Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Testing, testing ....

Just peeking my head around the door to see if it gets shot off!

Just kidding. Really I am.

I've had 41 emails (I counted) asking what was in the boxes a couple of posts back.

There was some Panier de Fleurs and some American Banner Rose.

Looks like I have a patriotic thing going on here. Love those colors. I also picked up some Moda Bella solids in three different shades of gray. I resisted gray for a good while, but now I'm solidly sold on it - pun intended.

The next most frequently asked question was if I was coming back to blog. The answer -- yes. I'll be somewhat infrequent for another couple of months. I'll tell you about it after that. Then you'll see why things have been the way they are. The last twelve months have been unsettling, but I think I may be seeing that light that everyone tells me shines at the end of tunnels.

And in *all* of my spare time, I've been getting organized in my sewing room. Here very shortly I'm going to need a weekend of just sewing mindlessly to unwind a bit.

Now here's where I need to say something, and I hope this will be taken in the spirit in which it is meant.

It's my blog. I don't care who thinks I buy too much fabric. I don't care who feels the need to criticize me in comments. If you don't like me or what I have to say, even what I stand for, then move on. Your fingers are not Velcroed to the LA Quilter button.

I'm going to leave comment moderation on, which is a royal pain in the patooty for me and I'm sure for those who leave comments. It's a necessity while I'm away from computers for so much of the day. Please bear with me on that.

I'm baffled on why I'm such a "large target" for nasty commenters. I think I know why, but it's really just conjecture on my part. The whys are not important any more to me. I was able to find out who a couple of those folks are through the wonders of technology. One surprise; a couple not so much so. Again, that's not important to me any more now that I know. I've moved on.

I've said this before -- and it bears repeating -- I live in a tiny world. I'm out in Corporate America all day, and then I come home to my condo and my dog. The peacefulness of my little world at home is a much needed counter-balance. I'm going to be 60 years old soon. My body is worn out and my mind is tired. Pure joy is playing in my quilting room. It may be sewing, or cutting, or just petting fabric, but it relaxes my mind and soothes my soul. I only hope that someday soon I'll get to spend more time doing that.

So to sum all of this up, from this point forward any crashers into my tiny world will be rejected. I welcome and cherish the friends I have made through five years of blogging, and I hope to get to know more of you over the next five.

So ... happy thoughts. Kind thoughts. That can only lead to better things.


Kathleen said...

Glad you're back - even if sporadically. I hope the issues you are facing work out in a positive manner!

Nini said...

So glad I can leave a comment...I feel for you, I've always found inspiration and joy in your blog. Don't let the nasties rule! Nini Frank

Laura said...

I'm so, so glad to see you blogging again, Vicky. I agree completely with everything you said, and hope you get more peace in your life soon.

JudyT said...

Yea, our Vicky is back!! Loved your post and i'm glad you are going to be entertaining us with doggie tales, fabric enhancements, seeing your great quilts, and everything else we love about your blog. I, along with many others I'm sure, have a big smile on my face right now.

Darlene said...

Nice to 'see' you - peek a boo!!! :-)

The Mrs McNastys of the world are not important - they really aren't!!!


Aimee B said...

I am glad you will continue blogging! And I am glad you are taking care of yourself! I am also just a little bit jealous of the Banner Rose (in particular) I am coveting that line... So happy to know what was in the boxes!
<3 Aimee

Andrea said...

Some people are just plain nasty and that's the truth. Thank goodness the good ones far outweigh the bad. Please keep doing your own thing - I have been a reader of your blog for a long time and will keep doing do. Take care xxx

antique quilter said...

oh greys, wow thats wonderful I also feel they need to be a part of my quilting backgrounds....something about the color just plays so nice with my repros! glad your back blogging I for one have missed your posts....
look forward to seeing your projects when you find time to work on them.

Carol said...

I'm so HAPPY you're back Vicky...I'm missed you bunches. Your post was very well said...much nicer than I would have said it probably...LOL!
So right you's your blog! Hope that light continues to shine at the end of the tunnel. Sending good thoughts.

Susie said...

Welcome back!

julieQ said...

Indeed...kind and happy thoughts! Glad to hear from you, Vicki!

Melanie said...

I've missed your posts. Sounds like you've gained perspective. Good job.

Anonymous said...

i commend you for what you are doing, and am glad that there is a light at the end of your tunnel.
Huggs for both you and Penny.

I have a feeling that the nasties will grow in numbers in the next few years, so look at this way of blogging as the new 'normal' mode of self preservation against them.

You were always a front runner in my book! So keep right on with your race and don't let the nasties distract you from the finish line.

Sandy said...

Yay Vicky! I'm so glad you are not letting those jealous people keep you down! Your post was very well put! Welcome back!=)

Linda in TX said...

So glad to "see" you back again. Even if sporadically, please keep blogging on. I love to hear of your sprees - makes me feel right at home.

Tiffaney said...

Hoot Hoot! So happy to "see" you back.

Unknown said...

Glad you've found the peace and wisdom!
I hope whatever secrets you're up to keep filling you up!

Diane aka cameldiva said...

Welcome back. You know you are more loved than you thought you are. Can't wait to hear more Penny tales, and see more of your work and hear more about your stash.

Grey? Oh no, its such a trend isn't it? I may have to succumb too although I am fighting it.

Never mind the Miz Negatives.They are down on others because they are reflecting what goes on in their lives.. It truly isn't a reflection on you. Cheers, babes. And here's to welcoming you back to blogland.

Sherry said...

My blog has been on comment moderation for several years --- because of a troll. It is a bit of a pain but I like that I see comments & can reply from my email addy.

There is light at the end of tunnels. . .'cause I've been through some of my own. I hope that your tunnel is way shorter now than what it was before & that the light is getting brighter & brighter.

Look forward to hearing what you have been up to in the sewing room. . .I've finally been able to get to my sewing machine so I should be updating my blog shortly.

Have a wonderful day. . . and didn't you hear? 60 is the new 40!! (Yeah, I can hear your groan from here thinking about what happened in your 40's! he he he he)

Yvette said...

I am so glad you are back. I love seeing your purchases and why is going on in your sewing room.

I miss Penny. :(

dortha said...

Vicky, I am so glad you are back. I love reading your blog. I am so glad you did not let the mean and ugly people keep you out. You have to be who you are and the mean and ugly people dont need to be able to change that. Welcome back

Gail said...

I'm so glad you decided to torpedo the nasties and rejoin the rest of us again. Don't waste your energy and thoughts on those sad individuals. I also wanted to thank you here (in addition to the perssonal email I sent) for the FANTASTIC & FABULOUS box of Fat Quarters you sent me as winner of your give away. About double the number of fat quarters you said you would send, and I've got the box in the middle of my sewing surface where I can pull them out and contemplate how best to use them..........and (forgive the term) orgy of fabric fun!

Julia said...

Perfect post, Vicky!!! So glad that you are going to continue to blog! I have recently fallen in love with color gray also! Those sneaky fabric and pattern designers sure know how to pull us in, don't they. :~)

Cathy said...

Glad to see you back. I was hoping you wouldn't disappear forever. Your blog is fun, and I love to see the results of your "pushing buttons" I too have my comment moderation turned on, not so much to screen them, as to be able to reply to them. You are right, this is your blog, do what you want with it, and say what you want on it. No one is forcing anyone else to read it.

Anonymous said...

Good girl! You found your peace :o) And I agree with what you said 100%! My quilt room has more kits than I can count and that is just the way it is. When I am stressed, I pull them out, look at them, and think "someday" I will be able to sew more than work. Makes me happy!

MamaLiza said...

This made me happy. I am so glad to be able to peak into your world again. :)

Suzanne said...

Delurking to say the h#%& with nasty people. Keep on doing what you love and the light at the end of the tunnel will appear!

Kathryn said...

Always glad to see one of your updates. I never could understand people who criticize others, either to their face on anonymously. Didn't their parents teach them that if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all? Take care, and enjoy your quilting time. Kathie L in Allentown

Sharon said...

I am so glad you decided to blog again. If you had stopped, then the bad people win. I love seeing what you buy and what you make. Your little basket applique blocks are wonderful. At our local quilt show in June a lady entered a quilt made by the same pattern. After seeing how tiny those baskets actually are, I can now appreciate how much work they are! My thoughts will be with you.

Jen said...

Glad you came back! Boo on those people who just bring us down. I love the American Banner Rose line. So gorgeous! Welcome back *hug*

Cathy said...

Welcome back! I work fulltime too and find solace and stress relief in my giant piles of fabric. This is why I quilt. To have a hobby yes, but sometimes in our busy lives, we need something completely opposite of our working life! Good stuff!

quiltzyx said...

I, for one, think it is AWESOME that you had boxes of NEW FABRIC at your house! LOL Did you open them up & pile the fabric up - on the bed because the floor is too hard - and just roll around with it for a while?!!? Enjoy & CELEBRATE that new loveliness! :D

Paula, the quilter said...

You go girl! Some people's jealousy just gets the better of them.

PJ said...

Oh Vicki I'm so glad you are back! I've missed you and Penny.
You put a smile on my face.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I am so happy to see you!! :-) I've been missing you and Penny's antics. {{{hugs}}} and best wishes to you!!

Stitched With Prayer said...

Wooo Hooo!!! Welcome back Vickie. You have been missed. I'm going to be 62 next April and Quilting is my stress relief, my wonderland where I lose myself for hours and even forget to eat and take the meds I need for my health issues. I was so glad to read that you spend time just "petting" your fabric..."Hello, my name is Nancy and I am a fabric fondler"...and proud of it, :o) . Truly, so happy your back. Hugs...

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

So happy to see you're still going to blog. Just like you said, it's YOUR blog and if someone doesn't like it, they don't have to read it.

Hope everything works out for you in the next couple months. Sending happy thoughts your way!

Susie said...

I don't know that I've ever posted on your blog before. I've been lurking for a while. Love reading it. :-)

I must say kudos to you for this post! It seems that there's quite a bit of negativity floating around the blog-iverse right now. I'm not sure what the deal is with people. Y'know? You're not the only one I've seen that has been "attacked" by a Negative Nellie or two commenting on their blogs. I don't know if it's the economy or if it's the icky hot summer we've had or what but people have been meanies lately. Oh well.

You're right. It IS your blog. It's yours to do with as you choose and as you see fit. If they don't like it. No one is forcing them to read it. I say begone baddies. In with the "Goodies" and welcome back. :-)

mascanlon said...

Very nicely done....with a bigger heart than I would have had! So glad your back, I got some American Rose too and have buying the grays for a while. Spike has missed Penny's updates too. And the road head...full of friends no matter what!

Bonnie said...

Do you like the Bella Solids? They are so pretty but I've never used them but have used the Kona solids. So just wondering what you think of them. Thanks for the info, glad your back.

Angela Nash said...

Very cool - very nice. And no matter what your fabric in/out you inspired me and many others to track that in-out as well. I think that makes us better crafters and consumers in our awesome little hobby. I know how much fabric I'll use, and I know how much I have just to pet. And all is good :)

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Glad you are back...and very well said. HUGS to you!

Dianne Giles said...

I don't understand how anyone can be negative or nasty towards you. I am a self taught quilter and your blog is one of the ones that I have learnt from. Inspirtational, great advice and awesome eye candy, for all this I thank you. To all the nasties out there - well they can suck eggs!! Stay with us, you ar needed and loved. Cheers, Dianne

susanandrews1954 said...

So glad you are back! I am a longtime "lurker" and I enjoy you and Penny! My pup is Kit and she and my house are my refuge at the end of a long day- so I get it! I hope the light at the end of your tunnel gets brighter and closer every day!

Marla said...

To think that people have nothing better to do then worry about what is going on in your life.....sad, sad. Keep the joy in you and throw away all those naysayers! Who needs em?

Susan said...

Welcome back! It brightened my day to see you back in blogland :o)

Brenda said...

GREAT attitude :). I agree 100%. What you buy & what you post about it is your business. If they don't like it, they don't have to read it. Look forward to reading more soon!

Sara said...

I have been reading your blog for quite a while and have enjoyed. Never one for commenting on blogs but I feel the need now. Those people are not worth our time! Keep up the blogs,we enjoy reading it! Quilters are good people!!

Mimi said...


Karen said...

I love some of the thoughts you shared today... and I am so very glad you have found a way to put this into perspective, and give what is truly important it's do otherwise would have been to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'... and being a relatively new follower, I didn't know so much about you personally... I can relate to the coming home from the hub-bub o the world and wanting to enjoy the sanctuary of your home, doing what brings you happiness...

Perry said...

So good to "see" you again! I would not have won the GC on what was in you boxes, I assumed it was Civil War stuff, but what you got is wonderful too. Am excited to see what is going on in your world. Don't work too hard!

quiltmom anna said...

I am glad to see that you continue to share your talents and gifts on your blog. Like you said, it doesn't matter what others think- its your blog and its a lovely blog. I hope other things in life are going okay and that you will continue to enjoy the creative process. To me, that is what quilting is all about- the chance to play and experiment and create something beautiful for others.
Happy quilting and blogging.

MJinMichigan said...

I'm so glad to see you're back Vicky. I've missed reading your blog and seeing your latest projects. Please don't let the nasty commenters get you down.

phillysblarney said...

Life is too short to worry about what other people say or think. Be happy in your world and love it. It is really no one's business how much quilt fabric you have or how much you buy. I love fat quarter shop and certainly have more than I will ever use. The person who dies with the most fabric wins!!!!

Gwen said...

I am glad beyond words to see this post. I know how very full your plate is and how stressed you are. My heart and prayers are with you. Many hugs, G

Penny said...

You've made my day, Vicki! I was so happy to read a new post from you. Also satisfied to know what was in those boxes ~ I'm just beginning to like & use a little Moda gray, also! Hope everything goes well & that you do have a little time to enjoy everything about guilting soon!

Corni Q said...

Vicki- I've been out if town and haven't had a chance to lurk on your blog to see what you've been up to. I'm Corni from Yorba Linda, who you almost got to meet at a LQS years ago.

Well, you go, girl!! It's your blog and you post whatever you want, whenever you want. So there! It is amazing how cruel and mean people can be when they hide behind the anonymity of the Internet. You have your head on straight, and I commend you. Hang in there! Don't be derailed by the small-minded squeaky wheels!! Maybe one day, we can actually meet up. I promise I'm no longer going on ludicurioisly long hikes with my son the Boy Scout, so I'm not liable to have sore muscles and blisters ruin a meet-up with a fellow Quilter. Hang in there!! CorniQ

Sarah said...

Glad to see you rising above the nasties. I don't understand why some people feel such a need to drag others down. Maybe someone did it to them and they weren't strong enough to ignore it.

Also (and I mean this very nicely), you do provide a very valuable service to those of us who hold you up to our significant others. "See honey, my fabric accumulation could be so much worse - really you should be glad I only bought 10 yards!" :)

Heartsdesire said...

Yea, yea, I'm so glad you're back. And you're so right, it's your blog. You can do what ever you want on it. If some people don't like it, move on. I'm also glad you told us what was in the boxes. We were getting a bit anxious. Now, what are you going to make with that beautiful fabric?

AnnieO said...

Good words, Vicky! Glad to know you're letting your joy in creating and feeding your soul continue to flow out into blogland. That's what most of us who blog are all about too!

Julie said...

Good to see you! Well said post. Enjoy the peace of your world at home with Penny. Hope the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter and brighter.

Connie said...

Vicky, hope you already know that I love you, "more than my luggage". I just wish people would live by the golden rule, the world would be such a happier nicer place. Of at least the rule that says, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". You're a sweetheart!

bobbie said...

I am glad you are back. I have enjoyed your blog and I agree, it is no one's business but yours on how you spend your time and money. Don't let the narrow minded people get you down, it is not worth it. You are better than that.

scottylover said...

So glad you are back! I always enjoy reading your posts and feel your excitement every time you open a box. Keep sharing your projects, they are an inspiration!

Welcome back!
Sandy A

Deborah said...

Yeah! You're back. I've been hoping you would return, you were missed!

little acorns said...

YEA VICKY! Good for you!. . . & please know how much you are loved! (Bailey sends licks *kisses* too!)
xo, Bren

little acorns said...

. . . Oh!. . . & Bailey wanted me to tell you that if it's anything like what he loves - then *petting* your fabric is good!. . . very good!. . . & he is sure the fabric appreciates it & loves it as much as he does!
xo, Bren

Jo said...

After spending a few days in Tahoe, I am glad to be home and see that you posted on your blog. You know some of what I have been thru. Quilting is my therapy and having quilting friends like you is an important part of it. Don't go away not now that I found you again. btw, I turned 60 last year and life is pretty darn good. There are lots of pretty lights to hang out with. Bear Hugs

Sallie said...

Hooray! Good for you! Glad you are back!

Amber said...

So glad that the "baddies" didn't get you down for long! We who have read your blog and understand you and your cute little doggie don't begrudge you ONE BIT any amount of fabric you may want to buy! You are always so generous and kind to those out here in Blogland! Have a great day!

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Glad to see that you are not giving up! And good for you for finding the culprits! I say that you post them and point out who they are on the blog. Embarrassment might prevent them from trying anything in the future! :)

Deb said...

I've been out of town since Tuesday for work, but I'm SO glad that you're back. I kept checking and checking with the hopes you wouldn't let the few bad apples get the best of you. Glad you're back and keep buying and quilting, it's what you want in life that's important.

Nancy in WI said...

Perfectly said and personally, I love your blog! Have a good weekend!

Chris Wright said...

I am so glad you are back, I love reading your blog. You give me inspiration as for the "Nastys" they are nothing but jealous, hateful individuals. I am so glad you won! Love those Penny pics!

SpinningStar said...

Welcome Back....

Sharon said...

Well said!

ranette said...

Well somehow I missed out on all of the "nitty gritty", but I for one really love coming by your blog to see what you've gotten from the ups I think the mean ones are just jealous and the best thing I can think of to say to you is
"Amen Sister"!!!

hadacres said...

Nicely put, a true lady.
Penny is so lucky to have you.
My husband just rolls his eyes when a package comes in or I hit a garage sale on Sat. that says they have fabric. The deals I have gotten are amazing & yes I have a new loft sewing area that I am planning on enjoying very soon. It's the pitts when life gets in the way of us playing with our treasures isn't it.
Take care & be true to yourself from a Wine Country gal to a SoCal gal.

Maddie Can Fly said...

Good girl! I was afraid you'd let some idiot chase you off. I enjoy reading your purchases and looking at your new fabrics. Keep it up!

Deb said...

Hooray!! I am so glad to see you back!! Thanks for writing your thoughts. As a blogger, I really appreciate what you shared. I LOVE your comment that their fingers are not velcro'd to the blog!! YES!!


Lisa Smith said...

Hmm. I missed this post somehow. I already said I'm glad your back and I'll say it again, I'm glad! Life is much, much too short to allow hateful people to burden your joy in what you do! :)

Katie Z. said...

We aren't going to shoot your head off... I've missed you too much! I'm so glad to see you came back.

Please keep buying OODLES of fabric. I love it, as I've told you before.

I am glad to hear you are approaching the light at the end of the tunnel. It's seems like your tunnel is ETERNALLY long.

You're just so nice and so much fun to read that SOME people are trying to ruin your joy. I'm glad you won't let them!

Donna said...

Hello. I found your blog because I googled American Banner Rose! Just got back from shopping with 2 friends; we were looking for a charm pack we all liked so we can each make a (large) tote bag for a shop hop coming up. Fun, fun, fun. Hope to make it back to read about your sewing exploits! Take care, Donna