I decided to cut out the rest of Metro Scope. The first block I ended up with having to piece a 1.75 x 5" piece. I got it fussy cut to where you won't be able to see the seam.
The next block I don't know what I did, but I can't get the arcs out of what I cut and there's not enough left over from the fat quarter to cut again.
This fabric line won't be out until September. You all decide what I should do:
1- Substitute another piece for this block that I don't like as much.
2 - Try cutting out the rest of the blocks, make those, and then wait until this piece is available.
3 - Put the whole project aside until I get moved and might be in a better state of mind.
To paraphrase a line from "Steel Magnolias," I'm so confused I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt.
I can understand your feeling discombobulated! I think I would put this aside at least for a few weeks and find something else to work on. Maybe there is something you have made before and plan to make in another fabric that would be less stressful to work on. I know that this is a new time in your life and maybe a couple of weeks with the familiar will help the boat stop rocking so you can focus on the next step. Don't rush the packing right now. Too many variables still in play!
Hi Vicky
I think that you need a break from Metro Scope at least for today. Perhaps you have another less frustrating project to work on. Your move closer to family and with the wonderful new studio does seem so exciting yet overwhelming especially if you don't feel your best. Our last move was only about 20 miles but that easily determinded what fabric I would keep from my too lrg stash. I didn't want to haul it in my car then try to carry the heavy tubs to my sewing rm yet the price of having the professionals move all of it w/ household goods & furniture easily helped me to decide how much I should keep. I do think your post today stated excellent advice, "Just take one day at a time." Take care & enjoy your day quilting. Your friend in quilting,
When I was younger and had too much to do or think about I called it the busy brain. Now that I'm older it's the spinning brain. It won't slow down long enough for me to do anything.....grin.
I'm always telling myself Simmer down Billie....yep talk to myself on occasion. :) :)
If you're feeling up to doing the other blocks, do them. But sometimes when one part of a project has frustrated me, the rest will cause me grief also. Hope it's not true for you too. Try to enjoy the day, if nothing else, and think about trees!
So sorry to hear your day is not going well. Follow your own advice and leave it for another day. If you feel the need to sew, take a charm pack, sew the squares together randomly and call it done, or use the twister ruler and make it even more interesting.
Loretta in LA
Do the things that matter most right now. I'd put this project away and work on something that let's you relax and is fun. Quilting is suppose to be fun not work. You've got enough of that ahead of you with such a major move.
I would put it away till after the move, maybe you need to just work on sewing things that don't need a lot of thought! Maybe you have a baby quilt kit that is simple you can continue to sew .
Sorry things are so unsettling right now for you but yes things are going to be looking up your going back home….
I personally think you're feeling discombulated because you can't quiet your brain. You have entirely too much on your mind. If you want to sew then find a simple project and put that one away for another day.
Giggle, well don't do either of those! :-D I think you need some mindless sewing~ make some 4 patches or something. ;-) Have a good week!
When things get tough I always go "dumb". . . so if you feel like stitching do something easy, like 4 or 9 patches.
If you don't feel like stitching just work on getting things weeded out and ready to go for the move.
I personally spent the entire weekend just working on the junk in my living room (moving furniture, going through paperwork, dusting, beating the rugs, vacuuming, etc.)
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
I'd say pack it up and work on it in your new studio - you'll be relaxed, the fabric will be in the stores, you'll be ready for a challenge. For now, find a simple, relaxing pattern to work on. I just moved one building over 6 years ago, after living in the same place for 23 years - a nightmare and by the time I was done I couldn't think straight! I worked on a piece of redwork each night to calm myself down - worked out nicely and was the first thing I hung in my new place!
I suggest giving it a rest! Oregonquilt.blogspot.com
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