Monday, November 26, 2012

Looking Back

Here is my post from December 15, 2010.

You guessed it ..........

I didn't do a single blasted one of them.



Yvonne said...

That's okay, I only finished one of them in two years. Next year will be our year of finishes. :)

Carol said...

It's OK Vicky...this isn't a race...we do this for fun! Remember, no stress! Do what makes you happy!

Darlene said...

Oh pooh - who cares!!!!!! Don't look back!!!!

Look forward to thing that will make your heart sing. :-)

Darling Jill Quilts said...

Been there, done that. I don't post yearly goals anymore. :)

Kim Brackett said...

But look at the pretty things you HAVE finished. As long as you're having fun, that's what really matters. I ran out of room for all my UFOs, so I gave them to my friend. Now it's her problem. :-)

julieQ said...

Me too...but I did get a lot done! Just not what I planned on, LOL!! On we go girl...onward!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you just need to team up with another quilter, and plan on a time when the two of you can work on UFO's together and encourage each other. Two quilters working together makes half the work and twice the fun.

Penny said...

Hi Vicky ~ I clicked on ur link back to 2010 & felt rt at home re: UFO's. We even have at least 2 of the same quilts assembled to about the same point of completion. Yep, I too believe that Jane is correct in saying that they are UFO's because now we know what they look like. Thx Vicki & thx Jane for easing my conscious today!I'm looking forward to a new yr of quilting!! Penny

mascanlon said...

Well I haven't looked at my list/plan for 2012 recently. I will be in the same shape I believe. But I did get 2 holiday quilts off to the quilters yesterday...I will be binding at midnight but they will be done! With 2 babies on the way in the Spring I don't think I will be working on any UFOs for a bit...oh wait, bet I have a quilt or two that only needs a finishing touch....

Gayle Bong said...

Sometimes I wonder why I make lists. I know it helps me get more done, which is the idea, but then I too feel some stress. I guess life is pretty good if that is all I have to complain about - now.

Diane said...

There are times in our lives when living is all we can do. Keeping our heads above water and breathing. I had so many plans for 2012 and almost none of them happened. I had health issues, I traveled with my husband for 2-3 weeks each month for 6 months, and now I have been worrying for weeks as to where we will be living next year. Today I have decided to just breath. Anything other than breathing with be lagniappe.