My new toy arrived today! I debated for a few months whether I wanted to get a Kindle or not. Then Kindle 2 was released and I just did it!
It's charging now, but I loaded a book onto it and have read a whole three pages. I really like the way it reads, and it feels good holding it.
I'm so electronically challenged. I mean, really, I still can't figure out my answer machine after four years! You've left me a message and I haven't returned your call? Now you know why!! But this is really easy to use - so far!
A very dear friend was comtemplating ordering one, too. I told her what Mom always said ... "If your friend jumps off the Mississippi River bridge, are you going to jump, too?" My friend came back with, "I hope the water's not cold because I'm taking the plunge!" We're going to hold hands and learn how to use these things together!!
What a long, hard, tense week at work. I am so behind in my housework, my quilting, and mostly sorely lacking in sleep. I've laid awake every night this week worrying about the next day. Silly me! But it's Friday and I'm going to enjoy this weekend before it all starts again! I'll probably be quilting Saturday evening and all day Sunday. To heck with the housework!
I agree and am happy with your weekend proclamation of "no housework this weekend"....I will go along with that!
You will have to tell more about this new toy too as I really know nothing about is to read books, right?
OMG! I have been wanting one of those. I'm going to go back and read your post. I was too excited when I saw it and I had to come comment NOW! I know you're going to love it.
You and your friend figure it out and I'll be watching. I won't take the plunge yet . . maybe!
I do hope you enjoy your weekend . . you so deserve it.
Oh you'll love it! My husband got me a Kindle 1 for Xmas when they first came out. So I've had mine well over a year now. It goes EVERYWHERE with me! You'll have to let us know how you are doing with it. There's nothing to it :)
Keep us posted on how you like it. I'm "saving my fabric money" for one! I KNOW I spend more on books than I do fabric. So glad there is no stashbusting on books, I would be so BUSTED! I would make your stash look like a few FQ's!
Keep us posted! I've been very interested, but scared to are a very brave girl.
I wish I had a Kindle! I have wanted one for awhile, but alas it is not in the budget. Enjoy the weekend :)
Congrats on your new toy!
I agree, you need to sew and unwind from a stressful work week. Have some fun (but not like last weekend).
I'm just like you, when it's crazy at work, I don't sleep well either. I keep thinking about what still needs to be done. I wish there was a switch you could flip when you leave work so you wouldn't think about it.
You are going to love your Kindle! It is just wonderful. I have had 1 for a year and just love it. If you have an IPhone you can even download your kindle reading material onto it and read it from your IPhone. That is really great!
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