Saturday, October 09, 2010

I've Been Pondering

Uh oh!!!!!

It's okay. You can say it. I know what you're thinking.

Anyway, here's what I was pondering last night... my favorite fabric and pattern designers.

For years it was Robyn Pandolph. I still love her stuff, but her most gorgeous collections, in my opinion, were when she was with Moda. I love Camille Roskelly, Brenda Riddle, Joanne Figueroa, Judie Rothermel, Sandy Klop, Blackbird Designs, French General. These are the ones I search for first when the urge to poke buttons becomes too strong to resist.

But the fabric design team I keep going back to over and over again is Minick & Simpson. I love their colorways in the last several collections and that draws me back again and again.

I always think Prairie Paisley is my all-time favorite line, but then they come out with something else that immediately becomes my favorite. I can't wait for Charlevoix to hit the store shelves in January. I guess it's a good thing it's next year - new stash report and all!

The one pattern designer I follow like a groupie is Anne Sutton at Bunny Hill. I always get her BOMs and have made quite a few of them, and I look forward to stocking up on her new Moda fabrics, too. Anne has just the right touch of whimsy in her patterns to make needleturning such a joy. I smile a lot when working on a Bunny Hill pattern!

Of course, I'd be remiss not to mention Carrie Nelson at Miss Rosie's. Who doesn't love her patterns! And Judy Laquidara at Patchwork Times. We all love her designs and her blog!

So here's what I was really thinking. It's time for a give-away. It's an easy one. Just leave a comment with 1) your all-time favorite fabric designer, and 2) your all-time favorite pattern designer, and you'll be in the drawing to win something. ROFLOL. I don't know what yet. I mean, it's 5:50 in the a.m. on a Saturday. I haven't thought it all out. The drawing will be random but you must have the two choices in your comments to be eligible.

Oh, oh, wait -- how about a $50 gift certificate to my favorite store, the Fat Quarter Shop! I adore that store!!
Yeah, that'll work!

This will be a quickie -- tomorrow morning, Sunday 10-10-10 at, when else, 10:00!! I didn't even realize that date until I just glanced at the calendar! Perfect time for a give-away!!

Good luck!! And you can thank Penny for waking me up so early!


Jocelyn said...

I also loved Robyn's fabrics. I still have some I have not cut into. And Two Sisters! Yes Moda fabrics take me over the edge. All of the ones you mentioned would make it VERY difficult to pick just one!!! And pattern designers, I do love Carrie Nelson's patterns, and Heather Peterson (Anka's Treasures). So many choices :=S

Unknown said...

I have rarely met a fabric I didn't like. But my tastes really gravitate toward Michael Miller Fabrics and their designers.

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Well, I was worried I was going to be first so woo hoo for Happy Cottage! lol

I love all fabrics by Three Sisters! The Glace was my absolute favorite though. I have some of the fabric, but I still haven't made anything with it! lol

I think that my favorite designer is (according to the patterns that I have collected and not the quilts I have made! lol) Miss Rosie, too. But I also like Pat Speth, Bonnie Hunter, Judy L, and Sandy Bonsib. And Judy Martin! But Judy Martin's patterns scare me! lol

Hope you have a great day!!

Carol said...

Fun theme. I seem to love Moda fabrics best. I would say my all time fabric designer is 3 Sisters. All of their fabrics have been favorites of mine. Some of the ones from them that I really love are Faded Memories, Simplicity, Park Avenue, Aster Manor, Roman Holiday, Glace, Martinique, Peace on Earth, Portobello Market and their newest one Luna Notte. Yep, 3 Sisters is definitely my favorite. My favorite pattern designer is Miss Rosie. I love all of the Schnibbles patterns, they are just so fun. I like her other patterns too and books. I just love her new book Schnibbles Times Two.

Yvette said...

This is hard!!
I guess Fig Tree Quilts & French General are the lines I am drooling over right now.

Favorite designer? Hmmmm, this is REALLY hard. Today it would be Carrie Nelson.

Patricia said...

I am a Kaffe groupy and also love Michael Miller. Of course, Kaffe patterns are also my fav as well as Sandy Klop.

Hope I win!!!! Thanks for the great opportunity.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I'm a Minick & Simpson girl like you (I do like Kaffe too) and my fav for patterns would be Ankas Treasures. Thanks for the chance!

Carolyn said...

I love Jo Morton, both her fabrics and her quilt designs. That being said, I'm much more open to everything than I used to be..which explains a lot of bright things I've been making!

julia said...

Good morning Vicky! I hope despite being up so early you've had a good night's rest...I know how awful it feels if you can't sleep...

My all time favourite fabrics used to be all things Fig Tree & 3 Sisters & French General. But lately I'm drawn to the more "modern"/"retro" designers...namely Urban Chiks (just LOVE their fabric collections!), MoMo or Tula Pink. I'm sorry I couldn't narrow it down to one :).

My #1 favourite pattern designer is Carrie Nelson...there's hardly any pattern I don't want to make. {A close follow up is Joanna Figueroa...just love most of her quilts!}.

Hugs to you & Penny,

Cathy said...

Not sure I have a favorite pattern designer but for fabrics, my favorite designer is 3 Sisters. They design for Moda, seem to have about three collections a year, including one that is Christmasy. I'm still using up my large stock of their early collections- Paris Flea Market and Seaside Rose.

Anonymous said...

Three Sisters fabric has been a huge favorite with me but I am now totally in love with French General fabric lines. Beautiful!
My favorite designer is me because I know exactly what I like, lol. Marie Webster designs are my classic favorites and I've made several Verna Mosquera (The Vintage Spool) quilts. If it's applique, I'm interested.
Great questions, Vicky! May get introduced to new fabric designers and pattern designers I haven't heard of before.

tami said...

This is super easy for me. Everyone who knows me knows my all time favorite fabric designer is Lynne Hagmeier who does Kansas Troubles for Moda. I am a sucker for the depth of colors she uses.
I would have to say my favorite pattern designer is Teri Degenkolb at Whimsicals.

LK said...

My all time favorite fabric designers are "Blackbird Designs"....I don't think that I've missed any of their collections, yet!!!!

And I also find their books and patterns to be at the top of my list I do needleturn applique, cross stitch and various other endeavors!!!! That gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop would help support my habit!!!

Ruthie said...

Kansas Troubles is my favorite line of fabric and designers, well.... of course, JudyL is way up there, along with Bonnie Hunter and Atkinson designs.

jlk said...

Favorite designer? I don't have one for all time, but right now I am loving Kate Spain.

Darlene said...

All time favorite fabric designer would have to be Robyn Pandolph - when she was with Moda (not so much since then) I enjoy everything by Three Sisters now.

Pattern designer would have to be Carrie Nelson because her patterns are traditional and timeless.

Sweet giveaway, Vicky!

Vicki W said...

I don't have a favorite fabric designer but I tend to be drawn to geometric prints, nature prints and some reproductions. I'm not into florals and only occasionally buy novelty fabrics. I am sooooo wanting the new Dr Seuss fabric! I rarely buy patterns but I buy every book Judy L publishes!

Sue H said...

Right now my favorite designer would be -- ME! I've been playing with EQ and am currently piecing my own design. I'm not saying I'm any good, just my fave. Favorite fabric? I just love anything MODA.

Thelma said...

My all time favorite fabric, that's a tough one..I think I'm going to have to say 3 Sisters, since I've made more than one quilt with their lovely fabric. My all time favorite pattern designer, that's super easy, Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie's Quilt Company.

I've had my eye on something at our favorite store, I know just what I'll buy if I win your generous giveaway.


Mary-Kay said...

I love a give away! I'm wondering why but then I realize you're having a give away so you can't add more to your stash. I read your last weeks findings. My sister lives in Charlevoix MI and I can't wait to see the new fabric line. It should be beautiful.

Simone de Klerk said...

10-10-10 should bring luck, but then it counts for everyone (o:
OK, my favorite designer: Carrie Nelson! I joined the Schnibbles Parade, that just ended and now I am joining Le Petite, with more Carrie Nelson patterns! After each Schnibbles I said: this is my favorite, but just like you with the fabrics, when she came with another pattern, well that one really became my favorite after making the quilt LOL.
Mmm, favorite fabric line are the fabrics by Fig Tree. They often have a wave of France in them.

antique quilter said...

favorite fabric designer, Judie Rothermel
favorite pattern designer...hmmm thats a hard one.
I can only chose one?????
anyone that reproduces antique quilts or based on antique quilts (now are you surprised???)
Carrie from Miss Rosie has the best written patterns i have seen and also think her patterns are timeless, Barbara Brackman and oh love her fabrics from Moda ;),
Baltimore Album Society has great patterns and of course Kim McLean! can't I keep going???? Kathleen Tracey, Jo Morton, Jan Patek...
hope your having a great weekend

Monica said...

Two fabric, one patterns? That's a tough call because I love so many.

My Favortie fabric designer right now would have to be Howard Marcus for Collection for a Cause for Moda. The current line Hope is to die for.

As far as my favorite designer right now hands down its Carrie Nelson followed closely by Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Studio.

Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome giveaway!

sharon said...

Hi, this is a hard one! I'm drawn to more modern designers now and bright colours so I am going to with Kaffe Fassett. As far as patterns go I love the Canadian pattern company The Rabbit Factory. Thanks Sharonj.

julieQ said...

I am a big fan of scrappy Bonnie Hunter with her scrappy quilts is my fav! Thank you for having your giveaway.

Lauren H said...

So difficult to choose just one fabric designer and just one pattern designer! I love Kate Spain's fabrics and I keep coveting the French General collections. As for a pattern designer, I seem to have collected several of Camille Roskelly's to make for the new babies being born to family and friends . . . and I just bought Cherry House's latest book because the solid fabrics are also calling to me! Thanks for the giveaway and thanks to your sweet pup for getting you up to do this at the crack of dawn! (My Cocoa decided that we also needed to get out of bed at 5:00 am CST this morning!)

P.S. I was hoping that I would be the 10th person to post a comment, but I missed that number!

Erica said...

It's very hard to narrow down! I would have said Fig Tree was my favourite fabric, but I'm now in a modern and retro phase. I am loving Sandi Henderson's Meadowsweet lines and everything Kate Spain has done.

Pattern designer....I think it is Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. followed by Joanne at Fig Tree. To compliment my mod tastes, I would say the tutorials/patterns by Elizabeth Hartman at Oh Fransson are also wonderful!

Cheri C. said...

I like a lot of the ones you mentioned but I also like Heather Ross and LOVE Camille Roskelly for the patterns!!

Julie said...

I just started quilting last spring and don't have a favorite designer. I've been collecting Judie Rothermel, Jo Morton, Lynne Hagmeier (Kansas Troubles) and Howard Marcus Collection for a Cause. My favorite fabric, so far, is the Hope line. The only patterns I've used so far are Schnibbles by Carrie Nelson and I know I'll be making more of her designs. I do have a favorite store, Fat Quarter Shop. Thanks for doing this Vicky!

Vic H. said...

Mine is Jennifer Sampou...Zany for Zinnias is the line I just adore. I bought lots of it years ago when he line came out and I've made 3 large bed quilts and I'm hoarding the rest. I hope to make a spring quilt for my classroom with the rest. But I'm also liking Urban Chiks....So many to love! Oh yeah, Dena Designs is also top of the list....

Miss Jean said...

My favorite fabric designer is Joanna @ Fig Tree Quilts, hands down. Her fabric is wonderful. My favorite pattern designer is a true toss up between Elizabeth Scott @ Late Bloomer Quilts and Anne Sutton at Bunny Hill. Three very talented ladies, don't you think?

Nicole said...

I was a huge Robyn Pandolph fan when she was with Moda. Lately French General is at the top of my list, but I probably have the most quilts made out of 3 Sisters fabric. Naturally, my favorite designer is Carrie Nelson! Monique Dillard of Open Gate is fabulous as well.

Carol said...

Love Robyn's fabrics when she was with MODA...I can almost say if it's MODA I like it. I used to only like the really traditional stuff but now with the grandchildren I like the brighter stuff too. Love 3 Sisters, Minnick and Simpson, Brannock and Patek. I also love Jo Morton and Judie Rothermel fabrics. Pattern designer...Carrie Nelson...hands down...she does traditional with a little twist and her patterns are always soooooo well written.

Anonymous said...

I love just about EVERYTHING Moda but do love me some Jo Morton from Andover. As far as a pattern designer that is difficult for me because I like so many...however this past year the designer's patterns I picked up most were Ms. Carrie Nelson. Her Schnibbles patterns were so much fun!

Laura said...

Joanne Figueroa @ Fig Tree for the fabrics, although Three Sisters is right up there.Terry Atkinson/Atkinson Designs, hands down, for the patterns. Making her Waffle Time table runner right now.

Luned said...

Ooh tricky. Agree about Robyn Pandolph when she was with Moda. Love Three Sisters who have a similar sort of feel somehow. There again Blackbird Designs and Jan Patek have gorgeous fabric AND quilt patterns. I'm finding choosing between them impossible.

Anonymous said...

my stash of fabric and patterns and books tells me that my favorite fabric designer is Brenda Riddle, and my favorite pattern designer is Carrie Nelson.

(but there are a whole lot of other favorites in second place in both categories!)

Tiffaney said...

What a fun time to have a giveaway. My Favorite designer has to be Verna Mosquera. I just love her applique patterns. My fabric line has to be Fresh Squeezed by Sandy Gervais.

Sherri said...

I really enjoyed reading this post...and favorite pattern and fabric designers are along the same lines as yours...and pick a favorite is hard...But my all time favorite fabric designer would have to be Joanna Figueroa (fig tree & company)--I just love all of her fabrics. For patterns I'll say Carrie Nelson...because they work with so many fabrics and come in all sizes!

Anonymous said...


InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

My favorite fabric designer is 3 Sisters. It's a 3 way tie for my favorite pattern designers - Miss Rosie, Judy L, and Fig Tree. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Ginny said...

My favorite designer is Laura Gunn. Oh how I love her fabric. My favorite pattern designer is Heather from Anka's treasures. She is amazing!

donminic22 at hotmail dot com

Penny said...

Hummmm. I usually don't buy collections. I like to mix and match. But for only one maybe Fig Tree. Love the softness of it. My favorite designer is Lydia Quigley of The Rabbit Factory. I have made dozens of her patterns. I love the way she mixes applique with piecing. I'm a sucker for that. (Why are you giving away a gift certificate? That doesn't help your stash reduction. Or will that be another giveaway?)LOL

Doodlebug Gail said...

I have quite a few favourites that I'm unfortunately not able to indulge in on a regular basis .... Darlene Zimmerman would be top of my list followed closely byJoanne Figuero, Holly Holderman and Minick & Simpson.

Amanda said...

I would have to say Fig Tree for patterns and it is a tie for fabric with Fig Tree and Tula Pink. These two I need each line or at least that's what I tell my husband :)

Kim said...

I enjoy Carrie Nelson and Terry Atkinson. There are many I like when combing the web and magazines.

I LOVE Batiks first, then I like Moda.. three sisters is one and Minick & Simpson is another.

Thank you for sharing this opportunity....

Gwen said...

I love Moda fabrics as a whole, but especially Minnick and Simpson.
Some of my favorite patterns are by
Terri Atkinson. Hug Penny for me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I really really like Momo. Wonderland by Momo really speaks to me. Also, I really like the Monaluna organic fabrics that have been coming out lately.

Unknown said...

Lord I have to pick only ONE?! I love Prairie Paisley too, it's what the quilt on my bed is made from.
Most of the designers you mentioned I love but if right now I have to pick a favorite it would be Sweetwater! They've only had a few lines but they've all been gorgeous fun, and happy which I need right now.
For patterns it's gotta be Carrie! So many versatile patters that can be grown or shrunk.

Lori said...

Primitive designs. Civil war--so I like Judi Rothermel.

Designer--I like Carrie Nelson

And you actually have THOUGHTS that early in the morning?? Not me! Ask me again at 9pm.

Baskets Of Quilts said...

My favorite fabrics come from fig tree quilts. I'm also waiting for lily and will to come out by bunny hill. I really don't have a fav pattern designer since I usually make very simple quilts that I just put together on my own. Thanks for the great giveaway !

Anonymous said...

I pretty much like anything plaid..striped, tone on tone... but my favorites usually come out of the Red Rooster lines.

Mikelle said...

I'm relatively new quilting, so it's hard for me to have an alltime favorite. I love pretty much all of the Moda designers. I love Basic Grey and Kate Spain.

I just got the Schnibbles times two, and I'm loving working my way through those patterns!

kell22 @

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon,
What a generous give a way!! I would love to participate. My favorite fabric designers would be 3 Sisters and my favorite pattern designer today would be Carrie Nelson. But I do enjoy Heather Peterson as well. It is awful hard to narrow it all down to one of each though.
Have a nice weekend. How clever, a drawing at 10 on 10-10-10!!!
Beverly in WA

Anonymous said...

P.S. I will check back in tomorrow.
Beverly in WA

Marcia W. said...

My favorite fabric designer is a difficult one to identify so will jump in and say that today it is - Sandi Henderson. My favorite pattern designer today is - Carrie Nelson. Now, my favorite all around combination fabric and pattern designer and author is - Kaffe Fassett. Thank you for such a generous giveaway!

Suzanne said...

Hi! What a wonderful giveaway! Right now one of my favorite designers is Urban Chiks. Really love the Dream On collection. Just don't know what make yet! One of my favorite pattern designers is Carlene Westberg. They are well written and great to use w/ the precuts. Thank you for the chance to win!!

Melanie said...

Those Ladies of Blackbird designs have got to be my favorite fabric designers. The quality of their Moda fabricsis polished. The colors are so well blended, and the names of the fabric lines are always charming(I find myself wanting the fabric just because of the name!!!). Pattern designer -- my favorite changes like a revolving door. But Joanne Figueroa always comes to the head of the line. I haven't made a lot of her patterns, but I have studied many of them. The way she makes easy twists on normally complicated blocks makes quilting so fun.

mascanlon said...

Oh my this is a very tough call. I love Tula Pink and can't wait to get my hands on Parisville but I love Fig Tree collections too and have piles of all Joanna's lines in my stash. For patterns, sigh...right now its Anne Sutton and Carrie Nelson. And as someone else mentioned earlier for the whole darn package, its got to be Kaffe!

Cenedre said...

There are so many fabrics that I adore but I always come back to Amy Butler. I can't wait for the release of Soul Blossoms in December.

As for designers... another vote for Carrie Nelson

Beth Bullington said...

I don't know that I have a favorite fabric designer so I went up and looked at some of the fabric I have to see if there is a theme in what I like -- Based on what I have I would say Deb Strain or Sandy Gervais. Most of what I found was Moda fabric. Pattern - hmmm, I don't know that I have a favorite. I usually come up with my own patterns so I guess it would be me.

JudyT said...

I think off the top of my head I would say 3 Sisters for their fabrics and colors and I love Carrie Nelson's quilts although I have never attempted one yet.

mennikelly said...

I think my favorite fabric designer so far is Basic Grey. I'm new to paying attention to fabric and to quilting so I don't have much experience with pattern designers. I do like a lot of Elizabeth Hartman's designs though.

Sherrill said...

I really like Jo Morton's fabrics (among so MANY others!!) and love Primitive Pieces patterns (again among SO many others!!). Thanks for the giveaway.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I am looking fwd to M & S's new line too! Right now I seem to be pulled toward 3 Sisters lines, and Miss Rosie's patterns. Thanks for the fun!

Lori in said...

I'd have to say that I'm always drawn to Kansas Troubles and Minnick and Simpson for fabric choices--they both just seem to capture my style. As far as patterns, gotta love Miss Rosie!
I just love reading your blog for quilting inspiration, but I equally (if not more) just LOVE that Penny! Doxies are the BEST!

Quilterbee said...

I love Moda. The last two quilts I've made are with Sandy Gervais fabrics. They are very happy. I also loved the French General Rouenerries and Rural Jardin.

My favorite is 3 Sisters.

The designers question is an easy one. Blackbird designs first with Kim Diehl and Carrie Nelson tied for second.

Thank you Vicky. I pray you are doing well.

Diane said...

I love all the fabrics from 3 Sister's and any book by Kim Deihl.

Lisa D. said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. My favorite fabric designers are 3 Sisters, and it's no secret that my favorite pattern designer is Carrie Nelson.

Mimi said...

1: Minick and Simpson
2: Minick and Simpson

That's easy. By the way Vicky, they may be having a retreat on Mackinaw Island next year here in MI. Wanna go?

Mary Lou Casada said...

This one really got me thinking!! Favorite pattern designer!? Favorite fabric designer!? Hmmmm...For years and years it was Thimbleberries for both -- but more modern lines haven't been my thing. And that was before I went applique crazy! So my current loves are Piece o' Cake for patterns (with a tip of the hat to Miss Rosie, Kim McLean, Whimsicals, and so many more! LOL), and for fabrics Jo Morton (again with nods to Judy Rothermel, Whimsicals, 3 Sisters, Jan Patek, and Kansas Troubles). Lovely questions to ponder!
Mary Lou

Lisa said...

I especially love Moda fabrics and when I look at what I have purchased 3 Sisters is the designer I go back to time and time again. For pattern designs I really like Bonnie K. Hunter. I have to say, it's so hard to select only one fabric and one pattern designer.

Claudia said...

Ok for fabric at the moment it would be Basic Grey & French General. As for patterns it would be either Carrie Nelson or Monique Dillard. I just love how they both write their patterns.

Susan said...

My all time favorite designer is Carrie Nelson and I love Kansas Troubles fabrics. Lots of other designers follow behind Carrie as well as other fabric lines hence the large fabric stash!

Carol said...

My favourite fabric designer is 3 Sisters for Moda and Alexander Henry fabrics. My favourite pattern designer is Judy Niemeyer. I would have to say that with my stash and pattern collection, it isn't instantly obvious that I have only one favourite.

Dee said...

Those are some hard questions. There are several designers that when they come out with a new line, I just know I'm going to love it. But to pick just one, it's probably French General with their Rural Jardin, Roeuneries, Lumiere de Noel and Maison de Garance. I just wish they'd name one of their collections something I could pronounce. As for pattern designers, my favorite right now is Carrie Nelson. I was late jumping on the Schnibbles bandwagon. And I have to also mention that your prize happens to be to my favorite online quilt shop!

Laura said...

What a fun giveaway! If I had to choose a favorite fabric designer, I'd go with Sandy Gervais, although I've recently built quite a Kaffe Fasset collection, so it may currently be a tie between those two.

For pattern designers, I'd say it's also a tie between Carrie Nelson and Judy Martin.

Anonymous said...

'Wow what fun to read everyone's choices. Love anything Moda and right now Bliss by Camille is my fav. Love Miss Rosies Schnibbles too! Janet

Amy said...

My favorite fabrics are designed by 3 Sisters, but lots of MODA fabrics call my name...French General, Blackbird Designs, American Jane, etc. My favorite pattern designer would have to be Bunny Hill, too. I have almost all of her BOM quilts. I am looking forward to starting her 'Twas the Night Before Christmas in January. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Cyn said...

My favorite fabric designer(s):
Minick and Simpson

My favorite pattern designer:
Carrie Nelson

Of course there are others that I love! :-)


Kim said...

My favorite designer is Sandy Gervais--love Gobble, Gobble, Frolic, and L'Amour. I am loving Carrie Nelson patterns right now, and I just bought another one at the AQS in Des Moines this week! Thanks for the giveaway.

Jan G said...

Ahhh, this is a toughy. Favorite fabric designer would be 3 Sisters, followed closely by Jo Morton. I sure do like Carrie Nelson's patterns...all of them. And Terry Atkinson's. And Anka's Treasures.

scottylover said...

I love 30's repros so my favorite fabric designer is Darlene Zimmerman. Met her at Paducah this year and she is a delight! My favorite pattern designer is Judi at Green Fairy quilts. They are such fun patterns to see!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A

Karen said...

Fabric Designer: French General or Bunny Hill (love the Lily and Willy line!).
Pattern Designer: Heather Mulder Peterson/Anka's Treasures Or Carrie Nelson of Miss Rosie

AnnieO said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Moda designers are indeed wonderful--Minnick and Simpson is a new fave! My all time favorite, though, has to be Sandy Gervais. She has the warm colors and graphics in her prints that I always am attracted to. Plus just a bit of fun and whimsy.

For patterns, geez, that's a hard one! I am going to say Heather Mulder Peterson has the combination of tradition and modern that attracts me very much just lately. Sandy Klop of American Jane has some fun ones too.

ballardquilter said...

So hard to decide! I like Denise Schmidt for both fabric and pattern design.

Julie Deuvall said...

First, thanks for the chance to win! Ok, my favorite fabric designer of all times would be Kansas Troubles Quilters (although I am in love with all Moda fabrics!). My fav pattern designer is Bunny Hill... I love her applique patterns.

dorthac said...

I love Robyn Pandolph , the Folk Art series. I love Carrie Nelson. If I win I will send you my e-mail address, So nice of you. Dortha

Abbybeth said...

Favorite fabric designer: Basic Grey

Favorite Pattern designer: Moda Bake Shop (because there's a wide variety of patterns & I can actually afford them! haha) There are a ton of Miss Rosie's patterns I'd love to try someday though...

Anonymous said...

My all time favorite fabrics are from Fig Tree Quilts...And my all time favorite patterns are from Bunny Hill designs. I come back to them again and again. The runner up fabrics are 3 Sisters, Blackbird Designs and The French General. Love them all ! Greetings from Reykjavik,Iceland
Dora Dis

dianne said...

In the Beginning - Jason Yenter's Winter Graphix - oooo!!! i have a lotta Carrie Nelson's patterns, but i have yet to actually make one - so i'm gonna go with Kim of Kim's Big Quilting Adventure - i made her "Fireworks" in Winter Graphix and it is waaaay cool ... i love Crab-apple Hill, too

Melissa said...

My favorite fabric line is Origins (it used to be Oh Cherry Oh, but I've changed my mind).

I give away most of my quilts, so I like to use simple patterns like Turning Twenty.

And I absolutely love Crab-apple Hill, even though I have started more embroidery than I might ever finish.

Betty said...

Lately I have been loving April Cornell's fabric lines. My all time favorite designer would have to be Eleanor Burns.

Jeanette said...

My favorite fabric designer is Jo Morton and my favorite pattern designer is Cheri Saffiote-Payne! :-)

Anonymous said...

For pattern designers, I like Terry Atkinson of Atkinson Designs and Jackie Animas of Animas Quilts. For fabric designers, I think I'd say Anna Maria Horner -- such life and beauty in her designs!

Loretta in Louisiana said...

I don't have favorites--I just like almost all of it. But I do love the Fat Quarter Shop.

Sharrieboberry said...

I'm too late for the drawing but I really like Teri Christopherson as a pattern designer.

My fav fabric is Swell by Urban Chiks, soooo pretty!

Cara said...

I don't have a favorite fabric designer but I'm going to use your post to find one for myself,
Great article and blog and we want more :)

Sydney said...

Love Minnick and Simpson fabrics! Mmmm.Miss Rosie's Quilt Designs is a favorite also. With all that is out there it is hard to chose just one of each! The Fat Quarter Shop is my all time favorite go to place!

Sydney said...

Hey! Sydney! Thanks for the opportunity to win!