I figured if I threw them all up on the dining room table and the chairs surrounding the table, that I'd be more inclined to get them done. Just to get that mess off of there.
This is really pitiful. Some of these need the backings pieced. Some just need the final border sewn on. There are four quilts in a box behind the table that need the bindings sewn on. The blocks are made for a couple of these projects and they need to be assembled. A couple just need three or four more blocks made. All of these are within easy-finish reach.
I really need to get these finished up and put into the to-be-quilted box. I'm usually really good about getting them out to quilters once they're in that box. And I want to get them finished up because I've got a new project on the horizon .... cleaning out the garage.
You see, I was the winner of the FoodSaver on Judy's give-away last week.
I'm really excited about getting back into the kitchen to cook. I haven't cooked much in the past four years because it just seems to be too much bother for one person, and I wasted so much food because I couldn't store it properly. Now I can! I'll now cook and save it in the freezer.
What freezer, you ask? The one I'm going to buy as soon as I get that area of the garage cleaned out!
After I get these projects in the to-be-quilted box.
After I quit procrastinating...
And get off the computer.
Thank you so much, Judy! I'll be asking you tons of cooking questions and closely watching your recipe posts!
And thank you for making me get all those projects off the dining room table so then I can cook and put food in the freezer that will be in the clean garage!
It's funny how you can connect everything in your life if you really want to, a six degrees of separation kinda thing.
Can you use a food saver for storing quilting projects? That would probably be about the best I could do with it!
Sometimes I think you and I are like two peas in a pod. We both can't resist buying stuff at the FQS. We both have lots of projects going on all at once. We both love those FQS block of month programs, I just got one today Wildflower Serenade. I believe we even like the same fabrics. I like everything Moda, how about you? But I also like 30's fabrics, the Hello Betty is great, and I'm partial to polka dots. I check in on the what's new at FQS all the time and oh my when they get something great that's new, I'm in trouble don't ya know. Did you get your Aviary kit yet?
You're funny! I hope you enjoy the FoodSaver and find it helpful for whatever . . food or quilting!:)
You go girl! Cooking can be alot of fun and it's nice to have something waiting for you.
Good luck.
YYAAY for freezers! I love to cook, but sometimes I just don't seem to have time to make something 'new'... and it is out to the freezer for a meal!
So much to do in a day, I wonder how we ever do it all, and still have time for selves. You do a good job, though, V.
I have been wondering about those foodsavers, I will stay tuned to see what you do with it:)
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