Thursday, April 10, 2014

Low Volume Collectors

I was so excited to see that the Fat Quarter Shop has some low volume bundles up on the site!! 

I've been trying to collect low volumes lately - in other words, I'd been poking a bunch of buttons for small cuts!  I'm not good at ordering small cuts.  I always figure if I'm going to ruin a manicure poking buttons, I might as well go for the big yardage.  (That's a joke, folks!!)

These are perfect!

Happy Moda Low Volume bundle

Moda Low Volume 2 bundle

Art Gallery Low Volume bundle

The more neutral ones are what I've been gathering, but I really like the Happy Moda bundle.  That pop of color will really make the others sing.  Seeing that bundle made me totally rethink how I've been going about this!

It's a good thing I've been sewing lately because the packages will be pouring in here in a few days.

Oh oh oh -- I just realized that there is free shipping on orders over $40 until tomorrow night! 

Score!!  Win/win!!  High five!!


These are the low volumes I've collected so far.  The three bundles linked above will round it out nicely!


julieQ said...

Those are so, so pretty!! I want to see your project with low volume fabrics!!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

LOL a win/win is always fun! Have fun checking the mail! :-)

mascanlon said...

I am on vacation...I shouldn't be ordering fabric!

Kyle said...

Those are wonderful bundles. Wished I had seen them earlier. That is, before I sent my order in to enjoy that "free" shipping!

Darlene said...

Wonderful assortment of low volume fabrics. Have fun!

Karen said...

The fabrics look delicious. You sure know how to push those buy buttons. My friend and I were talking about low volume quilts just the other day. To us, low volume would mean not much differentiation in the block parts but we have seen "low volume" quilts that do not fit what we think it would be.