Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 Stash Ponderings

What can I say? I purchased way way way more than I used, and I'm up to my eyeballs in fabric right now. I'm determined to use up a lot of it in 2010, although realistically, I know I won't make a dent in the thousands of yards that are living at my house.

I gathered up all the quilts needing bindings yesterday and there are 11 of them. Quilts needing backings number about eight. Quilts needing a final border or a finish on assembling are another eight. Bindings, backings and borders are the first order of business in 2010.

BOMs are overflowing my sewing room. I have four needing assembly, and need to catch up on eight more. Those will be the second task to accomplish.

Applique projects started number about seven or eight. Those will be a priority focus in early 2010. I also want to make about half of the remaining eighty or so Dutch Treat blocks, and I'd like to make at least 50 basket blocks next year. Both of those are lifetime projects for me, but maybe I'll finish in this lifetime if I focus on them. I'm determined to spend at least one weekend every other month prepping applique blocks. Once they're prepped I know I'll stitch them. Applique is something I really love to do, so why not get them ready to go.

I'm just going to chalk up this year to stash building for retirement. I know I'll purchase fabric in 2010, but I'm going to be more selective and get just the lines I absolutely love and will regret if I don't get.

So I bid adieu to 2009, and welcome 2010 with new resolve.

Year-to-Date Totals:

Busted: 219.625 yards
Purchased: 750.95 yards
Net YTD: <531.325> yards


Lori in South Dakota said...

Oh Vicky, I always smile when I read your report. You enjoy your fabric so much!! And Penny is thoroughly enjoyed too! Stack up those soon to be finished projects. Whenever I finish something I feel energized, ready to tackle another one. I look forward to reading your blog in 2010.

Brenda said...

I love that you kept going all year. I fell off the reporting wagon in August. I have some small plans for using the stash in 2010. Will see how I go ut like you I know I will still be buying fabric and you know what - that's OK.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you have a real plan for some great stash busting in the new year! looking forward to seeing all those beautiful quilts that you'll be turning out in no time flat! Starting 2010 with some finishes is a great idea!

Thelma said...

I like a girl with a plan! Good Luck to you as you work through your stacks of unfinished projects in 2010.

Enjoy the fabric you bought and give yourself credit for honestly reporting your stash building/busting progress in 2009.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, productive 2010!

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I'm gonna be right there with you... I'm pretty sure I don't have as much fabric as you, but I must have a record amount for a new quilter...I've been accumulating fabric for 6-7 years and just finally got started in 2009. So cheers to a productive year all around! (I love Minick & Simpson,too!)

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

aww vicky.. i love you!! i don't know if i have ever bought 750 yards... but that is b/c i have never counted!! i'm still on the fence about counting in 2010..but i may do it... i do love checking finished quilts off a list! oh... and if anyone ever questions you buying fabric... just tell them what my mom says "there are many wayyy worse addictions" works for me!! {i also defend myself by saying fabric doesn't have an expiration date..and yes there is style.. but it still doesn't expire!}

Julie in the Barn said...

Excellent goals, Vicky. I gave up keeping track of my stash ages ago. I know I have way too much fabric to ever use up but my intention is to just keep making quilts till I'm dead and let my kids figure out what to do with what is left.

Vicki W said...

It's very important to build the retirement stash. I've been diligently working on that for years. I plan to be READY!

Loretta said...

Vicky, you have a lot of positives in this post! You have helped this sluggish economy, you will have fabric on hand when you retire, and you have a plan for 2010. I think you are way ahead of many of us.
I didn't post numbers, but I bought more than I used also.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog.

Darling Jill Quilts said...

I'm glad that you didn't take my advie to get to 1000 yards bought! lol

I think that 2010 is going to be a great stash-busting year!! My pocketbook will sure thank me for that! lol

We will do great in 2010!

SpinningStar said...

Even though you may have bought a lot more fabric than most, I think you have also used a lot more fabric than many of us. Buying for a retirement stash is very acceptable. I have several friends who are buying now for that same reason.

Enjoy the New Year!


Judy Laquidara said...

You've had fun and you're not answering to anyone but yourself so . . what else matters. Stashbusting is as fun for me as buying fabric is for you. In the end, if whatever we're doing for our hobby isn't fun, then why bother. You do what makes you happy in 2010 . . that's what really matterse.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Vicki,
I think you have set reasonable goals and you can do it! Just know if you get bored with bindings you can always go to your next thing on the list, and so on. And then come back to the bindings. Sounds like you have a lot of quilts that are very close. It will be fun to see your finished quilts posted and talked about! Take care.
Beverly in WA

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Sweet Vicky! I give you credit for sticking with the reporting, even if the numbers weren't quite what you were hoping for.

Wishing you and Penny a very happy and healthy New Year with lots of laughter, love and sewing!

jlk said...

As long as you're having fun!

Yvette said...


Just think of it as your 401k fabric fund. When you retire you can enjoy all your riches. That's what I keep telling myself and it works. LOL

Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Good luck with the resolves. Sounds like you have a plan and that always helps. And you're being realistic which helps even more lol

Miss Jean said...

I rationalize my stash this way. In the even of a nuclear disaster I'm good to go with fabric. It pays to plan ahead!

You and Penny have a wonderful and Happy New Year.

Laura said...

If I'd busted more than 200 yards in a year, I'd be darn proud of myself. :-)

Sharon said...

You are off to a great start. Listing projects and what needs to be done to them is the first step in getting them finished. Writing down goals makes them real and more achievable. Whoohoo to you. My list is similar, but shorter. I too, am the same w/applique, prep and it shall happen!

Barbara said...

Just wanted you to know you aren't alone in your mountains of fabric. I too have been buying for my retirement, the only problem is retirement isn't close enough for me yet. I can't wait for retirement. Enjoy what you have though, it sounds like you are off to a great start with your plans.

Anonymous said...

Buying for retirement. I've been retired now for quite a few years and I'm still buying. What I need is to use it while retired.

You should be proud , Vicky, of the number of beautiful quilts you have made and look how many you have that are almost finished. I wish I had that many projects that close to being finished or that I had use 200 yards of fabric this year.

You've been busy with , Penny. Puppies are a lot of fun but you can't take your eyes off of them and they require a lot of time.

This has been a very stressful year for you. My advice is just to enjoy your life and remember the quilt police are not coming to knock on your door.

The very best to you in the New Year.

Anonymous said...

The last post was from me. It wouldn't take my google id and I didn't sign it.


Mimi said...

You are just amazing. All that youi accomplish plus your stressful job. I get stressed just looking at what I have around my house and it is nowheres near what you have. Just enjoy. You produce some beautiful quilts. Just keep at it.

Bon said...

"I know I'll purchase fabric in 2010, but I'm going to be more selective and get just the lines I absolutely love and will regret if I don't get."
I'm sorry, but I just had to chuckle. And this will be different from 2009 how? LOL

Bev said...

We LOVE your blog and have added it to our Blog favorites and linked up. Your pictures are gorgeous and inspiring and we love how you write about your fabric! Happy New Year and cheery wave from Bev

Kim said...

Surrender Dorothy!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Oh Vicky,
You are quite a girl. I have a lot of fabric too and I hope I can get some of it in quilts in 2010. Best of luck to both of us.
I wish only good things for you in the coming year!!
Give Penny a big hug for me, Fern

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I loved your list of partially done quilts and to know I'm not the only one who bought way more fabric that I used in a year. I have about an equal number of started quilts that I am determined to make a dent in the finishing of too.