I'll have to find the pattern names for these quilts, and I'll edit later to put those in. One is Judy's pattern! In the meantime, Penny checked them all out and gave her seal of approval!
These are slanted stars. 100% from stash, including the backing. I just cut a million squares from red scraps and started snowballing. Lots of oldies but goodies there!
This was an adorable kit that Kimberly had at the Fat Quarter Shop. I'll find the pattern and post the name.
This is a Judy of Patchwork Times pattern, Out of the Box. Remember how she challenged us to pull fabric from our stash?!! I went for the Christmas feel!
Another quick and easy kit from the Fat Quarter Shop. It was a fat eighth pattern. Again, I'll hunt for the name and get it posted.
At least something is getting done here!!
WOW! You're going to have four completed quilts! The one from my pattern, which I can see Penny likes the best, is from the pattern, Out of the Bag. Congratulations on getting those four so close to being finished.
You're right! She does like it best! And so do I! Thank you again and again for providing such a wonderful pattern to us!
I LOVe your Hallow'een quilt, well, I love them all, but that's my fav. Binding is my favorite part of making a quilt!
All 4 look so beautifull
Wonderful job! Lot's done...good for you! They're all great and I can tell Penny loves them all...and that's always a good thing.
All four quilts look great! I love the hand stitching of binding too and have been out of any quilts needing it for some time :-(. I have a whole pile waiting for basting and quilting, so must get on that so I can have something to bind LOL. They are smaller quilts I want to quilt myself, so nothing to send to my quilter at this point to move the process along.
How wonderful! They are all just gorgeous! And, I'm glad that Penny approves.
Great job! I am getting some binding done this week, too!
They all look fantastic!
What local quilter do you use?
I love the quilts. Doesn't it feel great to get the last stitch done in the binding so you can wrap yourself up in a quilt?
Great job, finishing 4 quilts! What a wonderful feeling that must be!
Wow! Are you on a roll or what? You cleaned out in your garage and now 4 quilts for bindings. Way to go Vicky. Good to see Penny giving the nod of approval.
Oh, Vicky, they are all wonderful, wonderful. Like you, I enjoy doing binding so I know how much fun you're going to have. :-)
Wow! How wonderful! I like sewing bindings on too~ lots of nights of fun stitching. And what beauties they are! Have a happy day!
They are all beautiful, Vicky, especially the stars and out of the box. I love both of those patterns. But guess what I love MOST about them????? That would be PENNY! :D I cannot see anything else when there's a black/tan wienie anywhere nearby. :D
The slanted stars looks a lot like Bonnie Hunter's Smoky Mountain Stars. It's one of the free patterns on Quiltville.com
I love all the quilts and you used your stash!! WooHoo!
wow....aren't you glad you made the binding. I love the handwork too, its such a satisfying time sewing the last few stitches!
You're doing better than I am. I haven't a finished quilt for 2011 to my name, even though I do have 2 at the quilters. And a 3rd one languishing waiting for borders for 3 weeks. Life has been busy at my house and evidently quilting is never invited to those parties, lol. Agree on the Judy quilt. It is a wonderful pattern, wish I had time to make it. Maybe one of these days. Oh, and your quilts are beautiful as always, lol. You get a great big star!!!epy
Your slanteds stars are beautiful!
Beautiful quilts!
Penny is your offical quality control inspector. LOL!
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