Thursday, February 07, 2013

Celebrations IV

February 11th is Penny's fourth birthday!!

She was the funniest little puppy.  She healed my heart.

February 11th is also the seventh anniversary of LA Quilter!  Yikes, seven years!  Where did the time go?

I guess it's true that time flies when you're having fun!!

To celebrate, there's a give-away, of course!!

Leave a comment if you'd like to win a $100 gift certificate to the Fat Quarter Shop!  In that comment tell me what fabric line is floating MY boat right about now!  But also tell me which one is floating YOUR boat!  Or flying your kite!  Or .............. well, you get the picture!

The drawing will be on Monday, February 11th, when I get home from work.

Remember, there must be a way for me to contact you if your name is drawn.

Penny and I are going on an adventure this weekend.  Hopefully she'll cooperate when the camera comes out!  But if she doesn't, what else is new?

Good luck!

P.S.:  There *might* be a couple of other smaller gifts.  I always reserve the right to choose an extra just in case something you say really strikes a chord with me - or Penny!


Mary said...

Happy Birthday Penny! Hope you get a little treat on your special day. I'm guessing you are drooling over "La Belle Fleur" by French General and I am doing the same over "Indigo Crossing" by Minick and Simpson. How beautiful are these new fabrics!! Thank you so much for the generous giveaway. Have a wonderful trip wherever you may be going.


Cathy said...

I think Indigo Crossing is the line for both of us.

jlk said...

Happy Birthday to dear Penny, and happy anniversary to you! There is nothing better in life than a warm quilt to snuggle under and a sweet doggie to do it with.

Renegade Quilter said...

Happy Birthday to Penny!!!! I think that the Spinning Stars quilt kit is floating your boat right now. For myself its the whole Salt Water line from Tula Pink.

Have a great weekend!!!!!

antique quilter said...

omg she is 4 years old how did that happen!!!!
hmmm I am coveting the new Judie Rothermel lines party of 12 , you I know your a fan of Minnick and Simpson and love blues so could it be Indigo Crossing or is it...Avalon by Fig Tree....that new line coming out just says Vicky to me!
a new quilt for when you redo your bedroom is in order!
thank you so much this is such a generous give away

Carol Sc said...

I think a Judy Rothermal repro line is floating your boat and Paintbox by Edyta Sitar is the line that I want to work with. Happy birthday to Penny and thanks for the opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Penny! Is that blue ball the talking one that startled the delivery fellow when it was in the box, lol?

Vicky said...

Yes, it is! LOL!

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday Penny! I can't believe that it's been 4 years, time certainly flies by! I'm guessing you're liking Le Belle Fleur or Chateau Rouge. I'm lusting after them too...I've never made a quilt with anything from French General and their fabrics are so beautiful!

Angie said...

Happy birthday to that little cute girl. :) She is just the most adorable---but then I have a think for wienie dogs so I think she is the bee's knees. :D They can be quite stubborn with the camera, can't they? There are so many luscious fabrics out there right now that I can't choose just one for me OR you right now. LOL

Cathy said...

I agree! I think you are just drooling over the new French General line. I am really liking Posy by aneela hooey but think that I should also be thinking about architextures but I cannot figure out why. Congratulations to both you and Penny!

Darlene said...

Penny can't possibly be 4 years old! Happy Birthday, Sweet Penny. Smoochies from Cooper, too.

It's hard to believe that you've been blogging for 7 years but I'm right behind you. It's all your fault. LOL

Fabric floating your boat right now is the new line by Camille & Bonnie. (the name escapes me) Fabric flipping my skirt right now is Avalon by Fig Tree - it's yummy!

Dianne Mitzel said...

Happy birthday to Penny, dogs are such a blessing..we just lost our little girl, Katie, she was 12..we miss her so much. Love the Indigo Crossing, but La Belle Fleur is so lovely also..thanks for great giveaway.

Anonymous said...


Ann said...

Indigo crossing is a wonderful new line. I know you're fond of repros. La belle fleur is probably on both our lists. And Flea market fancy...
Too many to choose.

Sharon said...

I will have to agree with the two previous ladies and say "Indigo Crossing". Just looks like something you would like. For me, I love "Jubilee" by Bunny Hill. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize. And happy birthday to Penny.

Kathryn said...

Like you, I think Indigo Crossing will make something great!!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Watching Penny grow and reading her adventures has been so fun these past years! I'm sure she will be good for your adventure and I can't wait to see the pics. :-) Happy birthday Penny! Indigo Crossing is probably floating both of our boats right now... or sinking them. LOL A close second would be Paris Flea market. Have a happy weekend!

J Barham said...

I just found your blog and was surprised to see my little dashchund as your header. In fact, I have two of them; both males and both from the same litter. They are 6 yrs. old. We bought them just after our house burned down and they were great comfort! We have had the most fun watching them have fun together.


hadacres said...

It doesn't take much to float either of our boats, I am sure.
but I belive it's Indigo Crossing for you & for me I am really liking the Flea Market.
Of course if I do buy it my sewing loft may go crashing down....sigh.
Hope Penny has a great birthday. Doxies are so fun to watch & have such an attitude. Our Jack Russel follows a close 2nd in the same manners.

WoolenSails said...

If you are anything like me, every time I go and see the new fabrics, that is what I want, lol. So many wonderful fabrics out lately and I think we both might like the indigo junction and the indigo revival quilt to make with them.

Happy Birthday to Penny and Happy Anniversary to you!


LuAnn said...

Happy Birthday to Penny; you were blogging before I even knew what a blog was. I love those Judy Rothermel Party of Twelve packs. This is her 25th anniversary, and there are some oldies but goodies in those fabrics. Your giveaways are so generous.

Kelly Grace said...

Happy Birthday Penny! I would have to guess Indigo Crossing.

cakegirl said...

I have no idea what floats your both right now, but many other comments mention Indigo Crossing. I am crazy forType. Thanks for a great giveaway.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Looks like everyone is going for Indigo Crossing, but I'm going for Noteworthy for both of us.

Carol said...

I would have to guess that another Minick and Simpson fabric is in your sights. Indigo Crossing maybe? My current favourite is Comma - it is wonderful.
Happy blogaversary to you and happy birthday to Penny. My mom's last dog was Penny - a Keeshond and very pretty.

Carol said...

Oh's hard to believe Penny is going to be 4...she brought Mom such joy. She would always ask if there was a new post with Penny or if there was any Penny news. She would get so excited when I said I'd heard about Penny. Happy memories!
Happy Blogiversary...7 years...WOW!

Judy Laquidara said...

I can't believe Penny is 4 years old already and I can't believe you've been blogging for 7 years. Happy Birthday to Penny and Happy Blog Anniversary to you.

dortha said...

I think Indigo Crossing is on your horizon. I love the Honey, Honey. Penny is so cute and she is not spoilt on bit is she?

Meg said...

Count me in on Indigo Crossing--and you can't tell me you're not salivating over it, too! Just a wee bit? And a very happy birthday to Penny--it's amazing how good animals can be for our emotional health.
Best, --Meg

tpott said...

Hi Vicky I'm not sure about fabric but I'm envious of the Bernina's that are floating your boat. Right now I'm love love loving Flirt by Sandy Gervais. Happy 4th birthday to Penny, I'm also a February girl I guess I'm in good company. I'd be thrilled to win a gift certificate to FQS but, I do love sloppy puppy kisses (4 is still a puppy in my book). Congratulations on 7 years of blogging that's quite an accomplishment, may the next 7 be even better. ;-> Toni Anne

Sue said...

I am in love with Indigo Crossing and of course La Belle Fleur

Happy Birthday Penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loves to Quilt said...

I am thinking of a nice springy fabric for you--Honey Honey and a much duller boring fabric for me--Indigo Crossing! LOL

Happy Birthday Penny and Happy Anniversary to Vicky!

Carol said...

Double celebration on the same day, how fun. I think you're into Indigo Blues my Minick and Simoson. I know that's what I'm into. I got their kit for Spinning Stars in the mail the other day, so fun in a fabric bag made from the fabric line. It's put together so nicely makes me not want to unbundle it just yet. I'm going to make the nice star quilt and hang it on my bedroom wall behind the bed.

Carol said...

Oopsie, I meant to say Indigo Crossing.

Monica said...

First...congrats on seven fabulous years of blogging and a very happy birthday to Miss Penny!

I hope you're loving what I'm loving...Honey Honey and 23. They both take me to my happy place whenever I see a picture of them.

Gwen said...

Beau, Heidi and Misty wish you a Happy Birthday, Miss Penny! Enjoy your outing this weekend and don't be camera shy. We are looking forward to seeing you romping with the big dogs! 2311

CitricSugar said...

Seven years?? Wow - it seems like not that long ago that I started reading your blog but I guess it's been a few years at least. Congrats!!!

My guess is Ahoy Matey! As for me, Mes Amis is really swinging my hammock. haha.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Penny! Love celebrating your Highness!
As far as what you're loving, I picked one out for you, "Judie's 25th Anniversary."
As for me, I'm still swooning over Secret Garden -- so hard to recover after working with it!
Congrats on your blogging adventure anniversary too.

Kate said...

Four years! And seven years for you! Congratulations on both! But Penny is a little cuter than the blog. (Nothing against the blog - just that puppies will always be cuter!)

I hate to agree with the majority, but - you're looking at Indigo Crossing. I'm in love with Flirt.

Gretchen said...

Happy birthday to dear Penny and happy blogiversary to you! Before I start overthinking this, I'll pick Avalon by Fig Tree for you with its wonderful clear colors and blue. For me, I am drooling over the new French General "La Belle Fleur."

ytsmom said...

Happy Birthday Penny!! And, conrats on your blog. That is a long time; keep up the good work. I think you're crushing on Indigo Crossing. As for myself, I could say everything, because I want it all!! But if you are going to make me choose :), it would be Old Glory Gatherings, and the new Snowman Gatherings. I just love them!

Donna said...

Happy Birthday to Penny and Happy Blog Anniversary to you. I think maybe Indigo Crossing is the line for you. I am drooling over Gallery in Red right now.

kathy said...

Happy Birthday, Penny! Adorable...
I've only just discovered your blog, so don't "know" you well enough to guess what is catching your attention, but Indigo Crossing is definitely calling my name and I must have some!
What would we do without our sweet puppies???

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Penny and Happy Anniversary to you! what is catching my eye right now is 'Snowman Gathering", and I'll bet that it's catching you eye too.

Dee said...

Happy Birthday Penny! She's still such a young whippersnapper! My dog Gabriel is going to turn 7 soon and I just wonder where the time's gone. She still loves to play with her toys though. I think she'll always be a puppy at heart. As for fabric you're coveting, I'm going to guess Indigo Crossing, although you seem to have varied tastes, so it could be almost anything. As for myself, I'm loving both the Indigo Crossing and Snowman Gatherings. Oh, and congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I didn't even know what a blog was 7 years ago.

Sarina said...

I think you might be loving Party of Twelve by Judie Rothermel. I'm loving Happy-go-Lucky and Many, Many others!

Diane E W said...

Wow, what make our boat float? It's hard for me to narrow down...there are a few....uhmmmm I'm going to go with the one I drool over and that's Indigo Crossing.....but then I could see La Bella Fleur, no, no, no wait Snowman Gatherings. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway and Happy 4th birthday Penny. Have fun on your adventure.

Barb in Mi said...

Happy birthday and happy blog anniversary! Seems Feb 11 is an important day for me, too: it's my 11th job anniversary!
I am guessing Icicle Kisses by Kansas Trouble is the collections that's floating your boat (or will soon) - and Camille's "Happy Go Lucky" is Penny's - it sounds very much like her MO! As for me: Sweetwater's Noteworthy does it. Congrats again and thanks so much!

Jan Baker said...

I'm picking Audra's Iris Garden for you and Comma by Zen Chic for me. Or we can trade, I love both.

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to your cute doggy! I think Indigo Crossing is your choice and Happy Go Lucky is my new favourite. Thank you for such a generous prize.

Vicki said...

Happy Birthday, Miss Penny! I always love seeing photos of you, because you remind me of my little Lankie I had when I was young. And Happy Anniversary to you, Vicky.... Seven years is just amazing! We share the same name (just different spellings), so my guess is that you are are swooning over "Indigo Crossing", just like I am! Thanks so much for the very generous giveaway, and I hope to enjoy your blog for a long time to come!

Diane aka cameldiva said...

Happy birthday, Penny!!
And Happy bloganniversary to you.
I am making eyes at Glamping (Mary Jane Butters for Moda) and you are looking at the Among the Stars Quilt Kit

Thanks for putting up this lovely gift. Someone's going to be very happy!

Aleta said...

I love everything French General does and I am betting you do to! I am also liking the new blackbird designs line, cinnamon spice!

Doodlebug Gail said...

The new Minnick and Simpson Indigo Crossing is my choice of the moment and for you I'm thinking that the new Judie Rothermel and/or Indigo Crossing. Happy Birthday sweet Penny!

Edna said...

Indigo Crossing would be my guess for you and I have been looking at Primitive Gatherings Snowman Gatherings. Love both of them and enjoy your blog. You are very generous. Thank you.

Leah Spencer said...

Indigo Crossing was my first thought.

As for myself... Oink-a-doodle Moo is catching my eye. :)

Dee W said...

Just want to wish Penny a Happy Birthday. Yes, it does seem that you just got her. She's a love that's for sure.

Darling Jill Quilts said...

It's too hard to say which fabric line is floating your boat right now. ;) And I am staying away from sites so that I don't see anything that I have to have. lol

Happy birthday to Penny from Max, Maisy, Lula and me! And happy blogiversary!!

Laura said...

Wow, I can't believe it's been four years! I think I started reading your blog a few months before that. Happy-Go-Lucky by Bonnie and Camille is floating my boat right now. Can't wait to get some! Maybe you, too?

AnnieO said...

Does that mean Penny is out of her teens now? She is still a funny puppy, though :) I'm guessing the new Field Notes by Blackbird Designs. For me, I'm liking the new Kansas Troubles line, Pheasant Hill. Congratulations on seven years! I just hit my fourth :)

Anonymous said...

I think you would like Indigo Crossing and for me it's Avalon by Fig Tree. Happy Birthday wishes to Penny! Thanks for the draw I would love to win!!! debbiequilter

dianne said...

happy birthday to Penny!

i'm thinking that you are loving Indigo Crossing, too ... as for me, i am yearning for Comma (since i am punctuationally challenged)...

Melissa said...

I think you like "Happy-Go-Lucky". And I KNOW that I like Giggle"!

Happy fourth birthday, Penny!

Maddie Can Fly said...

French General -- for both of us! I don't think you can ever get enough of it.

Happy Birthday Penny

Miss Jean said...

I've got Noteworthy by Sweetwater on my brain - it would be great for both of us!

audrey said...

I've been hankering for some salt water by Tula pink, also loving happy go lucky. You're a very generous woman, thanks for the opportunity!

Sally said...

Hi, Penny! Happy Birthday sweet girl! Tell your Momma that I believe any line from French General is going to get her excited big time! And I'm liking Kate Spain's Honey Honey! Happy 7th Anniversary to LA Quilter!

Deb said...

Happy Birthday to Penny! I really like the Honey, Honey line by Kate Spain, but also the new French General line, and several others for that matter! Just bought some Salt Water, and have been looking at some others.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Penny and Happy Anniversary to you! My guess would be that Independence Trail by Minick and Simpson would be floating your boat right now. I have my sights set on Indigo Crossing.

Cindy in No. Texas

Sherry said...

It is February 11th.


Becky said...

What wonderful celebrations! Happy Birthday, dear Penny!