Pennsylvania Dutch BOM is moving right along. We're already at Month 8. Wow, time flies when you're having fun!
This block was so easy, and I absolutely fell in love with it. I'd like a two-color quilt made from these blocks.
The drawing for the $25 gift certificate from the Fat Quarter Shop will be held on Saturday, 6/19/10 at around 7:00 pm California time. To be eligible for the drawing, you must leave a comment here with a link to your blog where you have posted a picture of your block. If you don't have a blog, just email me a picture of it to be entered in the drawing. It's that easy! EDIT: Penny and I are going to play with Skippy, so we probably won't be home at 7:00. But I will do the drawing tonight! :)
I haven't poked any significant buy buttons lately, but I sure have been window shopping at the Fat Quarter Shop! I can't wait for Scrap Basket Surprises Club to start, the Prairie Women's Sewing Circle, and the 2010 Designer Mystery BOM ... just to name a few! I've signed up for other BOMs and Clubs -- well, I did! I couldn't help it! -- so it's going to be a busy year ahead! Can't wait!
Kimberly, thank you again and again for sponsoring the monthly give-aways for the Pennsylvania Dutch BOM participants! You are totally awesome!
I do like this block. It would make a wonderful two color quilt.
Vicky, Vicky, Vicky -- I was getting real good about not clicking on your quilting project inspirations. Today's just about did me in -- my computer sound is off but those were definitely calling my name. Gotta sign off now before I start clicking. Ya got good taste!
I already joined the 2010 Mystery BOM and the Scrap Basket Surprises BOM looks yummie. Oh dear, oh dear! I already received my PD block, so I should be able to finish it before the 19th!
My block is done and I love it. I also plan to make a two color quilt. But I have a long list of things I like to make ;-)
I was able to finish my blog yesterday! Just now I heard from a blogging friend that she is making the PD BOM too, but that she is far behind. So I'll give her your blog. Maybe it will motivate her to get blocks done!
Thanks for the link Simone, you did inspire me to get moving and catch up. I've made this month's block today and I absolutely love it. There is a picture here on my blog.
Hoping next week that I can catch up with a few more blocks and get back on track :)
I just finished my Pennsylvania Dutch block for June and posted a picture on my blog. You are so right, it's a very nice 2 color block.
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