Monday, March 16, 2015

Sewing a Little - or a Lot

I've been sewing.  I can't do a whole lot of other things.  I'm still waiting for the last window to come in (it had to be remade), and then waiting for a dry week to get them installed.  I tell you, patience is not a virtue I possess!  I did make a decision on some of the new furniture, and that should be ordered this week.

Since I've taken over the empty den to sew in for the time being, I've used this time to be a bit productive.  Of course, physical therapy two times a week, and at a place 30 miles away, has cut into my production, but I am forging ahead as best as I can.

I made Block 10 of the Designer Mystery BOM from the Fat Quarter Shop.

Two more months and this can be assembled.  I looked at the finishing kit yesterday and am considering changing it up a bit.  Still have time to ponder that.

I have *almost* finished the Moda Modern Building Blocks top.  I was an inch and a half short on a color and had to place an order last week.  Hopefully it will come in today and I can get this one off my sewing table - and off the floor.  I'm sure I wastefully cut something to have come up short. (sigh)  This is a big quilt and I've really had a bunch of fun making it, especially working with the Moda solids.

Last week I unearthed the Lucy quilt from those boxes out back.  Carrie Nelson offered this kit shortly before she went to work for Moda.  I love the orange, black and gray fabrics.  Anyway, I decided to cut those out yesterday.  Busy hands and all ....

I still have to cut the background that happens to be my favorite dots from Minick & Simpson.  I thought if I get these strips cut, I can start sewing the strip sets between other sewing projects I have going on.  There are a lot of them to make.

After I cut the strips, I sat down and organized the strips into sets.  I used the binding clips to hold each set.  I'm ready to sew these now, and am so proud of myself for being so organized!  ;)

My new cutting table will be in in two or three weeks, so I'm going to spend time on the days I feel good tackling the rest of those boxes downstairs in the Cottage, or at least the part of the downstairs that my sewing table and cutting table will go.  I haven't even set up my Bernina 750 out there yet.  I did take it out of the box.  A couple of boxes later I found the foot pedal.  The next box had the cord, and yet another box had the knee lift.  What was that packer thinking?  It's been such a mess finding things.  I'm in my forever home and I plan on the next move being in a hearse, but I can honestly say that if I did move again, I wouldn't use that company!  I have two or three long boxes of freezer paper and I can't find any of them, and the little local market didn't have any.  It's so irritating to open a box with almost all of the things I'm looking for, only to find one thing missing and the box stuffed with unrelated items.  Another example, I found the Bose radio but the envelope containing the instructions and the remote are not in that box.  I purposely placed them on top of the radio before the packers arrived. Sheesh ...

Enough complaining.  I need to head to a larger market and I have just added freezer paper to my list.  I'm anxious to get started on the Austin Bluebird BOM!


badlandsquilts said...

You are making fabulous progress on so many fronts!

Cathy said...

Your idea to use the binding clips to organize strip sets is GENIUS! I'm borrowing that one.

Darlene said...

I agree, your idea to use the binding clips to organize your strip sets is genius. I will borrow that one.

Don't forget we're holding hand while doing this project. :-)


Darlene said...

I agree, your idea to use the binding clips to organize your strip sets is genius. I will borrow that one.

Don't forget we're holding hand while doing this project. :-)


Katie Z. said...


mascanlon said...

I have found my kit for Lucy. So maybe it will be my first "new" project in 2 weeks...yes just 2 weeks to go now! I am so impressed by how much you're getting done while

Mimi said... must be great to be retired. I can't wait. I love your blue block. Love the star. Your bright quilt will be beautiful all quilted up, too. Now the orange and gray quilt makes me think about the big quilt I made for my son and DIL for their wedding. It was an orange and gray string quilt that I copied from a Denise Schmidt quilt that they saw and fell in love with. I was really tired of making those strings, but they love the quilt, so that makes it all worth it. Can't wait to see yours all done up.

Karen said...

Even with all the box packed boxes frustration, you are beginning to get back into the swing of quilt making.

Dondi M said...

I love your idea to put binding clips on those strips! I think I will just copy that idea to use on blocks or colors I have cut out. Those itty bitties are cute, but they are flat and and slide off easily. I have been using paper with my own printed numbers and pins. Cheap, yes, I will admit to this. Oh, these cheap, retired people who still want all the fabric...

Shelina said...

Looks like you are working on a lot of fun project. Love your organization! As organized as you are, I can understand how the lack of organization on the movers' part can be even more frustrating!