Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Moved In

The moving van came at 7:30 p.m. on Monday and worked until 11:00.  They came back the next morning at 10:00 and worked until 3:30.  There are boxes everywhere.

Of course, I can only see the ones in the den because ....

.... as soon as they got here Monday, I took them back to the back house, the Cottage, where all the sewing stuff goes, and promptly fell down the stairs.  A trip to the emergency room and I was told nothing in my knee is broken but I need to see an orthopedist. (Earliest appointment I could get was 12/9.)  They didn't x-ray my leg which is swollen and hurts like all get-out. I can't stand on it.  My brother loaned me a small wheelchair (that he also needs), so I can get around a bit between the living room and the kitchen and a small half bath tucked under the staircase downstairs.  I haven't showered since 5:00 Monday morning.

I have no idea what the upstairs in the house looks like.  I'm sure the furniture and boxes are all piled around up there.  I have no idea what the Cottage looks like but I was told that they ran out of room to put all the boxes.  I have no idea about anything.

Cheese with my whine?

Vicky, welcome to the other LA.


Anonymous said...

Well the news about your fall is not good!! However, you are in the place you longed to be and that IS good. In times like these it would be nice if your home was handicapped accessible, wouldn't it? I hope you can relax and enjoy Thanksgiving with your family even though you are living in a mess right now. Get well soon

Rebecca said...

Hey Whine /wine is good for you in the proper amounts. Embrace the whine / wine.

Sherry said...

Oh my!! I hope the fall did not cause any serious problems and that you are back up and going in short order.

Blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving with your family.

As far as the boxes. . . they will get sorted out eventually.

Carrie said...

I have faith that this is the last bump in your road to a wonderful, joyous, HAPPY new life in this other LA. The boxes can wait just a little longer.

I wish I could hop a plane and come help out - whatever you needed... done.

So whine/wine away... as long as someone has managed to unpack glasses and a corkscrew.

Happy Thanksgiving and Vicky... be safe, okay?

Mary said...

Take care of yourself first. The rest will follow. So sorry! Happy Thanksgiving!


Mary said...

I hope you are much better quickly. So sorry about the fall, but glad nothing broke.

barbara woods said...

that's terrible right in the middle of a move, praying for you friend

Carolyn said...

Oh no! Isn't it good that this happened here where you have family to help? Take care of yourself, you have all the time in the world to unpack!

julieQ said...

Darn!! I am so sorry, Vicki...hope it heals up quickly!

normajean53 said...

So sorry! Please call that doctor back and tell him you are in a lot of pain and no X-ray. Maybe he will see you sooner. Sure hope so.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh my gosh! Not a very good start~ so you can only go up from here, right? Hope the swelling goes down and you feel better soon--the boxes will all wait for you. ;-)

Katie Z. said...

Oh, no! I will pray for you, as that must be awful.

Kyle said...

I'm so sorry that your new beginning has started with a speed bump. One thing at a time. Take care of yourself.

Darlene said...

You deserve to whine as much as you want.

I'm sorry you're appt is not sooner. Big Sigh!

Please just take care of yourself.

Laura in IA said...

I am so sorry. Things can only get better and I hope soon.

Tricia said...

Wow. Impressive. You certainly know how to make a splash (crash?!). For heaven's sake--Please stay firmly seated in the wheelchair with both feet on the ground and arms tucked-in to your sides for safety. (This is the Magic Mountain ride-operator of my youth speaking to you now.)
Take care. I mean it!

Nini said...

So sorry to hear fun, I know. I'd come help if I was closer. Sorry I'm not.

Gretchen said...

Oh NO!!! Such terrible news! I hope you are on the mend soon and can get your sewing room unpacked at least (the rest of the stuff can wait for better days). Take care and be safe! Happy Thanksgiving in your new house :)

Anonymous said...

Oh NO!! I hope all will be well soon and you can enjoy your new life.... I will say a little prayer for you!

Dondi M said...

December 9? So, you are supposed to just sit and stink? Could they at least put you on a waiting list? in the meantime, maybe one of the nurses could come help you shower. Or perhaps a good looking male nurse? You should whine. Call the orthopedist's office and whine at least once a day. Or have someone drop you off there after a few more days without a shower...Take a picture of all your boxes, too. If I lived closer, I would come help you out.

Mary in Peoria Handmade said...

Oh my goodness. I can't believe it. It must be so difficult to just sit, look at boxes and wait such a long time. How can they diagnose you without an xray? Maybe you should go back to ER or another facility? At least you made it to your home and have more time now to move in. Please take care. I enjoy your blog so much I think because I understand your life struggles. Have better days! mary

Mimi said...

Oh Vicky. I am so sorry to hear about your fall. Hopefully with a little rest, all will be well. It's just not fair that you can't dive into your boxes and get all settled in just yet. Take it easy for now. Penny needs you.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Oh no! I feel so bad for you! I had an issue a month or so involving an orthopedist and a need for PT. One thing they told me when I found out how long it would get into PT was that they could put me on a waiting list (but they had to go thru the whole list) BUT if I called each morning to see if there was a cancellation I could in effect bypass the got in ASAP. Hope you get some insight/relief soon!

suz said...

oh, you poor kid! I'm with the others, embrace the whine/wine for now. Everything will sort itself out in due time. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and I'm sure it's still wonderful to finally be home.

Karen said...

Oh no! What a lousy thing to happen when you have so much unpacking that needs done. I hope you have some hand work already unpacked that maybe you can do while you get better.

Anonymous said...

Hoping your on the mend.

Sarah said...

I think you're allowed to whine about a broken knee! Ouch!! I hope you are recovering ok by now. I'm so far behind in my blog reading, but I had been wondering about you and if you'd made the move yet. Glad to hear you got there safely at least. Look after yourself.