On Monday I was sitting at work just staring at my desk. I couldn't focus on anything, and I just wanted to go home and sleep. I decided at that moment that I need to get back on the horse, so to speak, and started looking for a puppy. After several phone calls on my lunch break, a less than "nice" communication with a rescue group, and a lot of time on the internet, I found a litter of puppies. I made an appointment to look at them on Monday night, and one followed me home.
Her name is Penny.
I got home with her and hadn't a clue what to do. It had been too many years since I handled a puppy. First thing, I had no collar small enough for her, so I dashed over to PetSmart and found one.
She's three months old, and a tiny thing. She will be about 10 lbs when grown.
The first night I cried and she cried, and, yes, I'll admit buyer's remorse. But by the morning I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and decided that I would be a good mother to her. I took her to work with me, and she was very good all day in her kennel with the door open. She "did it" on demand, and seemed to follow my voice and watched me all day. Tuesday night I sat on the floor with her and she started to play a bit. She has no trouble with the leash, and knows what to do when we get outside.
On Wednesday I decided to leave her at home as she would have to get used to that. I thought I would find a mess in her kennel, but, believe it or not, it was clean. But, boy, was she happy to get outside to take care of business! Today I had her at the office again, and she was quiet, slept most of the day, entertained everyone by just being cute and playing with her toy. Tonight she met Jane and the ladies at Ginger's.
Today is Daisy's birthday. I knew it would be hard, but every time I started to cry, I picked up Penny and got some kisses and snuggles.
This was meant to be.
I love you Daisy. You showed me exactly how wonderful a dog could be, and taught me that unconditional love doesn't mean exclusive love. Thank you for sharing your life with me. For the rest of my life I will never forget you.
Penny is a sweet little dog, so cute. She's very good for a small puppy. I'm so glad that you got a puppy, it really does help. Our Boston Terrier Mac had to be put to sleep 3 years ago a couple of weeks before Christmas it was so hard. My husband was having a hard time so I bought him a 6 month old Boston puppy for Christmas, his name is Buster and he's a pretty good dog. It's good to remember Daisy and it's also good to give your love to a little puppy too, she will be a great dog for you. Sounds like she likes going to work with you.
So sorry to hear of your loss. (((HUGS)))
Life does go on, even after something so devastating. Penny is just adorable! She will help you to ease the pain. Daisy would be happy that you have a new little love to share your life with. You are a trooper, Vicky! :~)
Oh my gosh Vicky, she's absolutely adorable! Is she a mini? I think she will do you wonders, and you are a wonderful mom!
oh vicky.
i was a little behind on blog reading, i am SO sorry to hear about daisy.
i am also very happy to hear about penny.
{who is SUPER cute by the way.}
big huge hugs!!!
Hi Vicky,
Penny is beautiful, and such a well behaved little puppy...! It's good to have someone to give your love to & share your grief...
Hugs, Julia
How adorable she is and already knowing what to do.
Oh Vicky...I was behind in blog reading while I was up with the kids and just read about losing Daisy...I am so sorry...and then I went on to read the next post and there was sweet Penny. You are so right...she was meant to be. Daisy is looking down at you and "smiling"...she will sure help to fill the huge hole in your heart. She's precious!
Vicky, I am so happy to hear that you have Penny to love and I know she will love you. I hope she helps to ease your pain over Daisy. She sounds like she off to a good start. Take care sweet lady!
Vicky, sorry to read of your loss. Penny does look so cute - hope your days are not so sad now. Best wishes to you both, love, Cheryl, Brisbane, Australia
penny looks so adoreable! it's great that she can go to the office with you as it will help both of you to adjust to things. there are lots of animals going to the offices now--the best of both worlds for everyone--pets and people who love them.
Penny is soooooo cute! She obviously knows what her part of the job is and seems to be doing all the right things.
What a pretty little girl-I wish you lots of cuddles and happiness together. Nothing like a cold wet nose and doggy kisses.
I'm so happy to see that you got a puppy! We lost our cat of almost 19 years and it was so hard! Now we have 5 cats!! Talk about getting back in the saddle. Enjoy her, it is always fun getting to know a new friend.
Daisy would be so proud of you, and happy for Penny, as she has found a great home.
Very cute puppy, I too was sorry to hear of Daisy's passing. I was going to mention the fact that my father breeds weiner dogs, but he is in Houston...
awww Penny is adorable :) Daisy would not want you sad and crying all the time. Big hugs and love xoxo melzie
I've been checking your blog since I read your sad post about Daisy. I'm glad to know that you have a new little friend to help lick your face and ease some of your sadness. Hugs to you and Penny.
Every time I read your blog in the last two weeks I cry. It just brings back so many memories of the past with my Chelsea dog. I did what you did and I now have my Daisy dog. I just don't know what I would do without her. Chelsea lives in my heart and Daisy in my life at this time. I am so happy you found Penny. You will see how she will fill that void in your life and Daisy will live in your heart.
Vicky, you and I don't know each other, but I've been so worried about you! I have a toy poodle born May 13, 1997, and I will be devastated when he's gone. So I think I can relate a little bit to your feelings. I've been checking back for posts from you all week, and am glad to see you have a new puppy in your life. Take care.
You are very brave and did the right thing. Feeling sad is sometimes what we need, but life and death go on. You will now give life and happy days to another puppy, but won't forget Daisy. It sounds like Penny was a good choice and is very happy to live with you. 8-))
Vicky-How I've greaved for and with you--know the feeling very well. After I lost Gizmo-my Pug of 12 years-I just couldn't imagine any other dog ever taking her place-she is buried under a tree just outside my bedroom and I would spend a lot of time at that window, just looking at her grave and letting the tears run. I went almost 6 years without a dog, just thought I could never go thru losing one again. Then one day, I read this article about your pet "leaving you" and it said that we know that we will outlive a pet, but to look at how many more are out there without a home, abonded, so on. Get one and that is one more that will be loved, taken care of, fed and be a best friend and companion. That "light" hit me hard and the very next day I was at the Humane Shelter thinking I was going to take one home-well I didn't that day-they had mostly larger dogs and I wanted a small one-breed didn't matter-I just wanted to "save" a dog. Then I drove around hoping to find one on the street that had been abanded-no luck. but within a couple of days I found Sadie, whose owner was a Corrie breader and guess Sadie had made her(the lady's) "Greedy Ass" enough money and was going to have her put down, but asked me if I would take her--She is the joy of my life -no more than any other dog I've had-but she is being treated like somekind of Queen and my very best friend.
Vicky, I'm so proud of you and know that Daisy os too and Penny is one lucky girl. Hugs and kisses, Bobbie
Congrats on your new puppy. I'm sure Daisy would approve. Hang in there. HUGS!
Now is Penny trained to sew yet? Fetch the scraps and put them in the waste basket?
Congrats!!! I was never really a "pet" person until Coal---now I don't know how I could never have been. I am so glad you have Penny and although she will never take the place of Daisy---her presence will make you a better "mommie" to Sweet Penny.
I'm so glad you now have Penny in your life. These little beings fill up our lifer - don't they.
Penny is gorgeous. Reading your post I picked up Chip (my little maltese x jack russell) and gave him a hundred hugs. I can not even imagine being where you are right now - but I am happy that you have Penny to ease the loss. :)
I like your comment..."unconditional love doesn't mean exclusive love". It's very telling and I think Penny will be the next great love in your life.
I'm so sorry to hear about Daisy. I know it hurts so much to lose our furbabies. I lost Shiva, my kitty, a little over two years ago, and I still miss him very much. But loving other fuzzy friends does help. Give Penny lots of love and cuddles, and she will give it back!
I've been thinking about you, I know how hard it is to lose a favored pet. Penny looks to be a lovely dog, and she's sounds very smart!
Oh, I'm so glad that you found a new little someone to love. Little Penny is just so adorable. She won't replace Daisy, but she will certainly nudge her little self into your heart. It was a good move on your part.
I was so sad to read about Daisy the other day--my heart ached for you. I know you'll miss Daisy and think of her often, but I'm so glad you decided to bring Penny home! She sure looks like a sweetie, and I'm sure a puppy will provide hours of entertainment and love.
all my love for you, I passed this situation last year... be happy with the puppy, she'll give you all the love of the world. Kisses from Spain
I'm so sorry to hear about Daisy. It always hits me how much my 2 mean to me when I hear about the loss that other suffer. It definitely helped me to have my 2 when I had to put my first down. I hope that Penny can help you through this loss. She looks like a pistol! I'm so sorry about Daisy!
Please post more pictures of Penny :) We love pictures of doxies.
What a cute puppy- she will help with your loss. It's so hard to lose a pet that you've had for so long, I know what you're going through- my dear dog has been gone for 9 years now and I still cry over hime. I hope one of these days to get another just like him but so far I haven't found the right one.
I'm glad to see you back posting and with a new puppy. My heart ached for you when I read of Daisy's passing -- been there, done that (but with cats instead of dogs).
Yes you will cry for a while still. My last cat's death took me almost a year before I could think of her without crying. But your new little friend should help a lot with that.
I heard today that Miss Daisy had gone away to Doggy Heaven, and my heart just aches for you, Vicky. Daisy was such a beautiful girl, and I could tell you two had such a special relationship. I have never understood why we are allowed these wonderful creatures to enter our lives for such a (relatively) short time, but I always look at it as being so blessed to have had the chance to know and love each and every one of them who comes into my life.
I can't tell you how it warms my heart to see Miss Penny - she is absolutely the cutest little thing! I'm glad you got another doxie - who could you not? They wiggle their way into your heart and never let go, don't they? I know she's not Daisy, but I also know having her closes up that huge empty hole in your heart more and more every day. I am sending you healing thoughts, my friend. You're well on your way.
Vicky - I am so sorry to read about the loss of your sweet Daisy. Sounds like you and the vet did everything possible and sometimes there is just no explaining these things. Good for you for pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and going on the big search for Penny. She looks like a sweet little thing and I am sure will bring you lots of comfort, campainionship and smiles. I know you will always love Daisy, but gosh, Penny sure looks pretty lovable too!
Cheers! Evelyn
OMG!! OK...knew I could find the story on Penny...now balling my eyes out for Daisy. I had a "Daisy" (mutt) before Gidget and it is amazing how raw my feelings are still about our little babies that are no longer with us. I'm sure my "Daisy" and your "Daisy" are in doggie heaven and playing together!
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