew that he had been decorated for his bravery there because he never talked much about the war. He fought hard for our country, and I am proud to know that!
Memorial Day always brings thoughts of those who serve to make this country the great one that it is. My husband and I served 30 years in the Navy...Him as a sailor, me as his wife keeping the home fires burning so he had a home to defend and come home to!
Memorial Day is also the unofficial first day of summer...a time for barbecues and fireflies...a time for no school and summer fruits.
Thanks so much for this lovely giveaway....
Memorial Day is a day of reflection for us. Honoring veterans and those currently serving our great country. I have never owned a tower~ am I missing something? ;-)
I just lost a long post about my late hubbys many years in the army and my sister and her hubby coming by to visit last night. He is still active duty and home from TDY for the 4 day weekend.
Memorial Day is such a special day to reflect on those who served or even gave their lives for our country and our freedom. Thank you to all and a special thank you to all the family members.
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Memorial Day is very special this year as my oldest son is in training at Parris Island to become a Marine! I've always been grateful for those who stand for our freedom and sacrifice so much to do this for all...Happy Memorial Day!
What does Memorial Day mean to me? Three of my grandparents fought in WWII in both Army and WAC and my remaining grandmother carried the farm at home while waiting.
Oh how I wish I could be near enough to place flowers on their graves, but my prayers of thanks for them will have to be enough.
Thanks for the opportunity! (lofgrana at hotmail dot com)
This Memorial Day is extra special for me this year. Our son who is career Navy, will be deployed later this year. I am so proud of who he is and what he stands for. He is an amazing man who makes this Mom proud!
Memorial Day as a child were always picnics with my grandparents and all their sisters and brothers. I can't tell you today how many of them served in the war, but at some point during the day the conversation would always turn to their days of service. Their small town would have a parade in the morning and fireworks in the evening. My family is so grateful to all the men and women who serve our country so we can enjoy our freedom. One small token of our appreciation is to try to anonymously pay for a serviceman's meal when we are dining out. We live near a military base and frequently see military personel...it's our way of letting them know we care.
My memorial day thoughts are with my dad who served in the Navy during WWII, my older brother
who served in Vietnam, and my oldest son who served in the Air Force and now is in the Air National Guard.
Thank you for entering me in your very generous giveaway!
Memorial Day is a time for to stop and remember that because so many have sacrificed so much for me, I have the opportunity to blog freely, express my opinions and concerns, share time with family and friends, and pray that some day in the future, the sacrifices of those remember on this day will no longer be necessary.
In Romania is celebrated National Heroes Day. We are thankful to all the heroes!
Memorial Day to me means seeing the flag flying everywhere and people PROUD to show it. So, often people don't fly the flag any more. That is one thing my father did every year before he died... he had served in the Air Force and made sure his flag was flying. Go RED, WHITE AND BLUE!!! Happy Memorial Day and Thank you to everyone that believes it this freedom we have here in the great USA!!!
I remember my father and grandfather who served in the first and second world wars with honor... Also I remember red poppies bring sold! Thank you Vicki for hosting this giveaway.
Memorial Day fills me wth sadness. I'm sorry there has to be a Memorial Day, too much sacrifice! That being said, I'm wife to a retired Army guy- 24 years active duty and mom to son who gave 10years to the US Navy. My heart and thoughts are with those serving today.
My thoughts always go to my mother's cousin who had just recieved notice he was going home when he was killed in Viet Nam. I am glad we have a Memorial Day. It is good for us to remember those who gave everything.
Memorial Day-a Day to honor those who have given their lives in service for our great nation. Also their families. The ultimate sacrifice! It overwhelms me to think of it.
On Memorial Day, I am humbled and grateful for the service and sacrifice of all those who have served our country. My son is a veteran of Desert Storm and my daughter and son-in-law were reservists, activated and sent to Germany to replace the soldiers who left for Iraq.
I'm a Canadian now living south of the border and Memorial Day means family get togethers, cemetaries are looked after, we remember and think of those who have served (my father in Canada) and those who continue to wear the uniform for our freedoms and lifestyle. We are so blessed to be in the USA.
Now that my folks have both passed since 2004, I now 'memorialize' them by dedicating my thoughts to them and go to their respective fruit trees (planted in their names in my yard)paying my 'respects'. Thanks for the generous giveaway opp!
I'm a Canadian and our day for special remembrance is in November. Our Canadian troops are in my thoughts regularly and especially on days when the body of soldier comes home to rest. Bodies of the fallen arrive in Canada at an air force base not too far from Toronto. The motorcade then travels down highway 401, on a specially marked distance known as "Highway of Heroes", before arriving at the Coroner's office in Toronto. Our media ALWAYS tells us when a soldier is coming home and all the bridges along the highway are always full of people paying their respects.
Thank you to both the American and Canadian forces who enable us to live like we do.
Memorial Day was always special to my family as I was growing up. There would be many conversations about all the family members that served in the military . We would have a barbque that day and all the uncles would sit around reminiscing about the years they served and retelling the war stories they heard from their Dad and grandfathers.
I remember putting the little flags in the garden to help decorate the back yard...
hadn't thought about this in years...thanks.
today I always give thanks for all of the family members that served and try to remember all the stories....as well as give thanks to those who are serving today to protect us everyday of the year. I am so thankful for the military .
My husband is a veteran, so we're very patriotic around here -- just returned from the annual veteran's pancake breakfast -- hubby made the omelets! We're so thankful and grateful for the young men presently serving our country -- God bless them!
On Memorial Day I often think of my grandmother, and how we would leave fresh flowers on relatives graves in small cemeteries in every corner of the county, the Saturday before Memorial Day. Now I leave the flowers on her grave.
I was 3 years away from even THINKING about quilting in 2001..but would love the bundle!
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Memorial Day was a family day. Everyone gathered at the cemetery and what I remember most, was the reading of the poem "In Flander's Fields". A floral wreath laid down for unknown soldiers. Decorating of all our family's graves. Then we gathered at my grandparent's house to eat--I remember the menu--oven fried chicken, baked baby lima beans, potato salad. rhubarb pie. And lots of iced tea. This was pre-air conditioning.
My husband, my brothers...those living who have served.....those who have gone on and those currently serving. Things that we all should reflect on for Memorial Day.
As I was sitting in church yesterday I was reminded of what our military men have fought for. I truly am grateful for them
Freedom isn't free and I
honor all the men and women who paid the ultimate
price so that we could enjoy our freedom. Let
us not only remember them
but their families who
felt their loss forever.
Doris in Texas
Hi, I remember my grandmother putting flowers on everyone's grave for Memorial Day. We always made a special trip to buy the flowers so that my grandfather could drive her to the various sites and place them.
Of course it also makes me think of my father and other family members who have served in the armed forces. I recall all of the stories that my father told us about WWII.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
My grandfather served in WWII taking photographs on reconnaissance planes used to help determine war strategies. I never knew him but have been told he returned an alcoholic. Memorial day means remembering not only what our service men & women have done but also what they must leave with if and when they return home.
I think of all the kids that lost their dads so that my kids have their father. They have my time-honored respect....
Memorial Day is hard here, being a Texan in New Zealand. And it's cold. It reminds me of all those hard working souls all over the world choosing to do a job most of us wouldn't dream of. And if it weren't for them our lives wouldn't be the same. God Bless those soldiers, whether you agree with the politics or not.
Memorial Day represents a day to say thanks to all who have served our country. The importance of this was instilled in me as a child by my father who served in the Army during WWII and my grandfatehr who served in the Navy during WWI.
Memorial Day makes me so proud to be an American. We must never forget what it means to be an American. When we look around at other countries we realize how blessed we really are.
Love reading your blog and thanks for a give-away.
Well... I sure wouldn't mind if Memorial Day means the baby's coming! But otherwise, I think of my husband's grandfather that fought in WWII. At his funeral rifles were shot and there most certainly wasn't a dry eye on any woman.
When I was growing up, I would be in the parade at 7am in the morning..the solemn looks on peoples faces I could never figure out! Then I grew up! My sons best friend just left this past week for 1.5yr overseas (Iraq)! God Bless America!
Memorial Day reminds me of my Grandfather who served in the Navy and my uncle who fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and how grateful I am for those and their families who sacrificed in defense of our sovereign rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. On a lighter note, I love that the holiday kicks off the Summer season, warmer temperatures, refreshing watermelon, nectarines, and for me the pursuit of happiness includes sewing and design...love that.
We don't celebrate Memorial Day - we celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11th and poppies are everywhere then (Canada).
Memorial Day has taken a special meaning for me and my family this year, as my brother recently joined the Army and has really turned his life around as a result.
He's still in training, but he makes me really proud.
I live in the UK, and I have a deep respect for soldiers on both sides of the Atlantic who fought for our freedom in WWII as well.
Memorial Day for me is remembering all those who have passed before me. I say special prayers for the service men and women who are serving now and their families for their safe return home.
You have my email so I won't post it here.
Thank you, Vicky for the give away.
Two different thoughts come to mind when celebrating Memorial Day. The first is a feeling of gratitude and thankfulness for those veterans and folks in the military for protecting our freedoms. My Dad served in World War II. Grateful to the many families that sacrifice with their family members in active military service.
The second thought is that Summer is here. Memorial Day bar b que, watermelon and the opening of the neighborhood swimming pool.
I love community shows of patriotism. A town nearby puts American flags all along a major road.
Memorial Day- a time to remember, and thank, all of those who are responsible for our freeedom.Those who have, those who are and those to come.............and espcially those who have given up their tomorrows so that we may have ours. God Bless Our America and God Bless Our Military!
Debbie Thomas
Memorial Day brings to mind how precious a price has been paid for the freedoms we enjoy. I remember my granddaddy, my dad, my first cousin Ray, my high school friend, and now, my daughter's high school friend(!), and my father-in-law, etc. May we never forget what they have done for us. And God bless all those who are currently serving!
What an honor for me to acknowledge all the troops, past and present, on this special day. My BIL is retired Army, my niece is Army and my nephew is Navy. I am so proud of them! Recently while visiting with them in NC, I was able to go to the Airborne and Special Ops Museum. A lot of the staff are retired military volunteers. Awesome museum!
A special thank you to ALL who are serving or have served to preserve our precious freedom. Memorial Day brings memories of family and friends who have served and those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. How fortunate we are that so many young people are still willing to serve this great country. Thanks for a fun giveaway.
Vicky - I always think of my Dad, his younger brother, and my Mom's brothers. All of them served in WWII and all were lucky enough to make it back home. They served all over the world and saw some awful things and then came back and raised families and showed their children what a wonderful place the world can be. They never let the horrible experiences they had color the views they shared with us, their children. I miss them all terribly.
Memorial Day means thinking of my two grandpas and the service they gave in WWII.
kell22 @ cox.net
Memorial Day for our family means taking the time to remember the friends my husband lost while deployed. My husband was fortunate in retiring 23 years after military service yet so many of our friends are still serving our country today. Explosive Ordnance Disposal was his career field. I was always so worried about the bombs but never as much as when he was in Iraq. They were like sitting ducks and it just didn't seem to matter all the training they received. Anyway...today is a day to remember our friends and those who served in our past.
Since I served in the Air Force, Memorial Day has its own meaning for me. Three generations of my family, including me, have served during war time. Thank you to all those who have served or are currently serving!
Memorial Day is a day of reflection for me. I think of all my family members who served in the military as well as friends. Many were wounded and decorated, yet do not wish to talk about the wars they fought. Patriots each one. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
We celebrate Memorial Day in Nov and call it Remembrance Day. It's a good reminder to think about those serving our country and appreciate all that they are doing for us.
That's a wonderful stack of fabric.ss
Working for veterans as I do, my thoughts are always on the veterans, not just on memorial day. Still, today is a day to reflect on the service of those who have gone before me, my own service, and now my sons service. As he gets ready to deploy to Afghanistan in the next week or so, may thoughts and prayers be with him.
I am married to a marine that served for four years, so Memorial Day for us is a day to remember all of those that have died for our freedoms and to appreciate the ultimate sacrifice that they made for us.
Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
We always heard it called Decoration day, it was a day to take lots of flowers to all headstones at our family's plots :) I am thankful now because I know where everyone is buried throughout the cemetary!
What a nice giveaway. My father served in WWII, is 84-years-old and still healthy. He shares many stories with us from that war. I remember great uncles that served in WWI and this day is especially a day to remember them and all others who have served to keep our country free. Just a few weeks ago a local young man died from injuries in Afghanistan. I work with his aunt and it has been so hard for them. He was too young. It's also a day to visit the cemetery and remember grandparent's, aunts and uncles who have passed. It's also a day to count our blessings of which I have many. Thanks for allowing us to share our thoughts on this day.
My husband served two tours in Nam and is retired from the full time National Guard. Memorial Day is a time for me to remember his good friend who did not come home from Nam and all other soldiers and sailors who gave their lives so that we can live in freedom.
Susan R
Memorial Day is a time to remember our fallen soldiers and the one tthat are still serving for our freedom.
Memorial Day means time spent enjoying family and doing all the things we CAN do because of those who died for our right to do those things.
I always think of my dad who suffered a scrapnal injury and for his whole life after the army had seizures every once in a while...all for the service of his country...we are free becuase men fought and died and Im proud of all of them!
Hi Vicky - Celebrating Memorial Day has many meanings to me, not only because I am the proud Momma to a Coastie, but also because my dear husband proudly served our country, as did several of my family members. Honoring those who so freely serve our country is something that we can never do enough of.
XOXO - Sheila
when i was young, i didn't realize that Memorial Day was supposed to be for remembering those who served our country - it was always the day we drove up to the cemetery in Central City and cleaned up my dad's family's graves ... the last time i was there i wandered around for over an hour and couldn't find any of the Old Ones ... anywho, i think it is a good time to remember all of those who have crossed over - and so i take flowers to my dad and my auntie, just to let them know how grateful i am that i was theirs and they were mine
It is a day to be grateful for our freedom. It comes at a huge cost.
Memorial Day is a special day to remember those who gave all for their country. I am thankful for every last one of them.
I think of Memorial Day as a day to remember those past and present who have fought to allow us the freedoms we enjoy today. My husband spent 25 years in the military serving his country. My father and his father were both in the Navy during World War II. Here's to the men and women who serve and have served!
Oh, I shouldn't enter.... But I will!!
I saw my brother on Friday for the first time in more than a year. He was deployed in Iraq for the last year and just got back to the states last month. It was nice to see him again so close to Memorial Day!
Just like the first commenter here, my father was a pilot in World War II. He passed away in 2003, and he's the first person who comes to mind on Memorial Day.
My dad served in the Army. My uncle served in the Air Force. My FIL served in the Army Aircorp. I admire all those men & women that serve/defend our great country.
I am Canadian and we celebrate Veterans Day in November. I am so thankful for all the men and women who have served for our freedom.
Vicky - thank you for the giveaway.
Memorial Day is important to me as it's a day to relect on those who have served our country. We wouldn't have the freedoms that we enjoy now without their sacrifices.
Windy Meadow
For me Memorial Day is a day to be thankful to all the wonderful people who sacrifice so much to give us the freedom that we enjoy. Not just our servicemen, but also their families they leave behind. Many return to their families, but many also never return. To give so selflessly is something to be honored and remembered everyday.
Memorial Day for a military wife is one of those days that we are thankful for those who've served before (like my grandfathers & father). But it is also a day in which I celebrate my husband's service to me and my daughters. He may be serving away from us & around the world on this day, but he is doing it so that his family can continue to live in such a great & free country. We truly do understand that Memorial Day is not just for cookouts and a day off work.
Memorial day has so many good thoughts about the brave men and women of our armed forces doing a job for their friends and families.
Arlington Cemetary!
This Memorial Day we will be visiting with my husband's brother, who made the military his career, ending as a 3 star General. He served in Vietnam and around the world. He is a wonderful example of someone who has dedicated his life to serving America and allowing us to have the blessed way of life that we enjoy. Many thanks to him and all others who continue this task. Kathie L in Allentown
Memorial Day now reminds me of a trip I took with my family to Europe and we visited Normandy. After touring the museum describing what happened during the war, we visited the beaches and the cemetary. What impacts you the most is seeing the rows and rows of white crosses.
It brings it all home as to the meaning of memorial Day.
My dad served in the USAF as an instructor in repairing jet engines. He didn't wear ear protection (they didn't know then what we know now) so has very poor hearing. It is awesome how our vets are treated on this holiday, but depressing to see the treatment on 'normal' days..what makes one day a year different?? We should show our thanks and respect 365 days each year!!
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!! FYI, if I were to win this drawing, the fabric would be used to make quilts for QOV or HOB..
Thanks for your generosity!
Memorial day is a day for me to reflect on those that have given the ultimate sacrifice someone could give. Those that gave their lives to give us freedom as well as those who are giving their lives still to this day to keep us safe and keep our freedom. Both of my grandfathers have served in the Army. I have a wonderful husband who is serving in the Navy, as well as a brother and brother-in-law in the military. This is a day to give thanks to those who have served in the past as well as those who are serving now.
Being the tail end of the Baby Boom generation, it is my grandfather and my great uncle I think of most often, WWII soldiers. My grandfather survived; my great uncle did not. He was only 18 or 19 and died at Leyte, in the Philippines. It took 3 years for his body to be brought home. My grandfather was on one of the first ships to reach Japan and said that when they went ashore, the people ran from them, terrified.
It means thanking the service people for my freedom.
Every Memorial Day my husband (a Viet Nam vet) and I go to Rolling Thunder in DC. It means alot that all the Viet Nam vets are getting their appreciation for their service.
We have no military in our family, but my Memorial Day memory is going to the parade as a child in Rochester, NY. We would always get a flag and a poppy flower. Even though we have no military members, I am so thankful to each one for their sacrifice and service.
On Memorial Day we have a celebration in our cemetery honoring the vets. The driveways are all lined with flags. It is a beautiful site to see and the program is so wonderful, but sad, when the names of the deceased are called off.
My father served in the Navy during WWII and I just finished making a scrapbook of all his momentos. It was actually very sad...no one was still alive in the family pictures I had. But my father would have loved to see it all put together.
My thoughts this Memorial Day were that we could all live in peace. There really isn't any need to fight and kill each other because they are of a different race or religion. God Bless all of us!
Memorial Day is a struggle for me. In October 2002 my boyfriend was killed in a suicide bombing. He was a Green Beret with 22 years of service. He was able to get all 13 men on his team out and only 1 with injuries. I am proud to say that he died doing what he believed in and doing what he truly loved.
Memorial Day is a time for all of us to remember those who have sacrificed their lives for our country. We lived in a small town and decorated all veterans graves with flags. We had a parade and the children carried small bouquets of flowers to also place on graves. Afterward we all went to the American Legion Hall for dinner and the homemade ice cream we had made earlier in the week. rnoel57@gmail.com
On Memorial Day, I remember my Aunt who was a Lt. Colonel in the Navy and retired from there. She, at one time, was stationed in Brussels and was one to make the final decisions as to who would get to go home and who had to stay a little longer in Vietnam. I'll always remember when she said for the ones she had to make stay a little longer and later found out they died, it killed her inside. She is gone now after serving for over 20 years, but I'll always have a prayer in my heart for her and for those that never came home.
Trish L. (newlapp@pa.net)
In Australia we don't celebrate Memorial Day, tho' we do celebrate Rememberance Day. The important thing is to remember and acknowledge the ones who have fought and continue to fight for our country/countries. Thank you for the giveaway, Dianne
Memorial Day brings thoughts of my dad and uncles who served in WWII. I barely remember the get-togethers when they were home on leave, I do remember the different uniforms.
Memorial Day usually ends up right on or around my mom's birthday. I always have associated the two. I always think about my grandpa too who has now been gone for 10 years. We have always put flowers on gravesites as a family. Thanks for the chance!
My Memorial Day childhood memories are of parades and standing in the sun listening to speakers I didn't understand and then the fun part - picnics and good food. Today it is, of course, all so much more real. I have such respect for those who serve and are willing to give their lives for their country.
Memorial Day to me is a special day to remind me that every day is a day to remember and give thanks for those brave men and women who have fought for the freedom I cherish and often take for granted. So many have given their lives so that I may live mine as blessed as it is. It also reminds me to think daily of those fighting today for my freedom.
Thanks for asking!
Janet in KY
Memorial Day to me is to remember the people who have sacraificed so much to keep our country free.
My memories of Memorial Days were cookouts at my parents house at the beach to start the summer. :)
It's our first Memorial Day without my grandfather. He passed away 2 days before Christmas at the age of 90. He proudly served his country, and taught us to always be grateful to be part of this great nation.
The feeling of love and patriotism for this wonderful country of ours. Gratefulness to all the wonderful men and women who served and are serving in our armed forces. That's just a bit of what Memorial Day means to me.
We used to go to the graves in Missouri of our family and place flowers on them. Our grandma always drove the first car and we all followed in about seven other cars. She died this spring and we all drove to the cemetary behind the hearse. Still following her to the cemetary.
Rebecca in AK
My thoughts are with my father-in-law, who just retired after 30 years serving our country.
I was a military brat. On holidays that celebrate soldiers. I think of all the soldiers that I saw as I grew up. The ones that I knew personally and the ones that I didn't know and remember things that are very moving to me. They would march to the theatre next door to where we lived to get shots and you could hear their sing song chant. I still love to hear that today. This was in the Panama Canal Zone in the late 60's and it was the training ground for soldiers sent to Vietnam. I did not relize it at the time. Please pray for all soldiers.
Memorial Day means putting American Flags on all the Veterans graves. Thank a Veteran for the freedoms you have today.
Memorial Day is a day to remember those in my family who served our country, as well as millions of other who paid the ultimate sacrifice to our country. Thanks so much!
kelliemorgan17 at gmail dot com
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