I can't believe I'm going to post this picture...
Okay, don't laugh. I'm serious. I have a plan and it's working. Except that I thought I would get done with it by next weekend. That ain't happening. But, hey, at least I can get to my sewing machine! Kinda-sorta-maybe.
I didn't realize this until I started unstacking boxes, but the majority of them had never been opened. When a box arrived, I said, "Oh, that's that fabulous fabric for this/that project." Since I knew what it was, I just put the box aside.
I've never been this unorganized before. I know it's due to the fact that I spent more time at work than at home the last year. I was thinking about that last night. I'd often go into the office on Saturday for all or part of the day. That left Sunday to get a manicure, go to the market, get the car washed, scrub toilets, etc. I hardly even turned the TV on. Of course, that might be a good thing, except that TV time was when I did hand work. Penny would get some attention at night after her walk, I'd eat whatever was handy, I'd crash for the night, and start all over again the next day. Looking back, I'm surprised I made it without being committed! Now I have empty boxes flowing out into the kitchen!
2012 will see a LOT more sewing. I want to know where everything is in the sewing room and my stash room. I unearthed a lot of neat projects, so I'm itching to start stitching!
I might put a few things up here on the blog for sale. I have some towers, kits and the like that I know I'll never get to. Need to think on this a bit more.
One thing that will be fun this year is a Saturday sewing group that's been organized with local friends. We're going to work on Merry Merry Snowmen by Bunnyhill Designs. I think I'm going to be the only one needle turning. Everyone else will be doing machine applique. I might do that, too. Have a month to think about it - but I'm SO set in my ways. You can say it. I admit it!
I also want to start on the Cotton Club project that the Fat Quarter Shop had last year. I found it all neatly bagged. I love these fabrics and it'll be a fun one to make. Kimberly puts together the neatest projects for us. I check every single day to see what new, enticing thing she's put up on the site!
And I'll have two baby quilts to make this year. One will be a Bunny Hill's Park Lane. I have the fabrics and am ready to go on that one. The other one I hope is a boy so I can make the Row, Row, Row Your Boat kit I have stashed away. Of course, I really don't need to have a baby coming to make it, do I? :)
Well, back to organizing. All of that stuff will be out of my sewing room before the day's end! I need to dash over to the market to get gumbo makings at some point today because ......
...... tomorrow night -- LSU-Alabama BCS Championship Game! Be there or be square!
I guess I better keep an eye on your blog, there might be some fabric that I just have to have. The Mery Merry Snowmen is really cute. I like to have a few snowmen quilts around the house, they aren't just for Christmas but the whole winter season. Not that it's winter here. It should be but it's 46 today, snow on Thursday though.
I'm so excited that you're playing with fabric. Woohoo!!!! Have lots and lots of fun.
My entire condo looked like that when i was doing my renovations. It was rough!! But I got through it and you will too!! :)
I'm so happy that you're playing in the fabric and having fun! It's going to be a good year! I'm enjoying the Cotton Club blocks...you'll catch up with that in no time, they're fun little blocks to do...instant gratification!
ahhhh love that tiger fabric! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!
Going through those boxes sounds like so much fun! Even though you ordered them, it's still like a present because you've forgotten all about it. Good luck with the organizing. It usually does get a lot worse before it gets better.
I have to laugh, Vicky, 'cuz I only WISH my sewing room/fabrics/yarns were that organized. I got 6 totes that size put back up on the shelf today, and pulled out a lot of receipts, etc. to shred. So...I've started a bit of organizing, too. It won't last. I really just needed to get to the sewing machine so I can get a binding attached. LOL!! Eve in GA
It's good to be organized. You're not the only one doing Merry Merry Snowmen the needle turn method, that's how I do mine. M
It could be worse (how do I know that). Just keep wading through it and/or ignore it and make a path to the sewing machine. Happy New Year!
That is so great, that you will get sewing time in this year. It was a lot of fun watching all your boxes get delivered and opened last year, and to hear about all the "button pushing" you did. (I like button pushing, too LOL) Now it will be fun to watch as you use some of those delicious fabrics.
w.o.w. that's a lot of fabric! I'd be interested in buying some of those towers and pre-cuts! Looks like what my stash will go through later this week - scary but necessary. Good luck!
Oh, I don't know~ I don't think it looks so bad... it is all in boxes and bins. ;-) And I spy some gorgeous layer cakes and towers. And it was fun to dream while you were working so hard last year. :-) Now this year, some of those dreams can become realities! Its all good! Have a great week!!
Yipee! I'm happy to see you getting fabric organized (and posting). Means you're one step closer to quilting. BTW my stash looks much like yours - and I have plans for some of it!
Hey Vicky!
I completely understand what you mean about organizing. . . I have an entire basement to go through which is why I will not be doing swaps this year (unless the basement gets set up quicker than what I think it will take).
Have fun! And remember, construction and destruction look the same until it is done.
Your sewing room looks a lot like mine. The new year seems to inspire us all to re-organize and make plans for new projects. I skipped the organizing part and just dove into new projects.
Your photo just made my heart sing! I am not alone! Although I do think I open every box. Think of it all as your bonus for last years hard work! I am so glad (and jealous ) you've found a little sewing group. I need to get mine reenergized to sew sometimes...lol. We often just chat, eat and play a dice give away game. And of course just when I told myself no more BOMs along comes the adorable new one with Camille's fabric..I folded of course...lol.
Good for you, organizing is such a good feeling!
Hi Vicky,
Wonderful to see you blogging again!
Don't worry about that picture. My reorganizing mess won't fit in one picture! LOL!!!
Looking forward to seeing pictures of your projects!
I think I'm in the same boat. I believe that's why I've had a lack of interest in quilting for about the last month, because my sewing room is SO disorganized and cluttered that I can't find anything. My plan is to buy some totes and try to get things in order very soon, maybe then I'll be interested in quilting again. Thanks for the inspiration.
I'm sure it's overwhelming for you and that it's a lot of work, but playing with all that fabric looks like fun to me!
I can't wait to see your future sewing projects! Think of how easy it will be to sew when it's organized.
I am happy to hear you will be sewing a lot more this year!
yeah you had such a tough year, I see some beautiful towers of fabric in this picture can't wait to see what you start sewing.
I agree I love Kimberlys kits you NEVER have to worry about having enough fabric to make the quilt
she is very generous
have a great week
I spent a week unpacking my sewing room, it was a disaster! Both during and after!
Can't even imagine having boxes of unopened fabric. You're a lucky woman!
oh! i see a stack of fabric that looks like it just might be Charlevieux. I just ordered a jelly roll of that line (yes, i'm WAAAAY behind) and immediately had to order another one. I think you should definitely keep that tower of fabric for yourself, because it's way beyond beautiful and very original for Minick & Simpson.
I've been very slow last year too, and can't wait to dig in and start sewing again.
And i hope you have a restful (not boring) year in 2012. you certainly deserve it!
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