Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stash Report Week 47

I'm working on my Simple Sophisticated blocks today. I'm so late getting these done this month. Those of you who will complete your blocks in time for the drawing on Thanksgiving morning, please post your finish HERE.

Not much of anything happened in my sewing room this week. The long Thanksgiving weekend will find me in there for three whole days! I plan on finishing up something ... anything ... to get another bust before year's end! Why does everyone laugh when I say that? Stop it! I can bust! I can!

I had a teeny bust this week. I mailed out four yards for the backing on a group quilt. And it was out of my RP stash!!!

Purchases, none. Well, I had a couple of boxes come in, but they were for gifts for others so I'm not counting those.

Over the Christmas holidays I need to get into my stash room and move the shelves around and reorganize. I have a feeling I'll be so disgusted with myself over the amount of fabric in there that I will enter the new year with firm resolve to bust.

Year-to-Date Totals:

Busted: 410.00 yards
Purchased: 709.00 yards
Net YTD: <299.00> yards busted


Hanne said...

I will have company in 2009 then, in my stash busting effort ? :-)

Well - when I do a quick look and guesstimate my use of fabric and my purchases come out about even, but that is not at all good enough.
I do not have room for all this fabric in my future quilting life.

I see some more charity quilts in the near future, using from the oldest fabrics - which by the way still looks quite good, age considered :-)

Patti said...

Good luck! Every time I do that - or iron newly washed fabric and try to find a place for it - I swear that was the last purchase and I'm busting.

Until the next time. This time the resolve lasted a whole 2 weeks. You'll see how I caved when I post my report later today LOL!

Anonymous said...

good for you!
you busted more than i did this week, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. You busted quite an enormous amount this year, even if some of your "bust" came my way. I am using some in a QOV for Alycia, by the way, so it will be a bust for both of us. Keep up the good work and keep inspiring those of us who don't get done nearly as much as you do.

Anonymous said...

Could I come over to your house and admire your stash? LOL

Lori in South Dakota said...

You're not alone. I think most of us will still be with you. I KNOW I will still be digging in my stash trying to use more than I buy. Or at least get it close, that way I will have some NEW fabrics in the stash. Try the folding with the ruler trick, I can tell you from experience you can fit a lot more stash IN than you had before!

Anonymous said...

Vickie-Have you seen this book?
Its YOU all over
Miss you
Mountain Girl aka Bobbie

Vicky said...

Hey Bobbie. Yes, I have that one! Thanks for reminding me! Those are adorable doxies on there!

Nicole said...

I am in the hope that I will catch up on my Simply Sophisticated blocks over the long weekend. I love your tally on how much fabric used vs how much purchased. Personally, I would not want to put that down anywhere in writing in case my DH saw it!

Anne Sutton said...

So here's what you do. Stack all your fabric into 3 stacks. One is must keepers. Two is maybe keepers and three is definitely not keepers. Then wait three days. By the time you move the definitely not keepers over to the maybe keepers and the maybe keepers over to the must keepers you'll be so mixed up you'll just put it all away again. That's how it should be! Have a great Thanksgiving!