Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter 2014

I hope everyone is having a wonderful and blessed Easter.  I have a ham in the oven and fresh green beans on the stove.  I don't know what else will find its way to my table but I'm off to a good start.

Yesterday I decided to deal with the two charm packs that were sitting on my cutting table - 30's Playtime by Chloe's Closet for Moda.  I pulled two charm packs of Kona Snow and made another Cherry Charm Pack quilt.  This is a free pattern from the Fat Quarter Shop.  It is a great quilt to make when you just want to sew mindlessly and get it done quickly. 

It took me a tad bit longer than the first one because I was watching Hungar Games while I was sewing.  I loved the books and the movie did not disappoint.

The next couple of weeks will be spent getting backings done.  I have two quilts that I have to make minor "amendments" to before they're quilted.  So I'll get those done also.

I'm contemplating my next project.  Just when I think I've decided, something else catches my eye.  I decided this morning, my Easter resolution, that I'm not going to stress over what should be done but, rather, on what I want to do. 

Penny has been pushing around a plastic Easter egg filled with dog food.  I thought for sure she'd have had it apart by now.  I love playing with her head!

Happy Easter!


karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Happy Easter, Vicky! We stayed in town this weekend and have been doing odd yard/house things today since it is finally warm here but hope to get some sewing in tonight. Have a good week :)

Darlene said...

That quilt is super adorable, Vicky. I'll have to share a story about this sweet quilt. :-)

Stop fretting about what has to be done and just make your heart happy.

Lynne in Hawaii said...

Love the quilt! Sometimes it is "me" time in the sewing room...something you want to do just because. Take the time to do 'fun' quilting to keep the joy in it. So funny that Penny hasn't figure out how to open her egg. The mental picture of her pushing it around makes me laugh.

Nini said...

Thanks for the inspiration with the quilt! Looks easy and fast, as you said. I know exactly what fabrics to make it in! Easter was spent in in Orange, CA. With family. So fun, of course!

LuAnn said...

Hi Vicky. You can never go wrong with Moda and Kona snow. Happy Easter.

mascanlon said...

Cute, cute!! and i just giggled thinking of poor Penny. We just stayed home and I cooked a ham. Richard is still not feeling well so we didn't go to my brother's. Sure missed having all the little girls around with piles of eggs and and goodies. On the plus I did get a little sewing done. All the blocks now finished for French Roses. Time to tackle the border.
I like your plan, sew what we wan!!